Okay, you guys got me.
Hello, my name is: Josh/ Snapple
I've been a reefing for: A total of 5 mo.
My current system is a: 95g "wave" Display tank, 25g sump, reef octopus skimmer, Zoos, candy canes, acans, war coral, palythoas, acroporas, Monti caps, and a clam.
My own personal tank is a JBJ Picotope (3g) with VidaRock (local company, Cerameco, check out their website.
Zoos: Nuclear Sunset, Miami Hurriane, Unnamed Unknown awesome zoos, Hulk, Poor mans Utter chaos, Tubbs blues, spidermans, Dragon eyes, Greenbay packers, Candy apple red palys, and zoos I am calling crop circles (red, with a white mouth, skirts that look like AoG skirts, and a black ring in the middle)
LPS: Orange/ Black/ and green acan, Hollywood stunner chalice, 2 Unknown chalices.
SPS: green and Blue encrusting montipora, Superman monti,
with a: (95g) Niger Triger, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, 2 misbarred perc clowns, yellowtailed damsel, starry blenny, 6 line wrasse, Melanurus wrasse.
(3g) recently deciesed yellow clwon goby :*(
and the following lighting

95) Current USA 250w MH running 14k Pheonix bulbs.
(3g)- DIY LED lighting, 5 Cree Royal blue, 3 Cree cool white, on a MW ELN-48-60D.
with: a small CUC,
and: lots of feather dusters
I joined RC for: the wealth of knowledge distrubuted from person to person with no loss in translation.
and to learn: about SW tanks. (period)
as well as to share my: Tanks.