Hey all. Nice rumours. :lol: Nothing much to update with regards to the tank other than a couple of bad things...my female anthias have died one after another. No idea why. The male is fine and eating OK etc.
My Red Planet has browned out a fair bit. Maybe because of the fish dying. A couple of them I couldnt get out as they ended up underneath rocks etc.
Other than that, not much else to update. Have been ultra busy with work and kids etc.
nova65ss: I tried the zeolite for a couple of weeks and because of an upcoming holiday for that reason and also because I noticed some of the corals pale up.
Now that you've had your tank for a while, I have two questions for you.
30 x 20 x 18 is a nice size, but if you could magically extend your tank either way, which way would you go and why? Let's say you had an opportunity to jump to a 60 gallons? and what if it was 80 gallons? 100? Curious to see what your thinking process is like.
Lighting, are you happy with ATI hybrid and would you think you'd get better colours from MH? If you magically could change the fixture to anything you wanted, what would you pick?
I'd go for a 48x24x20 LxWxH. Thats to go sufficient length to be able to keep larger fish and the 24 front to back to allow for nice depth. I'd always like to keep the height around 18-20 to be able to keep a rimless tank within a safe range.
I wouldnt want a larger tank than that; its about my ideal size to manage etc.
With regards, to lighting; I tried; T8, MH, MH+T5, T5, T5+LED...but not LED only or where LED is the main light source.
I've had the easiest success with MH+T5. My ATI LED Powermodule worked out fine. Results are same with the PacSun T5 with LED.
Now I am curious about the mainstream LED fixtures like Kessils/Radion/Hydra 52 etc...for me; Photons are Photons...If I had enough units (hence good spread of light), and the spectrum could be adjusted to roughly similar to the Radium...surely I should get decent results? Your question has got me thinking. I want to try 100% LED's. :lol: In another few months my T5 tubes will be due for replacement...Is it time to prove to myself that LED's work SPS (Acropora) or not perhaps? :eek2::eek2::eek2: