Thank you Bulent. Your tank is much nicer. I dislike my frags and colonies size differences. Looks unbalanced LOL.
Very nice video. Your anthia is beautiful and is everywhere. The colors of the corals are very rich. There are plenty of growth tips. Your tank is very very healthy. I just love it.
By the way, that is a very nice camera. In the hands of an experience photographer, it does the gorgeous corals justice. You don't need a macro lens.
Thank Bernie. That anthia was following the camera trying to get into the shot. :lol:
The Canon 70D is no doubt a good camera. The images will certainly improve with a dedicated macro lens.
Beautiful! looking amazing....what is the blue coral in this picture?
Thanks buddy. That is the one I call "Blue Tort". Its very similar to the Cali Tort. The frag rack was placed high until a few days ago, and the frag lost the green pigment.
Wow, great update Sahin! You have some crazy colors right now, unbelievable!
Thank you. I am quite happy with the colours at the moment. Other than 2 or 3 acro pieces, all the rest have nice colours. I just need them to grow nicely and weed out a few pieces down the line.
I'm sure laughing now buddy but not at your shaky(still awesome though) vid but at my tank,lol
Respect,that's the only word that comes to my mind atm,oh and maybe jealousy

Thanks for the inspiration
Thanks for the really nice words Mike. You always give really nice compliments. You probably have a way with women...:lmao:
Seriously though your tank is really nice and the scape is awesome. And your tank is maybe 4 times larger than mine.
Once again you try to lower expectations before dropping amazing video and pics on us! The video is gorgeous and not shaky in my opinion. Your colors are spectacular- I especially like the purple and blue Acro in pic 3 of post And I love that Cyphastrea, great color combination.
Thank you. That purple with blue tips is one of my favorite.
Dude, you got something really special going now. Holy jeez those are some nice colors!
Thanks man. You've got some pretty awesome colours on those acros in your about some nice photos and a video? I reckon your thread is due such an update.
I thoroughly enjoyed that video sahin. Your corals are healthy and as good as it gets. Very impressive. It seems like your tank has really hit it's stride.
Thank you. Means a lot coming from something with an amazing display. Now I need to grow these corals and trim the larger colonies so the frags can catch up.
so wait? are you telling me if i sink my alk i can have a tank like that?
LOL. The alk dipped quite low; I need to remove some corals like the pink hysterix not photographed. I bought a small frag to test my how good my system is in terms of being able to colour it up. The damn thing grows too fast. Its a colony size now. Colour on that hysterix is good, but not the awesome pink I had on this coral before. So that tells me my tank needs to improve further.
Awesome color!!! Glad to see things are going so well for you. Keep the pics coming, they're great inspiration for all of us.
Thank you. Andrew/Biggles and many more are the main inspiration on this forum. My tank is getting there, but the frags and colonies looks so unbalanced in my tank right now I dislike the look.

Wish I didnt have a crash last year.
Loved the video, and the pictures are simply awesome, all your hard efforts have really paid off. This is really a first class display, congrats!
How in the world do you keep your frag rack so clean?
Thank you, glad you liked the video. I will try recording a more pro looking video next time.
Frag rack: its been in the tank at least 3 months. You can notice some coralline algae and a few specks of film type algae, but other than that, you can see how clean the rack is...thats the thing: my tank doesnt grow algae. I've noticed my snails are not breeding anymore and numbers have dropped. PO4 is still around 0.01ppm. I want it a bit higher.
Sahin those corals are looking great. Your photo skills are really good I wish I could take shots like that. Saturation of color is looking great, where are your po4 and no3 sitting at now?
Thanks man. PO4=0.01ppm NO3=0.2ppm
Thank you Rui. When are you coming to London? I wont be around from 26th October; taking the kids to France, Normandy. If you are coming during this week, you can bring the coral food etc another time.
Cool video. Sahin, your coral color are amazing...
those PE... honestly tell us, what did you feed them?
Thanks my friend.
PE...I dont know. Rui has seen my tank in person and asked the same...I dont do anything different. I have lots of flow in the tank though...I'm running 2xMP10's and a Tunze 6095 in this small 47G tank. I feed the usual stuff like frozen foods etc. But also sometimes KZ CV. I dont know, but I've ALWAYS had very good PE on my acros. On some acros though, if the polyps are brown, than crazy PE is a bad thing as it can hide the nice base colours.
Hi Sahin,
your hybrid fixture, is this the version that doesn't use white LED's but cyan, green, amber and deep red? Very interesting combination.
Yup. But keep in mind, this only has a single LED cluster and it is majority T5. Currently I am running 2xATI B+, 2xPacSun Crystal Blue, 3xC+and 1xArcadia White (14K). So the white spectrum is fully covered by the T5 tubes. I see the LED cluster as supplemental light in my case as I am running 8xT5 tubes.
I love the video. The colors and PE are fantastic. I especially love the PE on that milli in the second pic. It's results like that which made me switch to all t5. Only problem that I see is that you have too many awesome corals in a small tank
Thanks Richard. You have been my MAIN inspiration throughout the years and particularly with regards to staying with T5 technology.
Beauty pics Sahin! At that Alk consumption rate, your corals are going to outgrow your tank in no time...
Thank you. I am going to have to reduce number of corals for sure at some point.
Quick question, how long did your branching cyphastrea take to get that size, and what kind of lighting and flow does it get?
I had a much larger colony before. I managed to salvage a small frag of it around a 10 months ago after the tank crash last year. Its grown quite fast.
Its a coral that likes lower light. Previously I had it with red tips and tan body. Now that its in lower light its got a lovely green sheen as well.
Flow is fairly low as well.
beautiful and lovely colours and PE!!
Could you post a FTS and a list of your fish eventually?
Thanks. FTS was posted a few pages back. I will get a fish list.