Zoa Lover Introduction . . .

You got it! Ya still got the PC's If it ain't broke don't fix it:D Love 14k Phoenix great color.

I've notice a lot of new people here. Seems to be less threads of what's this called and how much can I get for it.

Ok so my name is Heidi, and yes I am a zoa lover! I just started my reef 6 months ago and am just starting my humble little collection. I do not know the names of my zoa, but thats ok because some of the names are just soo silly :). I am looking forward to a swap I get to go to in a few weeks where I can look and pick up some neat ones for my little collection. Great Forum I have learned a lot!!
Welcome home heidi. Ahh don't worry about knowing a single name, just continue to assorb all the knowledge on keeping them alive and heathly an you'll be much happier and successful.

Mucho Reef
Hello, my name is: SushiGirl

I've been a reefing for: Total 4 1/2 years. Originally 2000 - 2004, moved in 2005 and just set a tank back up in October.

My current system is a: 55 gallon RR reef.

with a: 20+ gallon sump

and the following lighting: 4 T5s and LED moonlights

with: 85 lbs of rock, 80+ of sand

and: orange-spotted goby, six-spot goby, 2 orbic cardinals, 3 mithrax (2 green, 1 red), several hermits, some ceriths, 5 turbos, 2 skunk cleaners, 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 (maybe 2, not sure) candy pistol shrimp, several stomatellas (including "Stomazilla") and strombus snails that are all breeding like crazy.

I joined RC for: Well, it was too long ago but knowing me for IDing hitchhikers LOL.

and to learn: to ID more hitchhikers

as well as to share my: knowledge of hitchhikers!

Yeah, I'm a hitchhiker and invert junkie...love to learn what stuff is & help others ID their weird stuff that shows up.
Hello, my name is: Ricardo

I've been a reefing for: 6 years

My current system is a: 46g bowfront

with a: 30g custom sump, xpsss1000 reef octopus cone skimmer

and the following lighting: 4 t5HO giess bulbs

with: Reefbrite blue LED strip

and: mp10ES for in tank circulation

I joined RC for: learning, sharing, discussing & meeting new reefers
Okay, you guys got me.

Hello, my name is: Josh/ Snapple

I've been a reefing for: A total of 5 mo.

My current system is a: 95g "wave" Display tank, 25g sump, reef octopus skimmer, Zoos, candy canes, acans, war coral, palythoas, acroporas, Monti caps, and a clam.

My own personal tank is a JBJ Picotope (3g) with VidaRock (local company, Cerameco, check out their website.
Zoos: Nuclear Sunset, Miami Hurriane, Unnamed Unknown awesome zoos, Hulk, Poor mans Utter chaos, Tubbs blues, spidermans, Dragon eyes, Greenbay packers, Candy apple red palys, and zoos I am calling crop circles (red, with a white mouth, skirts that look like AoG skirts, and a black ring in the middle)
LPS: Orange/ Black/ and green acan, Hollywood stunner chalice, 2 Unknown chalices.
SPS: green and Blue encrusting montipora, Superman monti,

with a: (95g) Niger Triger, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, 2 misbarred perc clowns, yellowtailed damsel, starry blenny, 6 line wrasse, Melanurus wrasse.
(3g) recently deciesed yellow clwon goby :*(

and the following lighting:(95) Current USA 250w MH running 14k Pheonix bulbs.
(3g)- DIY LED lighting, 5 Cree Royal blue, 3 Cree cool white, on a MW ELN-48-60D.

with: a small CUC,

and: lots of feather dusters

I joined RC for: the wealth of knowledge distrubuted from person to person with no loss in translation.

and to learn: about SW tanks. (period)

as well as to share my: Tanks.




Hello, my name is: David

I've been a reefing for: For 5 years

My current system is a: 30 gallon reef zoa dominated tank

with a: sealife protein skimmer, live rock

and the following lighting: SunSystem Tek light w/ 4 T5 HO bulbs

with: Lots of Zoas, acans, rics, colt, mushrooms

and: a pair of Clownfish,(Female Misbar, and Male Black and White Misbar,) Sixline Wrasse, Orange Spot Goby, and Sgt. Major( which my gf caught for me at Peanut Island when it was tiny and is now Huge!! have send him back Home soon), Blood shrimp and scarlet cleaner shrimp.

I joined RC for: help with my system

and to learn: more about the hobby especially keeping zoas!

as well as to share my: Experiences, Pictures, and Interest in Reefing!
hey- im macrodood (never should have let my bf register)... my bf and i share this acct... but my name is molly

been reefing for 10 yrs, took the last 6 months or so off as i sold my house and didnt feel like moving my tanks... ive had them all sps, lps, mixed and zoa dedicated systems..

current system is in the works, i dont have the room for my 220 gal+ systems any more and i am planning on setting up a 45 ga cube.. would like a bigger one... some day ill be in the position to set the biggies up again..
a little about the set up im planning:

45 gal marineland reef ready

15 gal sump

evolutions 100w 20k led fixture

bubble magus nac3+

Turbelleร‚ยฎ stream Kit TS24 hidden in tunze rocks

i joined rc mainly to share what i know as well as to converse with the true zoa lovers of the world... im not into the designer names... im into showcasing these amazing creatures and creating an environment where they will not just survive, but thrive
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Hello Ric, Josh, David and Mac, welcome to the zoa forum. Thanks for sharing, good stuff and don't be shy.

Ricardo, how do you like those Reefbrites?

Josh, squeeeeeky clean tank,....I like.

David, looking forward to hearing more about those polyps.

Mac, awesome setup you have going, and I loved your last paragraph. Thanks

Welcome again fellas.

MUCHO Ricardo said:
I'll just say I don't enjoy my tank as much with them off...lol

Seriously I would recommend them to anyone if you want your colors to really pop out!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey Ricardo welcome, good to see you over here as well.

Josh, welcome aboard - looking forward to seeing the pico all grown in and covered in zoas.

David, your set-up sounds pretty cool welcome aboard.

Molly, welcome looking forward to seeing your new build progress.

David and Molly if you start build threads be sure and set us up with a link.

Anybody else wanna join in the fun?
Im Evan, been reefing since about 2000 or so starting small and working my way up. My current system is a 90g display (heavily sps) and a 30g frag tank (more zoa) with 2x250 radium 20k over the display with 2 54wt5 blue+, and over the frag is a 14k icecrap with 2 39w t5 blue+.
used to have a 75 that would just multiply zoa's in front of your eyes. this started my zoa addiction.
joined RC cause where i lived this was the only forum with active member (blacksburg VA)
and to learn something new daily, i mean with this hobby its hard not to.
as well as to share any knowledge or input I am able to as well as help out whoever i can cause i know ive gotten some help from others around here.
Welcome aboard Evan! Please share your knowledge/experiences here in the zoanthid forum.

Just an FYI for everyone, Scopus Tang will be bugging out soon, so I'm turning this over to Mucho till I return under my new alter ego.

Cheers All!
Hello all
My name is Tai

Was attracted to reefing by my girlfriend and happily/addicted to reefing since 2000. However, my mom have been taking care of my tank for the past 4 years because I moved to NYC for dental school. Will be back to reefing again full time in 1 month::)))))))).

my current system: 55gal/20 gal sump mixed reef.

Tank crashed and lost 95% of paly/zoo collections 2 years ago. Only have nuclear green, death, ppe and aog:(((((.

250 watt MH/t5
euro reef skimmer and chiller

I joined RC: to make friends, and learn from others and stress relief from dental school. Thanks you all....your posts....pictures.......etc helped me made it this far and will graduate from NYU college of dentistry in 1 month.

There is still so much for me to learn and thanks all for sharing the knowledge...

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