470g inwall construction thread

Please note that even these nice wye check valves will likely NOT stop all flow - they may stop 99% since you used 2 in series but you may still get some flow through. In time, the amount of flow will increase...

How much flow restriction/extra head pressure are you putting on that barracuda? They don't handle pressure too well...


Btw - nice setup. Wanna come set mine up next? :)
Success....tank has water in it...plumbing is done except for the chiller connection and pumps are humming. A couple of pics of the left side of the sump. The Dart pump is on a closed loop to sprays bars down the sides of the tank. The barracuda is plumbed to a chiller (located outside), UV (located above the pump), Skimmer (located just off the screen to your left...the drain going straight down into the sump is from the skimmer). You can also see the emergency sump drain connected to a 2" bulkhead and plumbed into a floor drain designed to kick on when the water level reaches 3" from the top of the sump...note that the pipe can be capped allowing for the complete draining of the sump.


No. Used tap water via a garden hose. No leaks. Water has been drained from the sump and tank. Pipes have been drained using a shop vac. Cabinets are being finished today and RO will be in shortly.
Yikes thats alot of plumming! (looks good though!)

What exactly does a "valve engineer" do? other then looking at your plumming... :rolleyes:
From what I have been able to determine, a valve engineer does the following: 1) Comments on how good the plumbing looks and expresses his approval on your checkvalve selection 2) Makes up flow restrictions numbers for said checkvalves 3) Expresses his disbelief that someone would have this much flow in a tank 4) Shows outward jealously over the size of my "UV" unit....and 5) Comments on how everything in my BB tank is going to die without a DSB!!
Funny that a VE is more concerned about your lack of DSB than the valves. I take it the VE is also a Reef hobbyist?
Yes, the VE is a reef hobbyist..and as much as I hate to admit it has the best dsb I have ever seen in person on his 150g. He has never seen a BB tank in operation so I'll give him 4 mos before he sees the light and goes BB too. BTW..I have absolutely nothing against dsb as long as they're done correctly. Unfortunately, most dsb I have seen...including mine...are far short of the 6" you need for an effective dsb.

The waveboxes worked great on the "tap water" run. Created an 1 1/2" wave across the tank...seems like a great product. Looking forward to seeing what the wavebox combo will do with the rock and corals in the tank.
Did you have them all the way up? I got one for a similar sized tank I'll be setting up (96x34). First time I've heard of someone trying two. How did one by itself work? Heard the wave can be as high as 2".
I tried just one box at first and couldn't get a wave using just one. The 1 1/2" waveheight is an estimate....may be near 2"...in any event...the wave is a big as I would want in the tank. Figure a water column area of 84x44x30 with an 1 1/2" to 2" wave moving in the entire water column (not just the surface)....its a tremendous amout of water movement.
Just happened on this thread, and all I can say is HOLY CRAP! You have more $$$ in PVC than I have in my whole set-up.....I was going to retire to a nice new MOTORHOME but now I may have to just get a new set-up.. BTW thats 30 years from now anyway. Looks awesome, keep up the pics.
curthendrix said:
Figure a water column area of 84x44x30 with an 1 1/2" to 2" wave moving in the entire water column (not just the surface)....its a tremendous amout of water movement.

well, curt is is good to hear that you approve of the deep sand bed because im sure you will be there in a year!!!!!

about the valves, my calulations show that your valves are going to be able to handle all the flow that you will be giving to them but you have them maxed out to there limit.
well, curt is is good to hear that you approve of the deep sand bed because im sure you will be there in a year!!!!!
Wait a minute.....I never said I approve of the deep sewer bed...just that it is one of the better ones that I've seen. Kind of like saying that the recent tsnuami was one of the better natural disasters that I've witnessed!!
You witnessed the tsnuami???

Watched about an hour of footage on the Discovery channel! Really amazing stuff and a tragedy due to the loss of life. I filled a tub with saltwater this evening. Let me know if you pick up any large LR pieces tomorrow and I'll stop by RR tomorrow and pick them up if available. BTW....thanks for those valve caculations..I can sleep easy now :D !