47G SPS...Revamp

Crappy Iphone Shots

Crappy Iphone Shots

No time at the moment for macro shots. These will have to do.



Disclaimer against the one referred to as Biggles: these are direct Iphone shots. So dont be too critical Mr Green Acroman. :spin1:
I see what you were doing, you were lowering our expectations with posts about brown acros, then giving us a pic with lots of non-brown acros. Nicely done;)
The tank looks pretty good Sahin, don't be intimidated by Biggles, he's just so used to having tank full of beauties that he thinks everything is brown:)
I love how open your scape is, i want to get a more even balance between sand and reef. You have lots of room to grow and flow is easier to get around the islands.
Here we go again with brown acros ...i will bring you some glasses Sahin..apparently u can't see colors lol...looking great Bud..
Did I see a picture of a reef tank in this thread? :D It does look quite nice, excellent really! Now how about some pics taken with a camera? :)
I see what you were doing, you were lowering our expectations with posts about brown acros, then giving us a pic with lots of non-brown acros. Nicely done
The tank looks pretty good Sahin, don't be intimidated by Biggles, he's just so used to having tank full of beauties that he thinks everything is brown:)
I love how open your scape is, i want to get a more even balance between sand and reef. You have lots of room to grow and flow is easier to get around the islands.

Where's the brown acros?!? I feel cheated

Tell me about it, I was geared up to see beige, brown, and tan, and he gives us these colors! Whats wrong with you Sahin?:p

Seriously??? There's not a brown spot in the tank!!
I want some brown corals, damn it!!

"RC President of Brown Acro Club"....
You just lost the title when the last photo published....

Ok this is more like it:p

:) @mhucasey

ha! Looks like my tank!!
Much better :)

Here we go again with brown acros ...i will bring you some glasses Sahin..apparently u can't see colors lol...looking great Bud..

Haha thanks guys...and I wish you guys were correct about the colours; there is a few pieces that over the past 2-3 weeks, and especially in the past week and half have really coloured up. Stuff like my Red Planet, Blue Tort, Green Turaki, Speciosia, Echinata, Purple Nana, Undata, Blue Millepora; have coloured up nicely and getting better each week.

Then there are others which are poo brown. And others which look like they are starting to like my tank.

Bouncing back nicely! What's that little guy in the sanded on the right side?
Thats a small piece of Granulosa that just finished being in the QT. Didnt get round to placing it on the rocks.

There is also a brown Seriatopora Hysterix which has been planted in the sand right on the middle of the tank. Its staying there. This piece although a down right cheapo and bog standard SPS, colours up the most brilliant if conditions are right.

That Seriatopora Hysterix is also my PO4/nutrient level/overall tank colouring up indicator.
Once that colours up, I will know the tank conditions are spot on...if it becomes pale, I will know I need to increase nutrients etc. Brown means I need to keep working on the system still. :)

Did I see a picture of a reef tank in this thread? :D It does look quite nice, excellent really! Now how about some pics taken with a camera? :)
LOL. Too busy currently to get the camera out. Will try next weekend or over this week if at all possible.

Sahin, I am glad your tank is recovering. What protocols are you going to institute to prevent this from happening again?
Hey Marty, I'm happy with how the tank is doing. I will only add a few more SPS to the tank; and everything is going through a QT process.

Good to see everything is back on track my friend :D

Looking good

Thanks guys. Lets hope no more tank issues. I'm hoping in 3 months time to have some pretty cool colours in many of the acros.
Looking great bro, seems things are coming together nicely again?

Will do you and Nav both some frags as things are starting to grow out now and as the system is small I will need to prune a lot to do what I am aiming for :)

With regards Zeovit, I use Zeospur2 at half recommended dosage every 10 days and Zeospur2 Macroelements, in conjunction with the advanced elements blocks.

This seems like a fairly low maintainance / low risk approach to Zeo to me.

In my previous tank I have used prodibio with success after being introduced to it by then (Chris @ fishmanfrags) I love the simplicity of the products. Combining that with my calc reactor and lazy man zeo routine, I have found it to be working very well.

Really nice to see updated pics of your tank and things finally turning a corner for you again
So glad to see you getting everything back on track and looking awesome. I really cant give much input on what you and many others have been going through . In my 12yrs. at this incredible hobby I don't know how I have managed to avoid these demons. I don't pray and not at all religious :confused: Just lucky and know it !!
Congrats, things are back to looking good!
Are you still alternatively dosing zeobak and prodibio? Regardless, great work