Great eye for design so far. Have you considered adding any trim to the top of the Canopy? A bit of dark walnut would blend well with the stone and the other wood in the room, just a thought. Either way very cool location with the in wall and accent in the other room. These are my favorite kind of builds.

Take care,
Great eye for design so far. Have you considered adding any trim to the top of the Canopy? A bit of dark walnut would blend well with the stone and the other wood in the room, just a thought. Either way very cool location with the in wall and accent in the other room. These are my favorite kind of builds.

Take care,

We are thinking of painting it black infact. As the first colour we tried didnt really work.:)
So The impeller in my skimmer pump(OTP 3000/Hailea HX-6540) cracked the other day, the new replacement is apparantly an improvement over the old design. This turned out to be true, the skimmer is taking out alot more crap. Unfortunately this has not taken away the death rattle the pump developed a few months ago forcing me to close the lounge door at night. I will be purchasing a new pump this week! 3 years aint bad for a chinese pump i guess.




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In case it hasn't already been asked, does the Trigger nip at anything? Beautiful selection of fish btw!
love your fish especially the clown trigger, mine has been with me almost 17 years now and was fully grown although stunted when i got him, so i estimate he is in his 20's at least
great pets!
love your fish especially the clown trigger, mine has been with me almost 17 years now and was fully grown although stunted when i got him, so i estimate he is in his 20's at least
great pets!

Wow how big is he? mines about 4-5 years and just started to get afew anger issues. He likes to try and bite the hand that feeds him aswell as the cleaning magnet. But is fine with the other fish