New member
this is just amazing
Thank you!
this is just amazing
That awesome I love how the fish just stay in the protection of the rock horseshoe structure that is funny. My angels would love that setup.
They would find it unsettling at first but you could get some great pictures and video of your fish with it. Plus if you leave your beer on the other side of the pool you can drive it over to you
Might be a dump question, but is this a setup in which you could add some corals? Or does the nature of reef keeping (flow, coral placement etc) appear to be against the nature of a build like this?
Lol, my ex would have put me face down in it for the long term!
My new soon to be wife, would hop herself in butt*ss naked and frolic in it on hot days
That's called a wavebox. you considered a wave dump/surge box (there's probably a better word for it).
Basically a pump fills a container with water. When the container gets full enough it tips over and creates a wave. As it empties it rights itself and the pump fills it back up again. You could use any size of pump and as many surge boxes in whatever size as you'd like to recreate a wave as extra flow. I think it would be pretty cool and you'd get some more random flow in the tank.
Look forward to seeing pictures of your new arrival
That's called a wavebox.
There are several DIY waveboxes at YouTube. Surely, it can be done in a pond like moriarty's. That's a good suggestion.
So what is it anyway? I can't tell from the in-bag pic.
I keep an outdoor koi pond and have often wondered how I could keep a saltwater "pond." This would actually work for me since I live in MI with winters that are way too cold for tropical fish.
I think the Maxspec Gyre would be a option for wave making but you would probably need at least 2 of them. Not sure if that would be a good financial option though vs a surge/wave box
this looks great!