I feel kind of dumb asking this but I'm attempting to export the eagle files to something usable for prototyping.
using the CAM processor in Eagle I can see that I need a different section for each file that the prototyper needs, the question is which layers need to be selected for which output files..
they want individual files for the following:
Top layer: Top + Pads + Vias???
Bottom layer: Bottom + Pads + Vias??
Solder Stop Mask top: tStop? + ?
Solder Stop Mask Bottom: bStop? + ?
Silk Top: _tsilk? + ?
Silk Bottom: _bsilk? + ?
NC Drill: Drills? Holes? Drill_Legend?
Since I dont have any CAM equipment handy to ensure that these files will produce an output that I want Im asking for a little guidance on the layer selection for each file.
Top needs top, bottom needs bottom, sure, but if you just export top it yells at you about Pads and Vias, so what else is necessary for a proper file output?
Thanks for any help, sorry for the noob question, but I guess it's something that we will eventually have to write up for those unfamiliar with the process if they want to DIY