Sorry for your loss! My sincere condolences to you. That's really scary!
This whole thread startled me because I had an "issue" with a zoanthid colony in my tank when I was first introduced to this hobby.
Just to set a little background for you:
I was in that newbie stage we all go through where I had a small tank and was constantly moving things around. I had just bought a mushroom rock and a rock with two types of zoanthids.
I started experiencing a racing hearbeat over the next few days and had a "coppery" taste in my mouth (like I was sucking on a penny) which would not go away.
It got so scary that I went to see the doctor and had an EKG done. The results were fine because I wasn't experiencing the racing (and sometimes fluttering) hearbeat during the tests.
I finally made the connection, and realized I was poisoning myself by touching and moving the zoanthid covered rock, by spending hours searching the Internet for things related to a metallic taste in the mouth. "Mercury poinsoning..hmmm...don't think so", "Ovarian cancer medication...nope...I'm a guy", and then finally "Bingo"! One little article caught my eye about someone's description of his friend getting sick from polyps. It was a longshot but I occasionally bite my nails, and I had just gotten the polyps.
Well, I no longer have the yellow ones that I think were the problem, but I became very careful about touching all zoanthids. My girlfriend moved them and never exhibited any symptoms, but I refused to touch that zoanthid rock without gloves on! This incident was a couple of years ago and I have never had a problem health-wise since.
My non-reefing friends still rib me about thinking I was having heart problems because I touched something in my fish tank. Guess it's not so funny now.