10' Pond Build

If I had a pond like that, I'd get me some clean hip waders, walk out into the middle of it, and hand-feed everything. I've done that with wild sunfish and some patience, so captive fish would probably be quite happy to come eat out of your hand. Whole frozen shrimp would probably work quite well.
Have you considered a striped shrimpgoby? I don't know exactly what kind they are, but my LFS has a couple of 6" shrimpgobies that would be visible even in that tank. The pistols would probably go nuts under all that rockwork and just have fun.
Also a school of tangs would be so cool in that tang and I mean a lot like 20+ , I scuba dive like many here and one of the coolest things on the reef is a school of tangs
Maybe think about some groups of dwarf angels. Flames or coral beauties would add a nice splash of color and interact with one another a bit.

Definitely in the works! I now have lots of QT space available! I currently have one flame (1.5 - 2") Was thinking of adding 4 more. Other dwarf angels that I would like to add are C. flavissima, C. eibli, and C. bispinosa. I think a small group of 5 or so Pygmy angels (C. argi) would be a cool addition too.
I've really enjoyed following along in this thread. Beautiful Queen! I'm glad it was a smooth transition from QT to DT. It might have been mentioned already, but how much evaporation are you getting on a daily basis?

Thank you! Of all of the fish I've added so far, I was definitely most concerned about adding the second queen. So much so, that I kept her in QT for an extra week until I worked up the nerve to attempt adding her. Decided to do it at the beginning of the weekend so that I could be available to keep an eye on things.

This reminds me that I need to start keeping better track of how much water I've been replacing due to evaporation. I'm going to guess somewhere around 50g or so per week.
O you have a full pond shot of the whole layout

Took this not too long after a water change, so It's a little on the cloudy side. Also, I had just painted the walls and they are still wet in the pic... kind of looks like excessive condensation.

If I had a pond like that, I'd get me some clean hip waders, walk out into the middle of it, and hand-feed everything. I've done that with wild sunfish and some patience, so captive fish would probably be quite happy to come eat out of your hand. Whole frozen shrimp would probably work quite well.
Have you considered a striped shrimpgoby? I don't know exactly what kind they are, but my LFS has a couple of 6" shrimpgobies that would be visible even in that tank. The pistols would probably go nuts under all that rockwork and just have fun.

Most of the fish come right up to me and will take food from my hand, so no need for me to get wet. :beer: I have a pistol shrimp/goby in my reef, but would suspect that the shrimp wouldn't fare too well with my 3 triggers and 2 puffers :)
that queen is pimp ! i'm suprised the two don't tussle. any plans for other angels?

I was really surprised when I added the new one that there wasn't so much as a chase or even a little fin-nip. Not sure if it's the color difference between the two, the size difference, or just the individual fish, but I'm really hoping that it lasts.

As for other angels, I'm planning to add a few small groups of dwarfs. I had originally wanted to try a pair of Pomacanthus paru, but think I'm going to hold off on this.
Can we get a full list of all the fish you've got in there?

Sure... Here goes.

Centropyge loricula
Pomacanthus annularis (juvenile) - Started with 2, but had to remove one due to aggression.
Pomacanthus maculosus
Holacanthus ciliaris (2)
Chromis viridis (12)
Premnas biaculeatus - in sump - Started laying eggs and became excessively territorial
Amphiprion ocellaris (2 "blacker ice) - in refugium - IMO too small for the pool
Chrysiptera cyanea (6)
Chrysiptera parasema (6)
Dascyllus aruanus (2)
Acreichthys tomentosus
Siganus doliatus
Diodon holocanthus
Arothron nigropunctatus
Zebrasoma flavescens (5)
Paracanthurus hepatus
Naso lituratus
Zebrasoma veliferum
Naso vlamingii
Naso unicornis (2)
Naso spp. - purchased at 1" as N. vlamingii, but is now over 3" and is looking like it may be a different species. Will have to wait until he grows a bit for a positive id.
Rhinecanthus aculeatus - Removed due to aggression toward R. assasi.
Rhinecanthus assasi
Odonus niger
Balistes punctatus
Choerodon fasciatus - Removed due to agression toward Cheilinus oxycephalus
Cheilinus oxycephalus
Thalassoma lucasanum
Thalassoma purpureum - Removed due to aggression toward smaller fish.
Cetoscarus bicolor
Scarus taeniopterus

I don't think I'm forgetting anyone :)
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I think I'm going to stay away from the "touchier" species, at least as far as the pool is concerned. May do a small group of Heniochus though.

I don't blame you. Moorish idols don't do well in hectic, competitive environments. I would imagine the large tangs, triggers, wrasses, and puffers would stress the hell out of an idol :eek2:
Would you say the pool is any less/more maintenance than with your average tank? It seems like pond/pool type setups always seem a lot simpler (1000g+) than that of a glass tank of the same size