Awesome stuff man.keep it going!
thumbs up, glad you are enjoying the thread.
Not bad, you found the infamous aquarium stores in Tung Choi Street in Kowloon, Hong Kong.:thumbsup:
yes, i enjoyed HK much more than Singapore. my kinda city
Never wanted a Iphone before now lol.
Have to sneak those pics in.... im a guy's guy, know what i mean, lol.
They keep their fish in bags?? They certainly must have holding tanks somewhere in the back? That last photo cracked me up.
its a trip to see in person, how many people own fish tanks in HK, i wonder.
Great shots! I love this thread.
Its an out of body experience!
glad you enjoy my rants.
Well winter is just around the corner again in this part of the world. I'll be watching for your latest and greatest pics/videos from your backyard to help with the winter doldrums. Thanks,---Rick
what is this strange word you speak, winter? its 85 here, and when we get off work, taking the scooters out diving!!
I liked the last pic from Hong Kong and the slew of creepers lol
oh yeah!!
I have all post with my mouth open.
thanks for sharing this piece of heaven!!!! O.....M....F....G...!!!
Thanks!!!!! i love what you do!!
Keep posting if you can!
thanks....we call it almost heaven around here. still have to wake up and go to work 5 days a week.
Awesome thread thanks for putting in the time to share it with us bro... And u seem very layed back your not missing much here in the states

I would totally be like the fat kid in the candy store and try and hord every coral I saw lol....
meh, i dont want to say the novelty gets old, but you excercise control. what ive learned the most out here is to respect the ocean.
marshall islands here i come in 4 years.
well come on thru. its not for everyone. if you have tatoos, piercings, dont complain too much, and a bit fit in just fine.
Been to that island few times, but only realized it were just a dream :headwally:
Beautiful photos
wake up wake up, put some clothes on man.
After about 10 days in Bali, we pretty much burned thru all of the touristy stuff to do.
Temples, check.
Monkey Forest, check
Water park, check
4X4'ing, check
ATV'ing, check
White water rafting, check
Safari zoo, check
Well, ran out of stuff to do, so decided to go on an adventure to Bali Aquarich's facility.
I emailed the owner, Wen-Ping Su and he was gracious enough to open the doors to his facility to conduct a private tour.
We hired a car from the hotel, which was 45 a day, fuel inclusive. I think they lost out on this one, because we drove clear across Bali, from the South, all the way up to the Northern coast to get to the facility.
We arrived at the facility and took a quick bathroom break and proceeded with the tour. It was a huge undertaking building this breeding facility.
It's a family affair, with the house in the front, and the facility in the back. It seemed like everyone one chipped in to help, son/daughter etc.
There was a bit of a language barrier, but we managed to get the gist of what he was saying about growing phyto on site, the number of clownfish in inventory at any one time(I believe I heard a million, cant remember correctly)
Sure, the facility is not all shiny with everything labeled. It wasn't a kid friendly, ADA approved layout but there was a bit of genius with the layout and the thought process it took to erect such a facility.
It was a fish propagation facility with some project X and skunkworks thrown in the mix.
From what I understood, this was not Su's first foray into the fish breeding business, rather rev 2.0.
I was allowed to see about 75% of the facility.
I know there was some closed door stuff going on he wasn't keen on doing a show and tell with. I asked., hey, what about those buildings over there"¦I was hurriedly shoed away and advised, no pictures over there.. Smile.
After the tour, some refreshments and snacks were provided. It was hot outside.
Enjoy the pics.
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