130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

I was going to ask you two things. They both already got touched upon. But maybe a little more in depth.

I have had a very high mortality rate using any type of copper, even cupramine, when quarantining Centropyge angels. So, is that something you use prophylactically or only when its a dire situation? Ive tried every method of application. From ramping up the levels very slowly every other day, even then, at therapeutic dosage, they end up with some sort of stomach problem or swimbladder problem that makes them look swollen?@$#@ Is there something I should know here??? lol

Secondly, Ive bred and reared several fish for dozens of clutches of eggs. It becomes a full-time job in the preparation, but even without that aspect, the larval and even the juvies need constant food sources. At the sizes you are buying your fish, the Jocs especially, you must be feeding almost constantly? Am I right? At these tiny sizes, these little guys have such a fast metabolism that they just eat and eat and eat and eat. Do you have an AutoFeeder hooked up? I cant imagine what all that food does to water quality as well?

I really wish you the best of luck. I think most public aquariums couldn't rival a display like this. I wish I could travel 3-4 years into the future and see your display and these angels as adults. It will be fantastic.

Do you still have the Clarions as well? I hope so....
Yup, I do the same thing. One drop per gallon on day one. Depending on the fish, another drop per gallon on day 2 or 3, and then another drop per gallon a couple days later. The just wait...

I killed several fish using their recommended dosing scheme.
I didnt mean to get more QTs for the size, obviously yours are huge, I was talking about so you dont have to keep resetting QT times. I have never had such beautiful fish and when I do finally get some of those, I would not want to keep them in QT any longer then needed, after 10 weeks into the DT they would go. I do understand how important the QT is for the new fish, I just wouldnt want to keep resetting their time everytime I got a new fish.

I hear ya...it is amazing though when your qt are stocked with such special fish...

the fish are all quite comfy and I like that I can study them up close and they in turn study me up close...it is great to get to know each other so well...

when dropped in the big tank, the 4 jocs will be impossible to find...the venustus could be a challenge, the 2 interrupta and baby gf and regal will all be extremely cautious and thus also hard to see...

I know this will change over time but for now I relish the time I get to spend with the qt fish...

the bandits swim right up to my face and are incredibly interactive, much more so than any other angel I have had and very similar to a trig- being the 2 biggest fish in the tank they set the example for the others...so if the bandits are comfy with me- the interrupta, gf, and regal are too...the tank is amazingly calm and peaceful and the fish are crazy curious and "interactive" for lack of a better term...it is a very special tank...

lol, the smaller qt not so much...goldback pair are skittish and chase the jocs, who at their tiny size, are already skittish....the venustus is a very shy fish...a very nervous tank right now...

more pvc going in the smaller qt now and the last joc is just about ready to join them from her acclimation period...will try to get a pic of the new one...a very bold little fish...much more active than the one that came yesterday...

it will be lights off for days...
lol, well the dosage is the same in any tank, I just need more liquid...a bottle treats 500 gallons....I always keep a couple around...

Cupramine scares me when it comes to centropyge angels...so I top out at around 0.4 and not their recommended level of 0.5 mg/L...

I take my time to get there...and do not follow their recommended 4 days...

They recommend...20 drops first day, wait 48 hours, then repeat...

I do 8-10 drops first day, wait 36 hours, then 8-10 drops, wait 36 hours, then last 8-10 drops ...

works for me...

Not interested in the tank transfer method?

Then again, you have a lot of fish and it would be a lot of work.
I didnt mean to get more QTs for the size, obviously yours are huge, I was talking about so you dont have to keep resetting QT times. I have never had such beautiful fish and when I do finally get some of those, I would not want to keep them in QT any longer then needed, after 10 weeks into the DT they would go. I do understand how important the QT is for the new fish, I just wouldnt want to keep resetting their time everytime I got a new fish.

With these fish being so small, it's better to keep them in a smaller tank. Easier to feed them and make sure they're getting food.

I couldn't imagine dropping a 1.5" fish into a tank as big as Ted's display. You'd need to snowglobe the tank with food to make sure all the little ones eat.
I was going to ask you two things. They both already got touched upon. But maybe a little more in depth.

I have had a very high mortality rate using any type of copper, even cupramine, when quarantining Centropyge angels. So, is that something you use prophylactically or only when its a dire situation? Ive tried every method of application. From ramping up the levels very slowly every other day, even then, at therapeutic dosage, they end up with some sort of stomach problem or swimbladder problem that makes them look swollen?@$#@ Is there something I should know here??? lol

Secondly, Ive bred and reared several fish for dozens of clutches of eggs. It becomes a full-time job in the preparation, but even without that aspect, the larval and even the juvies need constant food sources. At the sizes you are buying your fish, the Jocs especially, you must be feeding almost constantly? Am I right? At these tiny sizes, these little guys have such a fast metabolism that they just eat and eat and eat and eat. Do you have an AutoFeeder hooked up? I cant imagine what all that food does to water quality as well?

I really wish you the best of luck. I think most public aquariums couldn't rival a display like this. I wish I could travel 3-4 years into the future and see your display and these angels as adults. It will be fantastic.

Do you still have the Clarions as well? I hope so....

Cupramine is scary...with centropyge I will observe the fish for a while and then decide...there is none in the with the jocs...the 250 went thru 2 prazi and 1 cupramine...

the toughest fish I have ever raised were trigs...I feed them almost around the clock...with the angels I have found 3-4 feeds enough...there is plenty in the tanks to keep them occupied...you can probably see all the marks on the pvc from where they eat the algae...I feed typically at 5am, 4pm, and 8-9pm...
the clarions are doing great in the dt...thanks...
we will have to wait and see...I hope the jocs don't kill each other...tough lil fish...
With these fish being so small, it's better to keep them in a smaller tank. Easier to feed them and make sure they're getting food.

I couldn't imagine dropping a 1.5" fish into a tank as big as Ted's display. You'd need to snowglobe the tank with food to make sure all the little ones eat.

so true...:eek1:
Cupramine is scary...with centropyge I will observe the fish for a while and then decide...there is none in the with the jocs...the 250 went thru 2 prazi and 1 cupramine...

the toughest fish I have ever raised were trigs...I feed them almost around the clock...with the angels I have found 3-4 feeds enough...there is plenty in the tanks to keep them occupied...you can probably see all the marks on the pvc from where they eat the algae...I feed typically at 5am, 4pm, and 8-9pm...
the clarions are doing great in the dt...thanks...
we will have to wait and see...I hope the jocs don't kill each other...tough lil fish...

I meant toughest to raise...not aggressive tough...
tiny trigs need to be fed almost around the clock to keep them alive...
I'm the same way.... no hurry with QT. I kept 4 butterflies in QT for 6 months before, just so I could spend the time getting the DT ready.

+1 My mitratus and borbonius anthias are still in in quarantine and will stay there until the new 240 is set up. No point in rushing things.
It has been so long since the last time so can we get an updated list of the fish in the DT with the clarions. Got so focused on your two amazing QTs that I just don't remember your DT fish list
Love the new additions!

With so many fish in your qt it is becoming it's own display tank. Are you afraid of introducing a disease into your already healthy qt tank? I ask because a while ago I introduced a single fish into a fairly large qt, that fish had velvet which killed everything (4 fish lost in total).
Love the new additions!

With so many fish in your qt it is becoming it's own display tank. Are you afraid of introducing a disease into your already healthy qt tank? I ask because a while ago I introduced a single fish into a fairly large qt, that fish had velvet which killed everything (4 fish lost in total).

sure but that is why they go into a qt, there is only so much we can do.....I find some relief knowing the fish have already gone thru the dd qt regimen..the jocs came in about 6 weeks ago so they spent all that time being treated at dd...the venustus was only in their system a few weeks but was still treated...if there was any sign of anything dd would not release the fish...
I've read that captive male Interupta will turn almost all orange, will having a male female pair prevent this?

we shall see how this works out soon...

males can be differentiated by females with the presence of blue streaks and spots on the face, as well as the soft dorsal and anal fins and more orange on their bodies..
It has been so long since the last time so can we get an updated list of the fish in the DT with the clarions. Got so focused on your two amazing QTs that I just don't remember your DT fish list

outrigger, cinereus, lunula, assassi, female bt, clarions, cortez...