10' Pond Build

I like the look of the plating corals.m what's your plan for keeping them clean?

Thanks! I attached them to the rock so that the sharks (hopefully) won't be able to knock them off and possibly injure themselves or the other fish. I was thinking of using a brush and a little elbow grease when needed. The smaller corals/clams that I've had in there for a while don't really get too bad, and just need a little brushing every month or so. I'm really hoping that this will be the case with the larger pieces as well.
How bad has this pond been on your power bill??

It does make a noticeable difference, but isn't at all unmanageable. The piece of equipment that makes the biggest impact is the dehumidifier. I used to have my 240g set up as an SPS reef (lots of pumps, MH lighting, etc...) which actually used more energy than the pool does.
It does make a noticeable difference, but isn't at all unmanageable. The piece of equipment that makes the biggest impact is the dehumidifier. I used to have my 240g set up as an SPS reef (lots of pumps, MH lighting, etc...) which actually used more energy than the pool does.

Just preparing for my 180g,, she pays the power bill so I may get a beating...lol
Wow haven't looked at this thread in forever, I like the new scape and that skimmer is a beast! This thread is very inspiring I would love to try this too
Thought this was a fun picture. My newest wrasse (Thalassoma hebraicum) just finished her time in QT, and is making herself at home in the pool. Showing her stress coloration here... much more vibrant otherwise.

This is the best thing I've seen on RC in a while. I didn't read the whole thread, just looked at all the pics and the video and I'm super jealous. Do you have to get in it to do maintenance? Do you wish you had some kind of side viewing window? My LFS has something like this but on a much smaller scale. Thing that sucks is you gotta use a floating acrylic box to really see anything clear because of the water flow. Also if you don't mind, what was your all up cost for setting this up?
I appreciate the compliment! I really don't have to get into the pool very often at all. I can reach the majority of the rock from the sides, and have some long tongs if I need to reach something toward the middle. Now that I think about it, the last time I was in there was when I re-did the aquascape. Actually, for clear viewing, I just have to re-direct the water flow with the ball valves that I installed coming from the pump so that the the water bypasses the sump and picks up a stronger flow under the surface. I'll try to take/post some more pics (like the one above with the wrasse) without all of the surface agitation. Yeah, It would have been nice to have some sort of viewing panel in the side, and if I ever decide to upgrade to a larger/deeper pool, I may consider installing one. Was just more of a risk than I wanted to take with this set up.

I really haven't totaled everything up cost-wise, but a ballpark figure would be somewhere around 7500 (including all equipment, LR/base rock, sand, fish...). and an additional 150-200 monthly for water changes, energy, testing, etc... I may be forgetting a few things, but this would be a close estimate :)
Looks great with the new coral decorations. Any particular brand you went for? Woul d nt have been Living Color, by chance?

As for electric, this summer I finally bit the bullet and bought a big (ish) chiller, because of those real hot spells. Happened to pick up an AquaLogic 1/3hp as well, to run in series. Haven't seen the effect on the electric bill as PSEG is still sending estimated usage bills. Dreading the day they get the right readings.....
As for the coral decorations, thank you for the compliment! The majority of them are from O.S.I. marine labs (I don't think they are manufacturing anymore, so they were tough to track down. The big one in the center, I found at my LFS. It's been there for at least 5 years, and no longer had the brand name attached. Tough to see in the pictures, but the smaller ones (tube sponges, small brains, etc... I made myself from polymer clay. Have been considering placing a small order with Living Color or Ocean Aquaria for a few small pieces to see how they work out/look, and then do a bigger order if all goes well.

I've actually been looking into chillers recently as well. A friend of mine (the same that looked after my sharks while I was on vacation), may have to relocate for work, and if that turns out to be the case would need to re-home his pair of Heterodontus francisci. From my understanding, they can live at higher temps, but seem to do best in the mid-high 60's. I will probably set them up on their own in a pool somewhere around 500 gallons (to start with). Pearls of Paradise and Dreampond are a couple holding tank manufacturers that I've been looking into. What brand/size chiller would you recommend for something of this size? Not a sure thing yet, just something I'd like to be prepared for. And ugh... I went through that exact same thing when our energy company switched from estimated to actual usage! That first bill on the new system... ouch!

On another note, the sharks have taken to eating the powdered food! Am really glad to have stuck with it, and thanks again for the recommendations on how to prepare it. I think that really made the difference.
I usually feed my sharks after lights out, but decided to do so a little early the other night so I could take a few pictures. For the most part, they stick to their cave during the day and are active all evening. My fish are on the opposite schedule, so it's almost like having 2 completely different pools.


This is my female. She's the smallest of the 3, and also the darkest in color.


Female and one of the males. I know that keeping sharks with large angels is usually a no-go, but my big French and Annularis have been in captivity since they were juveniles. They are so conditioned to food coming from the surface, that picking at the rocks is no longer part of their behavior. They are the most recent additions to the pool however, and if an issue should arise, I can always move them back to the 240.


The largest of the 3 sharks cruising the pool.


The boys out for a swim.
Just amazing. What's your maintenance routine look like, especially given the lack of clean up crew to help with uneaten food and detritus (I assume you don't have much of one given the large wrasses, triggers, sharks etc.)?
Thank you for the compliments!!

Maintenance is very easy. Much less so than my other aquariums. I empty/clean the skimmer when needed, and once a month I'll change 200 gallons. When I do a water change, I give the sand bed a little stir, wait a few hours, and vacuum the gunk from the sump. When I'm feeling up to it, I have to get in and scrub the artificial corals as they are attached to the rock. As for a clean up crew, I have a dozen tiger sand conch. So far, the fish have completely ignored them. Not ever having to scrape algae from the glass is also a huge plus!
Dude, you told me about this in one of my threads and I LOVE IT! The island/cove thing was genius. And now there's sharks - the best part :)

Kudos to this thing - probably the best build on RC. Any way we can get a stock list?
Thank you!!

Yeah, I've actually been meaning to do an updated stock list for a while.


3 Chiloscyllium plagiosum. 2 males, 1 female. Not the ideal M/F ratio, but these guys were returned to my LFS when they outgrew their former owner's tank(s). Thought I'd give them a second chance.

1 Pomacanthus paru
1 Pomacanthus annularis
1 Pomacanthus imperator (juv)
3 Centropyge loricula

2 Premnas biaculeatus (gold stripe)
2 Amphiprion percula (in refugium)

13 Chrysiptera cyanea
3 Pomacentrus smithi

1 Acreichthys tomentosus

12 Monodactylus argenteus

1 Scarus taeniopterus
1 Scarus quoyi
1 Cetoscarus bicolor

1 Ctenochaetus strigosus
1 Zebrasoma velifer
2 Zebrasoma desjardini
1 Naso vlamingii
2 Naso unicornis
1 Acanthurus blochii
1 Acanthurus olivaceus
1 Acanthurus leucosternon
1 Paracanthurus hepatus

1 Odonus niger
1 Rhinecanthus assasi

1 Choerodon fasciatus
2 Gomphosus varius
1 Thalassoma hebracium
1 Thalassoma lucasanum
1 Cheilinus lunulatus
1 Cheilinus oxycephalus
1 Bodianus pulchellus

Also have a few fish that I relocated to my other systems as a precaution when I added the sharks. My Pomacanthus maculosus, Holacanthus ciliaris, and Batistes punctatus being a few examples of fish that were switched over. These are my first sharks, and I wasn't exactly certain on what to expect in terms of compatibility. I will likely move a few back over to the pool when the opportunity arises.

I may have overlooked one or two fish, but this is pretty much my current stock list... Apologies if I have the incorrect spelling on any of the names. My auto correct attempted to intervene with just about every one.
Wowwee, nice. I gave up making a pond like that, too much salt for water changes. Maybe if I move somewhere next to the beach with access to suitable ocean water (i.e. the Florida Keys), I could use a continuous ocean water flow-through system. Ha, in my dreams. I wonder how fast a chunk of macroalgae would disappear if you throw it in there...
Wowwee, nice. I gave up making a pond like that, too much salt for water changes. Maybe if I move somewhere next to the beach with access to suitable ocean water (i.e. the Florida Keys), I could use a continuous ocean water flow-through system. Ha, in my dreams. I wonder how fast a chunk of macroalgae would disappear if you throw it in there...

Thank you! Yeah, the salt definitely adds up! Fortunately, my LFS sells 200 lb boxes for a very reasonable price. I usually go this route versus buying online to save my delivery guys back :)

I grow a few different types of macro in my refugium for the tangs/angels which I feed a couple times/week as a treat. It does not last long! I also feed a couple large sheets of nori per day, which is also gone in about 30 seconds.

How is your Atlantic tank coming along? Started a 120 "Florida" tank not too long ago myself. No fish yet, but there is so much life on the aquacultured LR, that I'm not missing them too much.