47G SPS...Revamp

Man buddy I have been off the site for a bit tank is looking stellar loved the video! You will have to do this more often!

Big congrats on ROTM well deserved!

Colors are incrdeible and that branching cyph wow it is out standing!

I haven't been keeping track are you still doing some of the zeo? Seems I recall you doing a stripped down version at one point a while back?
Rumors say that he added some flubber and he is scared of andrew's reaction:p

Hope everything is ok my dear friend:beer:
Rumours have it that his tank has started to have cyanobacteria bloom due to dosing too much FM colour elements. Hence, even the rocks started to look red.

Hope everything is OK. :beer:
Now that you've had your tank for a while, I have two questions for you.

30 x 20 x 18 is a nice size, but if you could magically extend your tank either way, which way would you go and why? Let's say you had an opportunity to jump to a 60 gallons? and what if it was 80 gallons? 100? Curious to see what your thinking process is like.

Lighting, are you happy with ATI hybrid and would you think you'd get better colours from MH? If you magically could change the fixture to anything you wanted, what would you pick?
Hey all. Nice rumours. :lol: Nothing much to update with regards to the tank other than a couple of bad things...my female anthias have died one after another. No idea why. The male is fine and eating OK etc.

My Red Planet has browned out a fair bit. Maybe because of the fish dying. A couple of them I couldnt get out as they ended up underneath rocks etc.

Other than that, not much else to update. Have been ultra busy with work and kids etc.

nova65ss: I tried the zeolite for a couple of weeks and because of an upcoming holiday for that reason and also because I noticed some of the corals pale up.

Now that you've had your tank for a while, I have two questions for you.

30 x 20 x 18 is a nice size, but if you could magically extend your tank either way, which way would you go and why? Let's say you had an opportunity to jump to a 60 gallons? and what if it was 80 gallons? 100? Curious to see what your thinking process is like.

Lighting, are you happy with ATI hybrid and would you think you'd get better colours from MH? If you magically could change the fixture to anything you wanted, what would you pick?

I'd go for a 48x24x20 LxWxH. Thats to go sufficient length to be able to keep larger fish and the 24 front to back to allow for nice depth. I'd always like to keep the height around 18-20 to be able to keep a rimless tank within a safe range.

I wouldnt want a larger tank than that; its about my ideal size to manage etc.

With regards, to lighting; I tried; T8, MH, MH+T5, T5, T5+LED...but not LED only or where LED is the main light source.

I've had the easiest success with MH+T5. My ATI LED Powermodule worked out fine. Results are same with the PacSun T5 with LED.

Now I am curious about the mainstream LED fixtures like Kessils/Radion/Hydra 52 etc...for me; Photons are Photons...If I had enough units (hence good spread of light), and the spectrum could be adjusted to roughly similar to the Radium...surely I should get decent results? Your question has got me thinking. I want to try 100% LED's. :lol: In another few months my T5 tubes will be due for replacement...Is it time to prove to myself that LED's work SPS (Acropora) or not perhaps? :eek2::eek2::eek2:
Wow my friend amazing colors look great. Been a while since i been here. But seen the video always enjoyed watching
Sorry to hear about your fish loses Sahin. Unfortunately, this did not come as a big surprise to me to be honest. As I said in my thread, when I had the choice between lyretails and resplendent anthias, my lfs advised me against lyretails. He said that a shoal would diminish one by one until the most dominant fish remains. This is what happened to my friend as well. If you ever try anthias again I would suggest either randalls or resplendent (they appear to be almost identical anyway) anthias as they are really docile. Even the dominant male, which was a female until recently, does not harass any females. He just "dances" around them for courtship. You may have to remove the remaining male lyretail though as he will be aggressive towards new arrivals.
Sorry about the fish bud:(
Are you thinking of replacing them with something else?

As for the corals i'm not worried,you have your way with them and they'll get back to their colors in no time:thumbsup:
When I had my Mitras (LEDs in case anybody doesn't know them) over my tank, I was not completely satisfied, although they were doing a nice job..
I have seen so many really nice Radion lit tanks, I'm tempted to go back. However, there is a difference between growing really healthy and colorful corals and having those corals demonstrate ALL the potential colours that they can..
I still think that the more complete spectrum of the t5 or mh produce more subtle shades of colour in sps corals..
This isn't to say that the radions (or other good LEDs) don't give the corals absolutely everything they need to be happy and completely colourful, I just think that LEDs don't give me (the viewer) of the corals all the colour I need, or know is there...
Hey all. Nice rumours. :lol: Nothing much to update with regards to the tank other than a couple of bad things...my female anthias have died one after another. No idea why. The male is fine and eating OK etc.

My Red Planet has browned out a fair bit. Maybe because of the fish dying. A couple of them I couldnt get out as they ended up underneath rocks etc.

Other than that, not much else to update. Have been ultra busy with work and kids etc.

nova65ss: I tried the zeolite for a couple of weeks and because of an upcoming holiday for that reason and also because I noticed some of the corals pale up.

I'd go for a 48x24x20 LxWxH. Thats to go sufficient length to be able to keep larger fish and the 24 front to back to allow for nice depth. I'd always like to keep the height around 18-20 to be able to keep a rimless tank within a safe range.

I wouldnt want a larger tank than that; its about my ideal size to manage etc.

With regards, to lighting; I tried; T8, MH, MH+T5, T5, T5+LED...but not LED only or where LED is the main light source.

I've had the easiest success with MH+T5. My ATI LED Powermodule worked out fine. Results are same with the PacSun T5 with LED.

Now I am curious about the mainstream LED fixtures like Kessils/Radion/Hydra 52 etc...for me; Photons are Photons...If I had enough units (hence good spread of light), and the spectrum could be adjusted to roughly similar to the Radium...surely I should get decent results? Your question has got me thinking. I want to try 100% LED's. :lol: In another few months my T5 tubes will be due for replacement...Is it time to prove to myself that LED's work SPS (Acropora) or not perhaps? :eek2::eek2::eek2:
Looking to "save money" by purchasing your third LED equipped light in 3 years?:D. Just buy more tubes Sahin.:thumbsup:
Now I am curious about the mainstream LED fixtures like Kessils/Radion/Hydra 52 etc...for me; Photons are Photons...If I had enough units (hence good spread of light), and the spectrum could be adjusted to roughly similar to the Radium...surely I should get decent results?

Radiums don't give you 'decent' results............... the money you spend on these lighting units would pay for the 250W radium bulbs and running costs for years................ :beer:
Wow my friend amazing colors look great. Been a while since i been here. But seen the video always enjoyed watching
Thanks buddy. I gotta check out your tank thread too. Havent seen it in a while...not even sure if Ive lost the notification...

Sorry to hear about your fish loses Sahin. Unfortunately, this did not come as a big surprise to me to be honest. As I said in my thread, when I had the choice between lyretails and resplendent anthias, my lfs advised me against lyretails. He said that a shoal would diminish one by one until the most dominant fish remains. This is what happened to my friend as well. If you ever try anthias again I would suggest either randalls or resplendent (they appear to be almost identical anyway) anthias as they are really docile. Even the dominant male, which was a female until recently, does not harass any females. He just "dances" around them for courtship. You may have to remove the remaining male lyretail though as he will be aggressive towards new arrivals.

Sorry about the fish bud:(
Are you thinking of replacing them with something else?

As for the corals i'm not worried,you have your way with them and they'll get back to their colors in no time:thumbsup:

I'm going to wait a while before buying any more fish. I'd like to get a few more fish, but no Anthias for a while. Maybe on a larger tank I will try them.

When I had my Mitras (LEDs in case anybody doesn't know them) over my tank, I was not completely satisfied, although they were doing a nice job..
I have seen so many really nice Radion lit tanks, I'm tempted to go back. However, there is a difference between growing really healthy and colorful corals and having those corals demonstrate ALL the potential colours that they can..
I still think that the more complete spectrum of the t5 or mh produce more subtle shades of colour in sps corals..
This isn't to say that the radions (or other good LEDs) don't give the corals absolutely everything they need to be happy and completely colourful, I just think that LEDs don't give me (the viewer) of the corals all the colour I need, or know is there...

Looking to "save money" by purchasing your third LED equipped light in 3 years?:D. Just buy more tubes Sahin.:thumbsup:

Radiums don't give you 'decent' results............... the money you spend on these lighting units would pay for the 250W radium bulbs and running costs for years................ :beer:

Let me start by saying that I'm not looking to swap to pure LED's in order to save costs. I'd like a larger tank...and so spoke to the wife a week ago. We are looking to move in about a year...so any new tank will be at that point.

So...in the meantime, I'd like to test out LED's as the potential main lighting for a future tank.

I have seen very good results obtained under the Hydra52 and Radion Pro units. The main issue I saw was coverage.

Anyway, nothing is set out yet...I am researching at the moment. If I tried LED's on this tank and things dont work out; the next tank will be a Halide/T5/LED combo. :)
Hi Sahin, I just order two set of Kessil AP700 and will get them next week. I like its dense matrix technique, but not sure it provide best wavelength for coral grow. Anyway, will see....
Hi Sahin, I just order two set of Kessil AP700 and will get them next week. I like its dense matrix technique, but not sure it provide best wavelength for coral grow. Anyway, will see....

Why are you changing from the ATI?
Sorry I did not make it clear.

I still keep my ATI 4 feet Hybrid as main lighting system. Due to tank is 90 cm wide but ATI fixture only 54 cm wide, I found some corals on outer sides of my rock won't have enough light since live rock block some, so I decide add two AP700 on each side.

I aware AP700 would provide too much light than I need, but since I got dealer price, so it is very hard to resist it and I like its on core for both power and control that help me eliminate too many ugly cords on my open top tank.

Not sure, just some plan, will know once they arrive.


I would appreciate your feedback on my link ( http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2470271&page=21 ) if any. cheers!!!
Help Please...

Help Please...

Need advice please. I noticed STN on a couple of pieces this morning. My Alk and other parameters check out. Havent checked PO4 though. Will check it this evening.

I am not sure why...but maybe its related to the Anthias dying. Early last week I lost two Anthias, I wasn able to get them out because they ended up under the rocks. The CUC did finish them off as I could see a skeleton left only after a day.

However, could that have caused a drastic rise in organics and consequently causing stn with some of my SPS?
Until we work this out don't run your full lighting mate. Stressed acros don't need to be blasted with full midday PAR. Where on the acros is the stn appearing.
Get plenty of water ready for some changes if needed - i'd do one asap. Check all the equipment for signs of weird corrosion etc, cracked heaters blah blah - you know what i mean.
Considering how efficiently your bio filtration was operating i seriously doubt the nutrients from a couple of anthias would cause anything such as stn.

Don't start changing things all over the place as we are prone to do when stuff like this happens. Stick to the basics and double check everything such as salinity etc. If the acros didn't pale before the stn started i would be running half to a full cup of carbon passively.

That's just to get you thinking :)
Could it be ammonia spike? I know established reefs are rarely tested for this, but a dying fish could be the issue. When I lost my male anthias, it triggered several issues in the tank, ultimately caused other fish and coral deaths. Good luck buddy! Andrew's advice is spot on too.