Yes, It's Another Tank thread

Went to a frag swap 2 weekend ago
Not too bad pickup frags I don't have. I would have swapped more of my stuff but they didn't want fresh cut.
Aussie tri color
scoot ult purple
tiny bubble gum digi
Jedi mind trick (looks dead so guess that's the trick)
Pale green polyp bird nest( only tip seem alive)
One unmarked

I didn't in this lot but have in the past.
I only trust revive since bayer failed me once.
I add about a cap full to 8-12 oz water and dip for just a few mins. If there are any you see right away the death
I love it when I find some.
I cut off the plug if possible and if not I seal any suspicious areas in superglue
Then into into some tank water then mount in the tank.
No QT tanks for me
I usally find some from LFS.
Went by cal reef last week and traded so frags. Must have a few hundred frags to choose from.
Lots of them fully encrested plugs.
Not much color but lots of potential.

Just pic of some of the frags I picked up from last week.
Lost one but rest seem to be doing well.

One in the center

Acropora lokani (I think)
I have close to the top. Hope it keep that bit of yellow.
One of the frags from Cal reef
Starting to encrust
Nice Wayland, bout time you put that tank in the atmosphere of RC =)..

Looks like you got my frags from Feb cause mine are all Krap ha ha.. Nice job man keep the pics coming.

I'll get you the sky blue loisette soon so save me a piece of the red Robin and when that new multi color from Neptune's you just posted grows up I'd kill for a piece=) .
Nice Wayland, bout time you put that tank in the atmosphere of RC =)..

Looks like you got my frags from Feb cause mine are all Krap ha ha.. Nice job man keep the pics coming.

I'll get you the sky blue loisette soon so save me a piece of the red Robin and when that new multi color from Neptune's you just posted grows up I'd kill for a piece=) .

Thanks Daniel, yea very reluctant since there are so many nice looking tanks .
Yea I still can't figure out what we got from turbo21. But think of me as your frag system since anything I have that's fraggable is yours for the asking.
From some of the most recent reviews I've read - you're both lucky they're Alive lol