Z's upgrade build

Aaron, so true. When I saw it I was amazed on design and function. Also foot print is ideal. I love my wood stand but you are right it wood be cool to look at.
I will update more later today I started staining canopy and although I got color to match it does not look right. I will see if camera will pick up what I mean. Heat and humidity has made any work a process.

I forgot the person who pm'ed me asking for sump model number but if you are following thread I was able to find that my Tsunami Sump is model RP6030. I think the last owner asked for 2 extra filter sock holders. He mentioned that they have many designs that are similar.

My gate valves are stuck somewhere in amazon after they sent me the wrong ones. I am hoping I can cut out electrical wholes today now that all painting is done.
Thanks reef pilot. I went to a far far away land today. Passed westeros today (a.k.a st. Pete). In my journey I found a great deal I inspiration a day ideas. I even found a long lost friend and warrior mr. Copperband.

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I also had the opportunity to visit a tropical reef. Nice store. They had a nice blue face trigger. For those wondering who's magnificent tank is posted above. It is a surely must tank of janes_nw.
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Today I am getting a 275 IBC food grade tote to move rock and fish into. I will be picking up a 150 gallon rubber made vat as well to bring up rock to 300 pounds.

I have open new thread for 210 break down.


Need all the space I can get.

I have mocked up plumbing and stand is now stained. Not happy with how it looks but it works and Wife is happy that color is near. I wish I could see more of the grain but oh well I might be over critical.
Rob I love the 80s. I am trying my hardest to get water going. Will after some setbacks from work. I finally got back to it. I finished staining and after trying a gloss coat of urethane I was not happy. So going to go with low luster. I also got a IBC 275 gallon tote to hold my fish for this weekends possible tear down of my 210. Bittersweet seeing the tank go. More so the stand and canopy are my favorite. I wish I could keep it for planted discus. Here are some pictures.

Forgot to mention that was first stain. I sanded lily and applied again. Also doors are now done. Will try to get more pictures.


I wish I had more to update on new tank but I was focused on getting the old one to a new home. That said here some pictures of process and were i am at now.

275 gallon bin Cleaning: It was used for Vinaigrette and was pretty dirty. I first pressure washed inside and left it full with tap water for 48 hours. I then drained and air dry for 24 hours. After that I filled with tap again and 2 gallons of bleach for 48 hours (Also pressured wash outer area. After that I then refilled with tap and added a pump and 25 ml of seachem prime and let sit for 24 hours. Final phase was to let it dry for 48 hours and cut a 30x24 section on top. Last step was go bring it inside and start filling with RO. I did test for chlorine and negative.


210 breakdown prep

Halfway Mark:


Rock has a ton of life I was amazed how much sponge and life was growing on it and the overflows:

Temp holding tank / 275 gallon bin. By the way its for sale:
wow. Very nice progress dude. Let me know if you need a had over the weekend to move stuff. I should be free this weekend and I am close enough to your place.
Thanks Manny. Sadly because of work I might not be able to move tank for another 2 weeks. Still have to wire up canopy with t5 and add plumbing. Also have to do a quick run.
Overdue Update

Overdue Update

I wish I had more of an update but work has been crazy. Here is were I am at and some pictures I took when I was able to work on tank.

Here is the pictures of mock up of dursos (Yes I have a few caps that are drilled in different sizes).


Here is the stand with Remote controlled LED kit installed and on full brightness.



Here is the plumbing mocked up after a failed attempt with Flex PVC from Lowes only.



Here is my ghetto bulkhead wrench I made and used (Yes I now its ugly but it seems my Dremel is missing as I was shooting for a pretty version). Not bad $3 and 15 minutes of labor. I was going to create an extension but this worked very well and exceed what I had expected. Hopefully I can find my dremel and make it look nicer.




Its been about a week since I took these pictures here is some issues I have come across.

On first run flex PVC leaked as I flexed it. I used red cement from Lowes and let it set 24 hours before running tap. I guess I didn't use enough or the wrong type (leaning towards wrong stuff).

After several attempts of trying to silent durso as much as possible, I think I found a good mix and possible issue. My 2 DCS12000 Jeboa can out flow my 3 x1.5 drains by a long shot. so dialing it down to about 60% and correcting durso cap was able to get them to be silent but here and there the center full siphon center drain makes a flushing noise. Pumps are dead silent but does hum a bit at 100%.

I thought I was going to lose a ton of drain flow by switching to fixed pvc but notice no change . Still running pumps at 60%. I can run higher but the noise levels of water in sump and tank drain is higher than I like.

I am concerned that if those pumps should ever reset to 100% I could have a flood as in noticed in my testing the pumps quickly outpaced the overflow with in 5 minutes.

So far all test runs have been in the garage and hope to work on lights soon. I will trying to take pictures today of tank running its been about 24 hours and no leaks :).