Haha, that would be a blast! Maybe one day we could all meet.Ya it would be cool to stop by and hang out maybe we can get biggles , mike , scotty , fishy and the rest of the guys have a drink and hang out that would be a blast.
Thanks. But there are some amazing setups in this forum...both in terms of equipment and the livestock...my tank is not special either way. :lol:This is an amazing build! Love the setup!
Hopefully by next month, most of the corals will have coloured up to an acceptable level.Wow.. I seem to hear positive things coming here..
Can't wait to see some shining and happy corals!
Sahin, pictures please!
Haha, that would be a blast! Maybe one day we could all meet.
Thanks. But there are some amazing setups in this forum...both in terms of equipment and the livestock...my tank is not special either way. :lol:
Hopefully by next month, most of the corals will have coloured up to an acceptable level.
You guys dont wanna see brown corals...Biggles would have a field day if I posted brown acro photos. :fun2: Have to colour them up at least half decent or else he'd be laughing all over my thread. :rollface:
I want to see those satisfying before and after shots!!
Sahin, The good news is you can use black and white film.
I don't care what color they are...pics or it didn't happen:wave:
Hey I showed you my brown(ish) acros. not fair!
I took quite a few "before" shots some weeks back. So we will be able to compare.
The people have spoken. :lol: They want to see brown acros. Whilst your idea is very good, it wont fool Biggles. :deadhorse:
It didnt happen. :lol: Will try and get some photos up this week or next. I can just see Biggles rubbing his hands together getting ready to type a post about me being the king of brown acros or something. :angryfire:
Sigh...you guys play a hard game in this forum.Will get some photos up.
Biggles nominated me RC President of Brown Acro Club. :angryfire: Be glad that you dont have such an honourable recognition. :headwally:
Might as well provide a brief update anyway:
No sign of AEFW's. Acros are doing well. I am going to give the corals a two week break from dipping. See what turns up after that. Growth is taking off.
I am still running Prodibio and it has worked out well in reducing nutrients. The glass doesnt need cleaning for upto a week. No GFO running now...but am running GAC. There is some green filamentous algae on the rocks...but the snails keep it mowed down. I dont care if its there to be honest. Last PO4 reading was around 0.02ppm, so I'm just going to let the CUC take care of the algae.
Corals are in various stages of colouration...Purple nana is very nicely coloured up on the growing branches...intense metallic purple...whilst other are poo brown. This tells me the system is getting better and the brown ones need more time to colour up.
Good evening Sahin,
I have just received an intelligence report suggesting that you are becoming a Zeohead. Can you confirm that?
I wouldn't recommend rushing anything when it comes to Zeovit. I know a lot about it and really tried to make it work, but it has a limit when it comes to how much bioburden it can counter without killing corals. I think its pretty ingenious, especially with its use of a nitrogen and carbon source together but don't use too much zeolite or increase the flow past the posted limits. What system are you using now?Thats a negative...I repeat; negative...whatever they told you its all a lie, I promise officer. :crazy1:
OK, going to do a little speriment. :worried: Thats damn good intelligence! :worried: You should be a detective Bulent.
My tank, in its last incarnation as a reef tank took about a year to come close to its sweet spot.
Well, I dont want to wait a year. I'm going to push the system to reach that level within the next 6 months. :eek2:
So, I've been bumping a few Zeovit related threads and just about to buy a bag of ZEOLITE and a Blue bottle of magic potion from a member giving up.
I wont be running the full Zeo system...but a hybrid of sorts...still going to use the Prodibio stuff, but with Zeolites and a couple of additives...the full system is a little expensive and I cant be arsed to dose 1 drop here, 3 drops there and another 10 drops somewhere else. :lolspin:
Corals are now more or less recovered from the semi kalk disaster of a couple of weeks back.
Thanks for that. I will be closely watching your experience reports on the blue bottles. I have four of them, but sadly they are for trouble shooting purpose (read it as cyano).
Sahin, I have just posted a question on the equipment section. I wonder if you could possibly let me know your thoughts. We happen to have the same skimmer, but I am not very happy with mine. I feel that its neck size is too large for the air volume. It produces consistent foam head but it does not consistently overflow into the collection cup. For example, after dosing ZEOzym, I expect a lot of skimmate, but I only get a little. Mine is sitting in 9" water. It used to sit in 10.5" water as per the manufacturer's instructions. I have raised it slightly recently. I hoped to get Biggle's experience on 1455, but have drawn a blank so far. A lot of experience reef keepers advised me to get an oversized skimmer, but others including Tony at DD suggest the opposite. I am a little confused.
Are you happy with your skimmer?
I wouldn't recommend rushing anything when it comes to Zeovit. I know a lot about it and really tried to make it work, but it has a limit when it comes to how much bioburden it can counter without killing corals. I think its pretty ingenious, especially with its use of a nitrogen and carbon source together but don't use too much zeolite or increase the flow past the posted limits. What system are you using now?
Bulent...After having the skimmer for many years I have come to the same conclusion!!!
So...I began sperimenting as Biggles would say...I now run it without the bubble plate and cup...works so much better. I get much thicker foam.
Try that for a couple of week before you buy a new skimmer.
FWIW, when I bought the skimmer from Sevonoaks Marine or whatever the crap it used to be called, I wanted the skinny neck version of this skimmer...but those bastards sent me the wide neck even though I asked for the skinny neck.
I feel there is much less turbulence inside the skimmer chamber and there is a longer height in the bubble mixture (if that makes sense). I think BM added the stupid bubble plate etc as an after though because thats what all the other skimmers came out with around that time.
Just waiting for a quick video to upload whilst I am typing this post...upload from Iphone to Youtube is slow...
...after like 15 mins here it is:
I have checked YT videos of other skimmers and the foaming action going on now on the NAC6 is about the same as some of the higher end skimmers. Let me know what you think.
is there a reason you took off the bubble plate and cylinder on the nac6 or is it better to have it on due to other skimmers using the same principle? It would be nice to kill 2 birds with 1 stone such as less parts to clean and better performance.
As Sahin said, the bubble plate and the cup are likely to reduce water turbulence inside the skimmer body. Reduced water turbulence means that water has less contact time with proteins, thus leading to reduced performance. I hope that I got it right. If you look at this mega BM thread I mentioned above, quite a few people removed their bubble plates as well as the cup on which bubble plates sits.
FWIW, I have just removed my bubble plate and its cup. I have filmed bubble production before the removal and will do the same shortly without the plate. I can already see increased water turbulence. I keep my finders crossed.
As Sahin said, the bubble plate and the cup are likely to reduce water turbulence inside the skimmer body. Reduced water turbulence means that water has less contact time with proteins, thus leading to reduced performance. I hope that I got it right. If you look at this mega BM thread I mentioned above, quite a few people removed their bubble plates as well as the cup on which bubble plates sits.
FWIW, I have just removed my bubble plate and its cup. I have filmed bubble production before the removal and will do the same shortly without the plate. I can already see increased water turbulence. I keep my finders crossed.
thanks for the input, hopefully this weekend I can get to removing the components. fingers crossed :thumbsup:
I have always thought the newer model nac6 sucked compared to the old one. Independent variable: same tank for 5+ years just different skimmers. noticed it doesn't pull as much junk out compared to the older model. Only reason I switched was due to pump failure. the new rock pump is a beast and is holding strong.
BTW, SAHIN! Always liked your tanks bud, keep up the clean neat and healthy work. You have an excellent eye for detail.