Here's some pics from Boracay diving. For being the largest, most over developed tourist trap in the Phils, I have to say the diving wasn't too bad. I missed out on some planned dives in Bohol, just couldn't get the logistics worked out.
Please excuse the pictures. Yet another new underwater setup to get used to.
I picked up an Olympus EPL-1 micro 4/3rds camera with housing for $399. Great deal for this setup. I didn't have a zoom ring when I was in the Philippines, so all my photos are from the same distance.
A few good ones in the mix, a few practice ones....
Definitely diving twice this weekend, feel the need to get wet.
I'm still on the hunt for a mystery wrasse. It seems every time I don't bring my collection nets, I need them by the dozens. When I do bring my nets, I see only solitary sightings. I had a bad run of tissue RTN using natural seawater, lost quite a few corals. Im going to use strictly ASW from this point on.
Tank shots to follow.