130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Ted, I'm always amazed by how you're able to stack rock and PVC in ways that look ridiculously precarious, but that clearly are stable and work well for you! :D

Angels looking great. Love the scribbled. Planning to get one for my tank too!

lol, thanks...a lot of the rock is flat on one side or both, makes it easy! it is marco dry rock- the prime cut stuff- you can get one side flat or both, really great stuff!
The three girls are fat and beautiful!! When you leave does someone come by and feed the tanks? Someone quite knowledgable obviously...
Did you ever get that tigerpyge? Also, apologies if you have previously discussed this but do you have any idea what GP you think will turn out to be the male?

Thanks for the pictures! Love the group shot.
lol, worthy repost...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0R-OuUusm2E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LADt2GwTkeM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The video of the adult GP, the fish are just slow cruising. Most of my angels are constantly on the hunt and scanning the aquascape looking for food. My Goldflake is an active swimmer, and my Bellus are always actively moving about. What is the behavior of your GP's. Are they slow cruising, hunting or active swimmers?

Dave B
Nice to see that cleaner wrasse annoy all fish equally the same... The video of Karens is just AMAZING! At 32 days they were so tiny
lol, that is a funny scene...

they were tiny then and a bit bigger by the time I got them on day 102...

You need to write a book on keeping rare angels. Rare fish for that matter. It's truly amazing what your able to do. You have much to teach me! What food have you been feeding?
Hey ! Is that the same Navarchus in the most recent photos you posted ? Still in transition? That Hybrid is gorgeous... as are the fat and happy GPs!