10' Pond Build

That awesome I love how the fish just stay in the protection of the rock horseshoe structure that is funny. My angels would love that setup.

Yeah, that was one of the first things that I noticed when I changed the rock structure. A lot of the fish spent a good amount of time near the liner when I had the rock set up in random piles, but now they pretty much stick to the rock work. The exceptions being the new queen and porcupine puffer, which will follow my wife and I around the pool.
They would find it unsettling at first but you could get some great pictures and video of your fish with it. Plus if you leave your beer on the other side of the pool you can drive it over to you

Would be cool to be able to view/photograph my fish from a different perspective. I'm just about sold on the idea of adding an underwater camera, but have a few other additions that I'd like to make first (surface skimmer and sponge culture vessel being the two that come to mind at the moment). Now if only I could train some of the fish to retrieve/open a beverage can :beer:
Might be a dump question, but is this a setup in which you could add some corals? Or does the nature of reef keeping (flow, coral placement etc) appear to be against the nature of a build like this?

Not a dumb question at all. I'd say that the flow/natural sunlight would be enough to support a few less demanding coral species, but my stocking selection really precludes me from adding any. Having said that, I do have a buddy in the hobby who's reef tank is all but over run with sansibia. I think the next time he culls a bit, I might ask him for a few frags to try attaching to the liner.
Picked this guy up from my LFS today. Don't have many fish with pink/orange coloration, so I thought he'd really stand out in the pool :)

Apologies for the bad still in the bag (pre-QT) pic, but I didn't want to stress him out too much with a lengthy photo session.

Have you considered a wave dump/surge box (there's probably a better word for it).

Basically a pump fills a container with water. When the container gets full enough it tips over and creates a wave. As it empties it rights itself and the pump fills it back up again. You could use any size of pump and as many surge boxes in whatever size as you'd like to recreate a wave as extra flow. I think it would be pretty cool and you'd get some more random flow in the tank.
That's called a wavebox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbquLL_zeTA

There are several DIY waveboxes at YouTube. Surely, it can be done in a pond like moriarty's. That's a good suggestion.
I keep an outdoor koi pond and have often wondered how I could keep a saltwater "pond." This would actually work for me since I live in MI with winters that are way too cold for tropical fish.
Look forward to seeing pictures of your new arrival

I've been trying to snag a few, but this guy just won't cooperate. Every pic I've taken (granted, I've just been using my phone camera) comes out like a purplish blur. His shyness makes things particularly difficult, with him bolting into a length of PVC whenever I am anywhere near his QT tank. I'll keep trying around feeding time and maybe I'll get lucky one of these days. Every other fish that I've added to the pool (the exception being my maculosus) overcomes their shyness pretty quickly after being introduced, but I'd still like a good "up close" pic or two from QT.
That's called a wavebox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbquLL_zeTA

There are several DIY waveboxes at YouTube. Surely, it can be done in a pond like moriarty's. That's a good suggestion.

Thanks for the link! Going to look into some DIY ideas. Just have to figure out whether something that wouldn't be so strong as to rock the pool would be of significant benefit overall, and I do have to work around not compromising the view too much. The pool's metal frame is built to withstand people swimming/playing, but I don't want to push my luck with a constant back and forth motion. I would think something like that may take it's toll on the structural integrity over time.
So what is it anyway? I can't tell from the in-bag pic.

Terminal phase Coris venusta. Will post a better pic or two as soon as I'm able.


Colors are pretty accurate, but the bag really distorts. Almost posted this one in an ID thread just to have a little fun :)
I keep an outdoor koi pond and have often wondered how I could keep a saltwater "pond." This would actually work for me since I live in MI with winters that are way too cold for tropical fish.

Would love to see a build thread if you decide to give it a shot!
I think the Maxspec Gyre would be a option for wave making but you would probably need at least 2 of them. Not sure if that would be a good financial option though vs a surge/wave box
Any thoughts on a shark like a coral cat shark? Theres no way I wouldn't have a small shark in a pond like that!

Very Very cool build, I'm BEYOND jelly!
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I think the Maxspec Gyre would be a option for wave making but you would probably need at least 2 of them. Not sure if that would be a good financial option though vs a surge/wave box

Yeah, this might be a better way to go. Would just have to figure out how to configure them in the pool to get the desired flow pattern. Was thinking that I could mount one or more to my pump housing box and keep the flow going in the same direction as the main return (keeping with the overall gyre flow pattern of the pool). Definitely wouldn't hurt to start with one, and add more if needed. Could always use it on a different system if it doesn't work in the pool.