Z's upgrade build



Well after working on tank for a few days super late at night I finally got water in tank and ran several test. Happy I took Mike Janes advice and plumb tank and tested in garage. So let me update the many issues I hit and how it was fixed.

PVC mock up was hard and after many cuts I glued it all just to find out the threaded bulkhead leaked even with tape.

After a big hit to ego I decided to cut and try to salvage as much as possible. I tried suggestions of thread lock. Much better the second time around but still leaked just a very small amount (almost nothing). The drain stopped leaking entirely but the pressurized 1" returns still leaked.

Switching bulkheads:

Lucky for me I had my ghetto diy bulkhead wrench and was able to remove bulk heads to add new slip/slip bulk heads but had to mockup plumbing again.

Good part is that while the leak was so small the second time around I decided to continue flow testing and noise calibration. Rob thorn helped out big on this.

I raised the Durso as highest as I could and the emergency center drain is bumping the overflow lid. So far with some help this tank seems to run quieter than my old 210. Also had issue with not being able to run pumps on full power. After correcting Durso I can now run pumps at full power.

Here is sump with pumps on full blast:

Sump is a bit noisy in video but I have a fix for it which I hope to have fixed tomorrow. Tested it today and it sounds promising.

What's next? Drain tank and move tank into house and start RO/di fill.
Looking good. Looks like a very noisy way to fill the filter socks. Other then that ����
Thanks Roger that is the loudest section so far. I think I have an answer to that. Good part is that section has a cover. Still want to try to lower it as much as possible. Once I add doors to stand I am sure I will have very little noise. Open to any suggestions. I am going to order the Finnex lights for the refugium soon. I have to admit I was amazed how much flow was going on in DT I wasn't expecting much.
Very glad it is working out for you. There appears to be a local supplier that has what I consider crap bulkheads that just leak. No idea why it just happens. I am not the only one.

I am with Roger on the filter sock filling but I have seen a few like this that are pretty quiet so it can be done.

Put some salt in that thing already.
I am trying. I read some where of people using tap and salt and do a ton of water changes while cycling. I wish I could speed all of it up before I head to Costa Rica.
I am trying. I read some where of people using tap and salt and do a ton of water changes while cycling. I wish I could speed all of it up before I head to Costa Rica.

Wow tap water. How experienced are these people and prob a fish only system in the end.

I do know that it can be done as the last fish club meeting that big 30,000 gal tank was filled with tap but even they said they didn't want to but had to for time scheduling for the TV show they were on. So it can be done but I wouldn't
Great progress! I would never do tap water though, too risky with potential contaminates. Is the rush to get it filled and cycling before you leave?
I also wouldn't set up a tank then leave it alone to run. I would want to be around u might have some small to major things that need attention with a new tank.

Thanks. In my mind the rush is to be up and fully stocked yesterday :). I only researched it to see if anyone had the guts to do it. I was amazed that some have tried. Here in FL I wouldn't dare. I would like it to be cycling by then and fish in tank. But I don't want to rush it and revisit again.
In the overall time it takes to build a big tank, the few days to fill with RO/DI, while painful, is pretty insignificant.
Rob thank you I have second unit I could use. I have to research on how can I add my old 50 gpd RO member to my 90.

So here is a status, after some suggestions I was able to reduce the drain noise at the sump by 12 decibels buy extending the pipes and using a 45 degree at elbow at the end. Ran it for a few days pumps at 100%.

Here is the average ranges with phone right over the sump.

I will updated video. Tank is ready to be moved in house. Hopefully work will allow for me to do it soon.


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Nice to see it coming together! I like the db phone app idea, I'll have to remember that when I start plumbing. BTW, I noticed your socks are not sitting recessed, is there a lip for them to sit in? If not, might be a good time to router one in so they seal up.
It has a lip already. The Phone app idea came from my buddy in AC biz in NYC. He uses it to base line and monitor AC units noise. The socks being taller then needed does not help.
Also they float because of trapped bubbles once it runs for 15 minutes they sit correctly.
Well I finally have some time to update. So after being pressured by my neighbors to get the tank out of garage they offered some help one afternoon. I Came in from work open garage and 5 minutes later 5 of us were ready for a work out (Sorry I didn't take pictures but we need all our hands :). Most of all thank you all those who offered to move tank. Took 3 dollies and brute force but it was worth it. I qoute Matt next door. "My kid will finish collage by the time you move that tank it". Rob and Mike were kind enough to add to pressure :).

There is about 20 gallons here. As I write the i am at around 80 gallons. I have cleaned and rinsed off sand and it's ready to be added tomorrow. All electrical is complete (thanks Mike Janes on reefkeeper crash course). I will take more pictures of electrical. Next up on work is wiring up t5 and led. First time being off from work on call in almost a year.

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That is one sweat looking Monster! You may have answered this before but once you get it filled whats your timetable for cycling?

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I am hoping cycle will be shorter as I have had 150 ponds of rock curing for over 3 months. I hoping to add fish before a trip I am taking.