This thread is amazing! Thank you!
You're welcome.
The pics are soooo clear. Your son will someday be able to show your grandchildren where you two spent some of his early years together.
Yes, this place will definitely leave a stain on your soul. No one really cares how much money you have, or what car you drive"¦"¦flashy clothes, meh.
wow amazing..not only do u live in paradise u have access to some wonderful coral picking.most ppl sell sps sticks for $15-$75 a piece..
tank looks great..send more pics when u get some new pieces
You eventually get past the fat kid in the candy store mentality.
Why i don't live there??? :headwally:
Apply"¦..then you can join the rest of us complaining about this and that. Complaining is fun.
This is incredible. I tried to send you a PM but it said I didn't have enough posts to do so. So I tried sending you an email. I want to be you.
I think I answered your question. Good ole hiring freeze, ala sequestration. A few hires are slipping thru the cracks, might get lucky.
Bump me? Bump you.
Incredible thread!!! Thanks for sharing!
You're also welcome
Any updates?
Maybe your on vacation?
Better be shots from that!!
I'm back in the saddle.
Whatup Z. update for ya.
amazing thread. have you been to the ORA facility there?
No, that's in the next atoll over closer to the capitol, Majuro. I would love to go some time, have to figure out how I can get someone to pay for me to go.
I hope the fish mafia didnt get him
All is quiet on the fish mafia front. What he doenst know is I had a half dozen Dr. Seuss soapfish for dinner last night, delish!
Need about a 100 picture update.
100 pics, hmm"¦. Tell you what, ill pad the count and throw in a few land shots of the Phils for you.
Update time.
Well I'm back from the Philippines.
A couple of weeks of R and R did me good. It was an excellent trip with the opportunity to see old friends. We travelled to many islands, covered just about every mode of transportation, planes, trains, automobiles, jeepneys, trikes, ferry boats, water taxis..and a whole lotta walking.
Back on "œthe Rock" getting into the swing of things again, mundane lifestyles, riding my bike to work, dive on the weekends.
After being in the crowds of downtown Manila with all the hustle and bustle, kind of nice to get back to the normalcy of waving 10 times riding my to work, going to the bar, and knowing everyone.
On the flip side of the coin, I have to say, being in the general public and seeing strangers also was nice too. I think im a bit socially unadjusted since being conditioned out here for almost three years. I hope my psyche is not completely ruined and I can someday re-assimilate back into society. Ill have to learn to walk and text at the same time, and perhaps tweet too.
The tank fared well during the two weeks, only lost a single fish"¦.my Moorish idol. Not sure how it kicked the bucket, but Gil is gone.
Here are some of my awesome vacation pics. Who doesn't like other peoples vacation pics? Sorry if some are bored by these, but ive been challenged to post a hundred pics"¦.some of these are fillers.
Manila / Tagaytay
Manila Aquarium (why do reefgeeks insist on visiting every damn aquarium they can on vacation?)