Woohoo, new lens day!


Premium Member
The kit lens on my Rebel XT has left me wanting much more from the camera. When zoomed in to 55mm, the lens was dog slow and not sharp by any means. I was hearing great things about the 50mm F/1.8 so I decided to pick it up today. I know these pics are nothing special but I wasn't able to capture these firefish with the kit lens, it was just too slow. I probably took a few hundred with the 18-55mm and nothing ever came out. I took four with the new 50mm and got two good ones :) This lens is razor sharp and really fast. Not bad for $80 :D

Good side shot:

This isn't the best picture in the world, but the shutter was easily fast enough to capture his mouth open. I thought it was pretty cool.
Actually, those are very nice pictures indeed. It is amazing how much difference a good lens can make. That's really what makes or breaks an SLR. . .the choice of lens. I was actually looking at possibly getting that very lens (the price is quite reasonable). I ended up getting the 85mm (f/1.8), which I'm very happy with.
I was a bit weary getting a prime lens since I'm used to having some sort of zoom, but I'm happy I got it. I'm hoping to get outside a bit tomorrow and see how it does in regular daylight. I also have my 100mm F/2.8 macro in the mail right now and should get it by this weekend. I am expecting some good things from that.
Nice shots!
You can always tell good glass by the bokeh (quality of the out of focus part of the image)-- it's nice and smooth.
If I didn't already have the 50mm macro I'd be getting that lens too.
I heard good things about the bokeh as well. The only downfall is that I see EVERY little speck of debris floating in the water now, lol. Sharpness has its price I guess.
Congrats on the new lens, it is indeed a very sharp lens. I had it on my 300D and it is performing just as good on the 350D.
As far as prime vs. zoom, I think prime lenses are by far have better glass, at least in Canon's line up. I'm not speaking of the "L" class either, that is another story... :D

The shots are exellent, BTW.
I also have the 50mm F/1.8. I agree, its awesome. Especially for the price.
Great shots. I always thought firefish were really cool looking.