Well, there's way too many mollies for me to count, I'm estimating about 130? I don't know. But sponges, snails/slugs/etc, brittle stars, feather worms, and lots of other things just pop up out of nowhere. Botryocladia is popping up all over too, but Caulerpa lentillifera is the most abundant organism in terms of biomass. I'm thinking of removing about 3/5 of it and replacing it with some other kinds of caulerpa, i.e. prolifera, taxifolia, etc, and maybe some gracilaria, halymenia, laurencia, etc. I might install a new, more powerful light and try some gorgonians and ricordeas. Maybe even a few rock/flower nems. I'm thinking about getting a few blennies, specifically Malacoctenus triangulatus and M. aurolineatus. A bunch of inverts would be cool too. I only keep the tank about 1/2 full, as sometime soon I'd like to purchase a bunch of mangroves & let them grow all over. Actually, sometime soon I'd like to get a bigger tank, longer and wider, but not as tall as the 90. Something along the lines of 72" x 24" x 17". I'm also planning to make a bunch of ponds, indoor/outdoor. Not relating to the fish theme, also an aviary, vivariums (frog/toad, salamander, gecko, etc), chickens, and budgies. I think I'll do these in the spring, when the weather is better. It's the middle of November in MN and it's raining... The other day it was upwards of 60F! Snow is expected for next week though.