240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

If you are willing to spend the money I would get the Omni-flex nozzles from Oceansmotions. They are made in 1 inch.

Wow those are nice. Great suggestion. Only problem is I need several of them ($$).

Hey Sonofgaladriel~ Is your Genicanthus watanabei Angel a male with the horizonal stipes?

Males are the ones w/ the stripes.
I've got 6 of those Omni flex nozzels.. Very well made. They seem high but there not much more then lock-line lock line you have to buy the line then the threaded fitting and the nozzel it all adds up.. Plus lock line only comes in 1/2 and 3/4 or atleast thats all I've ever found..
That looks SOOO nice. And look at all the chromis! I know, I know...no more fish, but man that looks too cool not to get them for my tank too. :D
No, no, no, no, no.
Not mine.

TigerWoods asked for an updated pic of sonofgaladriel's cube.
I had just been reading a different post where sonofgaladriel posted a more recent pic of his tank so I just linked it over here.

That is sonofgaladriel's tank
I just have a boring 180 lol.

Lunch...I live NOWHERE near you. South Dakota? Brrrrrr. :)
Oh wait...Lunch you asked if I lived close to sonofgaladriel?
Nope...not that I am aware of.
I get it now. :D
Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. RC didn't send me the usual 'notice' that this thread was active again.

I just added several new frags and a few small aquacultured colonies, so I'll clean up the acrylic and post some pics tomorrow after work. I also moved some rock around to give it a little different look from one side and I think you'll like the changes.

Melev- I have a school of 29 chromis in there and they are all doing great! They actually school 95% of the time. Its great during feeding time, an actual 'feeding frenzy'.

Anyway, I'll post some new pics tommorrow. I'll also take some new shots of the sump area now that the calcium reactor is hooked up.
Thanks again for the compliments.
sean - yeah i was asking if you lived close to sonofgaladriel. guess that answers my question. thought you might be close and have a pic of his tank. no problem

sonofgaladriel - yeah post some new pics please. 29!!!!!! :eek:

i'll be waiting to see your pics. i still love the set up...looks amazing.

any problems w/ the tank? anything you would change??

My only regret is the size of the overflow box. I wish there was some way I could have made it smaller, yet still fit the dual durso and dual returns. Otherwise, I'm very happy with it. Look for pics tommorrow evening.
I'm glad you guys are still interested in this cube. Its finally starting to look like a reef again.
New pics as promised. Sorry guys, but the camera just can't capture the true colors and depth that this rockscaping and coral selection truly represent.
Remember, this tank is 48" deep from side to side and front to back. The camera just can't capture depth of field. Again, I am sorry.
I've tried to make this as natural looking as possible with trenches, pillars, overhangs, and caves,with corals glued on the sides, under overhangs, and other places you would really have to 'look' in order to see them. Well, until they all grow out of course. I've done my best to mix colors and shapes, as well as place corals with thoughts on how they will grow out or mix with each other. I've also taken into consideration lighting and flow requirements as best I can. I'm sure I've got some things too close together, but I like the over lap.
I'm proud to say that this reef is 100% small aquacultured colonies and frags, absolutely no wild harvested corals. All of the aquacultured stock has come from www.midwestreefs.com, http://www.wesleyreefs.com , and Aquariums Wholesale ( our best LFS here in KC!). Many frags are from my good friends here in town and a few very nice guys here on RC.








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Wow, you have so many corals in there! The trick will be to keep them from touching one another. I love what you've done with the tank. Taking pictures of the full tank is tough, because of the brightness. Normally I recommend focusing the camera half on the canopy and half on the tank, to get a mid-intensity reading by the camera. However, you don't have that luxury. You might try focusing it half on the tank and half on the stand - which is called spot-metering - then while holding the shutter button half-depressed, move the camera up to frame the shot and take the picture. Try to avoid pointing it directly at the brightest point when you depress the shutter enough to focus, and play around until you find the sweet spot.
Thanks Melev for the pointers!!! I'll definately try your tips. The pics are a little misleading. There are quite a few corals yes, but they are all mostly 4 to 6 inches apart from one another, some a little closer. I think the way I've taken the pics and the way the rockscape is done, it appears that things are right on top of each other when in fact they are not. This is what I was shooting for with the rockscape. I really like the mosaic look to these SPS corals.
He could also turn one of the fixtures off and take pics from the brighter side. The contrast would prolly get the camera to focus on the bright side only and leave the other half in the dark.