240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

SeanT--- thanks for posting that pic for me.

And sonofgaladriel your cube looks perfect. The stand is really amazing as well. Can you tell me about your RBTA and if it took to one spot yet?
sonofgaladriel said:
My only regret is the size of the overflow box. I wish there was some way I could have made it smaller, yet still fit the dual durso and dual returns.
You could have gone with an external overflow. Then you could have gone as big as you liked. Oh well. :rolleyes:

melev said:
Wow, you have so many corals in there! The trick will be to keep them from touching one another.
I've only had problems with LPS stinging SPS. The long feeler tentacles can cause major damage to an SPS. My torch has an 8 inch area all around it and that is getting bigger every day. He may get removed.
My SPS that are touching are really cool. Their "fighting" is much more subtle and slow. They don't seem to kill off big sections of each other, they just change their growth patterns and directions to suit the stronger one. I actually like the touching. I find it very natural and amazingly interesting.

Each species interaction will be different as well. You really have to worry about it on a case by case basis.

Just to chime in with everyone else. The tank looks awesome.
I really like the big "pillar" of rock in the front left. How did you secure those rocks together to make that shape?
Thanks reefwaters! The rock pillars are actually two very large rocks sitting on top of a few others. They are quite secure and are hiding my 4 front returns comming through the bottom. Here's a few more pics of the 'twins' as I call them.

TigerWoods said:
SeanT--- thanks for posting that pic for me.

And sonofgaladriel your cube looks perfect. The stand is really amazing as well. Can you tell me about your RBTA and if it took to one spot yet?
Thank you very much! I have had the rose pictured in the first side pic for almost 3 years now. It had produced at least 15 clones over the past 3 + years, and her clones have split as well. I currently have 10 RBTA's, all related, in this tank. They have all stayed put since I added them to this tank back in April. The newest clone did wander around quite a bit looking for its own space, but it has appeared to settle down as well.
I think you should do some individual species pics of some of your more prized corals. I see blue tort in there, but is that green slimer as well? Some things are easy to pic out, but others not so much...

Also, how about some equipment pics?
Are you concerned about phosphate or nitrate issues with that many fish? I ask only because I've been dealing with it for some time now.
melev said:
Are you concerned about phosphate or nitrate issues with that many fish? I ask only because I've been dealing with it for some time now.
Not too concerned at this time. I've got a phosphate pad in the sump which I switch out when needed. I've got a large recirculating skimmer that is rated for a tank twice this size (knowing I'd have a big bioload of fish). I'm skimming wet and so far parameters are stable and the SPS are doing well.
I'll most likely move out the yellow tangs and some of the chromis once I find my black tang and a nice small Red Sea Regal to replace them with. I love the red and purple firefish, but I'm afraid that they'll just jump out on me.
My only issue with this reef is low PH due to the tank being in the basement and my calcium reactor lowering the PH to 7.6 at night. I've got a friend making me a kalk reactor as we speak to help with that problem.
I'll take some pics of the sump area showing my equipment later tonight.
any updates? new pics?

so how are you liking your plumbing design with the closed loops? would you do anything differently if you had the chance?
Great read! Great tank!

I am planning a 4x4x2 as well, as I have mentioned. Mine will have an overflow in the center and be viewed from 4 sides.

How are those tangs doing in there? Do they seem to get enough 'exersise?" I am guessing the flow makes it good for them swimming in it.

So, other than the overflow, is there anything else you would change, do differently?

My only concern is the 4ft length will not look as impressive as something like a 6ft tank.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the compliments. As far as changing anything....other than the external overflow, I would add a few more returns at the bottom back to move lower water up and out to help keep detritus in suspension.
That's about it. So far, everything is working as planned.
I was worried about the 4 foot length too, but once you've got one of these extremely deep tanks sitting in front of you, you forget all about the 'length'. Its very deceiving in the photos. The tank is MUCH larger than how it appears. Every single person that comes over, the first words are "Wow, it is so much bigger than it looks in the pics!"
If I had the room, I'd have gone with a 6'x6'x2'!!!:)
Sweet! So, you would add more flow?! Man, you got a lot in there now!

I am planning an overflow in the center, with the main return plumbed up trough it, like a standard overflow. This will be with a 1200 gph pump.

For CL I plan in a hole in the bottom at each corner, 6" in for returns, this will be fed by a barracuda trough a OM 4 way. My tank will be more of a mix though, not just sps.

What do you think?
Sounds like a good plan. Did you consider that for just a little bit more money up front, you could go with two Reeflo Darts versus the Barracuda? You could then get 7200 gallons per hour while only running around 240 watts, versus only 5400 gallons per hour at 350 watts.
You could then hook up two 4 way OMs and get twice the random flow.
Did not think about that. But that would be 5 more holes and another 4 way. Much more money.

Trying to run as little equipment as possible.

Everything will be under the stand as well.
Although, I could go with a plan I had thought before,

plumbing one pump to 2 returns and the other to the other 2, then having the two swith on and off.

That would eliminate the extra holes and oms. But the flow would not be as random, but more powerful.
sonofgaladriel said:
Sounds like a good plan. Did you consider that for just a little bit more money up front, you could go with two Reeflo Darts versus the Barracuda? You could then get 7200 gallons per hour while only running around 240 watts, versus only 5400 gallons per hour at 350 watts.
You could then hook up two 4 way OMs and get twice the random flow.

Just wondering how you came up with 240w for two Darts ?? One Dart pulls 160w (max) so that would put two around 320w...

the wattage on the dart is unique due to its hubbel motor...the more you slow down the motor (by restricting the output), the more you lower the wattage after a certain point. This of course depends on the throughput of the pump...a dart can be anywhere from just over 100 to 160watts.