240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

eraml said:
Could we get an updated picture?
And would you also post a fish stocking list?
I'll take some new pics later today and post them tonight. Thanks for the renewed interest.
Fish list:
Pair of Watanabei angels
Pair of Black percs
Pair of Orange percs (soon to be moved out I think to make room for some small anthias)
Stumpy perc (short squatty morph, really fun)
Hawaii Flame wrasse
Scott's Fairy wrasse
Pink yellow fin fairy wrasse
Potter's angel
Flame angel
2 yellow tangs (one to be moved out soon)
Strawberry pseudochromis
23 green chromis (great schooling)
I'll be moving out some of the chromis, one yellow tang, the orange percs to make room for a few anthias and a black tang.
I'm looking for small Red Sea Regal to replace the one I just lost.
Yes, I'm heavily stocked with fish, but I love fish and can't help it. I've got a skimmer capable of handling a tank twice my size and I do 25% water changes every two weeks now to help.
Thanks again.
Wow!!! Again, very inspiring.

My planed stock list for my 4ft cube is;

4 female lyretail anthias
4 female Hutchii Anthias
1 Male Hutchii Anthias
1 Swallow tail Hawkfish
1 Scotts Fairy Wrasse
1 Tonga Fang Blenny
1 Sunrise Dotty back
1 Red Sea Sailfin tang
Pair of Percula clowns
1 spotted manderian
1 Aurora Goby

What do ya think?

Hows those tangs do? seem to have enough swiming room?
I always look for the smallest fish I can find for my tanks for two reasons. One, the smaller they are, they more room they will have relative to the size of the tank. Second, I get to watch them grow and enjoy them longer.
The tangs appear to have plenty of room and I think they get a much more natural area to swim in, rather than just back and forth across a rectangular tank.
I like your list of fish. Get the smallest Red Sea Sailfin you can find as they grow fast!
I have him already, about 3" long. Been in my 125 for about 6 months.

The sunrise is a captive bred that I have had for almost a year.
Manderin I have had for 6 months, scotts and fang blenny got the other day, in quarintine.

The other fish on the list I do not have yet.
Hey Son....

Did you ever get a hold of that micron filtration media? Sorry it's been a long time since I have been on, I can't read your whole thread b/c where I am at I am on 56K temporarily. Well let me know!

Thank you 'eleodes'. That was what I was trying to accomplish. This tank was designed to be enjoyed dynamically, not static, as the photos obviously portray. The idea was to 'walk' around the tank and enjoy how, with each step, the aquacaping and depth perception changes, as does the mosaic of corals and colors. It really is a different reef from each of the three sides.
Viewing from the top down is another view that I was most looking forward to. To me there is no better color and form than from above. I loved tide pools as a kid and wanted that same feeling from the open top.
I'll try to take a top down photo which truly shows the aquacaping and coral placement much better.

Almost all of your pictures appear to be gone from wherever you had them posted. Could you please put them back, or perhaps post some new pictures of the whole, finished tank? Thanks.

Hi John. This thread is pretty old and I have had to delete alot of the old pics due to photobucket limitations. I'm not good at taking pics, but here are some new pics of the tank and sump as of a few weeks ago:







You know what? It looks just as good the second time. ;)

How thick is the acrylic again, and how much of a bow do they have at the center of each wall? How tall are the panels?

Stunning tank. Glad you built it, because it really is amazing.
Thanks guys.
Melev- The acrylic is 1" thick and the panels are 24" tall.
In the beginning, there was only 1/24th of an inch deflection when I filled her up. Unfortunately, over time it has increased to 3/8" but appears to be steady at this point.
All the seems still look perfect with no signs of any seperation.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't bow any more. If it does, I'll be building another one.
If it does bow, you'll have one hell of a sump for your next tank =)

Looks really good man. I can't wait to see it. Have you setup your 20k lights yet?
Peterlin's acrylic tank is made of 1" acrylic as well, and it is 3' x 5' in size, and I think 16" tall perhaps. 150g - I think. His swells out as well, but it still looks great. It has been running about 3 years, and he posts images of it from time to time. I figured your tank was swelling somewhat, but with 1" thick acrylic I don't believe you have to worry.

Thanks for the reply. I was just curious in case anyone ever asked me about thickness of acrylic vs height of a panel. This is a good real-world guideline.
Hi Elephen-Thanks. I'll be having a local get together in the Spring. By then, the tank will be worth showing off more. I have one 20K running, but its a used one and I don't know how old it is. Its actually burning more like a 12K and I really don't like it. I'm going to stick with 14K's until they burn out and then try the 20K's. I really wish I could hook up another T5 pendant, with say another 8 or so actinic bulbs in it and run 4 of the Reeflux 10Ks.
Hi Melev- I was expecting some deflection, but honestly not this much. I was told that going to 1 1/4" acrylic would have avoided any deflection, but it was cost inhibitive at the time.
I thinks its okay, but I get a little embarrassed when one of the first things people say now when they see the tank in person is "hey, did you know your tank is bowing?" ;)
I still love the open top, the clean look, and of course, the ease of access for cleaning and aquascaping.
I still spend at least a half an hour each night with the pumps off, just staring at the tank from the top. I love my little 'tidepool'.
Thanks again for all the compliments.