Your tank and corals are amazing
Thank you. It took a long time, but the system is surely hitting the sweet spot.
Holy Crap Sahin!!! Well just umm.... Freaking amazing buddy
Thanks Perry. I had to return to skimming part time. I started running the skimmer 24/7 as we discussed and it just caused a little paleness on the acros and the LPS started to suffer. I'm finding it really difficult to increase and maintain the PO4 level.
Very nice update sir love the colors.
Thanks buddy.
Awesome acro yumminess Sahin, beautiful pics as usual mate It won't be long before the different aged pieces grow in more and things look a lot more balanced.
If i actually owned a camera i'd be doing whatever you advised in regards to capturing the best pics possible, your images always impress me buddy :thumbsup:
I'd just like to point out that in the space of a few pages we went from half a dozen brown turds to 'I'll be sure to include nice clips of the brown turds that are still remaining in the tank.' Then we all watched the video with not a sign of a single turd and when queried as to the veracity of said turd claims we get this:
Then in one short paragraph we end up with 'at least 2-3 acro turds' to 'The video shows at least one millepora colony which is brown' to 'recently its been hinting red'...........
So in short, with regards to acro turds - you have BLOODY NONE !
:facepalm: How long did it take you to find those posts of mine about turday acros...For your info, the shot of the frag rack shows one large pale turdy frag. I subjected it to lots of light. It just turned pale brown.
I've lowered the frag rack now and we'll see what happens over next 4 weeks. If it doesnt colour up you are going to eat these words of mine that you quoted. :debi:
At one point I thought Sahin suffered from OCD, but I am now more worried...
LOL. I'll be happy when I have a tank full of colourful acros like Andrew.
There's not much I can really add that hasn't been said yet lol love it mate! You're doing a bang up job with those candy coloured sticks. And Andrew has a very valid point about the lack of any turds anywhere!
Thanks mate. Andrew says a lot of things; I wouldnt take him so seriously mate. :lol:
You all need glasses. LOL. But seriously, its nice that there are now largely nicely coloured SPS all over the tank.
Sahin, I suggest you should pick up a few turds from your crapy lfs and then take a few pics and shut all your reefer "friends" up.
My better success with SPS was a few years ago with this same system...I dont know why, but turdy acros would colour up within 2 weeks of going into the tank. I wish the system as it is now would be like that.
Some reefer Sahin is!!! He's not able to do what comes naturally to most reefers.
He can't even keep a brown turd BROWN!!
Haha, I sure can. 3/35 brown SPS proves that. :fun4:
Thank you.
This has probably been asked and answered before at some point but I couldn't find it anywhere so forgive me for the repeat question.
What do you feed your tank? For corals that is, not fish. And do you notice differences in your corals based on different feeding regimen?
No problem asking, when a thread gets too long it can be difficult to locate what you're looking for.
Daily Food Summary:
Via Eheim autofeeder x 3 serving a day: Mixture of different flakes -
Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flakes
Ocean Nutrition Spirulina Flakes
New Era Algae Flakes
New Life Spectrum Marine Formula Pellets
1-2 cubes Brine Shrimp
1-2 Cubes Mysis
Small pinch size amount of seafood mix (my buddy made a version of seafood which is very similar to Rods Reef Food or Roggers Reef Mix
On top of that I feed KZ Coral Vitaliser and ReefRoids on an irregular basis.
Do the foods help? Most definitely. However, be sure to build up the amount slowly. Otherwise it can cause sudden algae and even brown out some corals.
Food + Good Water Quality + Stability + Good Flow+ Good Light = Nice colours.