Tony B suggests camel shrimps and a particular wrasse (I forgot its name now). If you contact him, I am sure he would advise you. As you know he is an AEFW veteran.
With camel shrimps there is the danger of them killing the coral itself, in a way they are similar to using a dip (as long as eggs as scraped off and bases cut/superglued over).
Sorry to hear bro,
I hear KZ Flatwork Stop is particularly good
KZ Flatworm Stop is crap as far as I am concerned...on the bottle they advise daily basting...daily basting by itself keep AEFW under control. Now their potion may provide some slight health benefits... Dont get me wrong, I have used and still have some KZ stuff in my not hating on them...
Ah crap.
Dip and scrape or frag worked for me. I forget, can you get something like Bayer over there?
I will never be convinced that I don't have them, but I haven' seen AEFW damage for months. Just when I thought I was rolling I got hit with Montipora Eating Nudis.

It's hard to get ahead in this hobby.
Thats what I wanted to know; that dip and scrape works, thanks for that.
That's a bummer Sahin. I got them in my previous tank, a little over 3 years ago. For me to beat them, I removed all my across and put them in a QT. I dipped once a week for I believe 8 weeks using Bayer and cleaned the QT at the time of each dip. It's been over 3 years that I haven't seen them, but I'm still very paranoid and always looking for them. I felt removing them and putting them all into a QT was necessary because I worried there could be a single worm or egg on the rock that would eventually repopulate. I do the same thing when I buy a new frag, QT for 8 weeks with weekly dips. I also remove new frags from plugs. Good luck, I know you'll beat them
Thanks for your post; it is useful indeed. I am going to dip weekly for 12 weeks.
Oh man that sucks. Since your corals are not glued down dipping weekly for a few months sounds like a good start. Daily basting of the corals as well.
Yeah, I am glad I didnt glue down my corals and
opted for the coral pegging has proved so useful at this very moment.
Sorry to hear that. I heard folks try the following all together...
1. Frequently dip
2. nature enemy control
3. stronger coral
Good luck!
Thanks for the tips; no 1 is going to be my main feature of attack against the AEFW's.
I'm really bummed to hear the news Sahin
It just blows me away how badly these things have affected the hobby. I know you'll be tough and battle through it mate ( unlike your cricket team ). :thumbsup:
I dont watch cricket Biggles, but just like with football, I support other countries...I'd rather support Australia mate

I support Germany when it comes to football and always have since I was a kid. Dont know about cricket, but english football is just home bred team is ever any good even with some of the best training and largest finances in the world.
As for the AEFW's: These bastards have beaten me before...when I was newly into SPS keeping...they are not beating me again damn it! :angryfire:
So, last night I dipped all 21 Acros in my tank. I made a chart on my fish tank notebook and will keep a record of what happens with all 21 Acros. I am determined NOT to lose a single one AND kill the bastards.
Damage Report:
Only 1 Acro: my Hot Pink Millepora had eggs. This coral also had 2 large adults and one ugly little kid (this coral had most damage). I left them in a solution of double strentgh Revive and watched them melt. When I saw the eggs i had this look on my face::angryfire:
So I got out my hobby gas torch:
And burned the eggs off. The smell of roasted AEFW eggs filled the air and I felt a little better.
There was one other coral with a large AEFW. This coral also had quite a bit of damaged tissue. No eggs.
One other acro had what might have been tiny AEFW's...I wasnt sure so I counted it in.
18 other Acros didnt have any AEFW's. They may burrow out of the Acro tissue in the coming weeks if any of these corals are infected.
I didnt want to place Acros with confirmed AEFW's and those without, in the same QT tank for the time being.
Those with confiremed AEFW's or any that had suspect marks went into the QT.
ALL acros will be dipped But kept seperate for 1 month. After 1 months time, hopefully I wont see any new AEFW and at that point I will place all in the little QT tank I setup and leave the display empty without acros for 2 months.
My dipping method:
There is no Bayer in the UK...If someone from the USA can buy and send to UK, I'd pay the costs...I have relatives who will visit the USA next June and I will ask them to get a bottle back for me...but till then i have to use Revive by TLF.
Revive states you must use 4capfuls to 3.8litres of tank water and dip for a few minutes, upto a maximum of 15 mins.
I used double strentgh on ALL my corals.
I adjusted the time for sensitive corals such as my Turaki, Echinata/Speciosia and other think branched deepwater type corals. -
These sensitive corals were dipped for 3.5 minutes.
All other corals were dipped for 5 minutes. This equates to a 10 minute dip at normal strength.
AEFW's basically fell off the coral as soon as the coral was placed in the dipping solution. In the dipping solution I could see the AEFW were "convulsing" and if left for around 20 minutes or longer, started to melt.
I took one large AEFW out of the dip and put into a cup of water without any dip. After 5 minutes the bastard started to recover and move around. He had fatal accident with my finger a few minutes later and all that remained was a brown blot.
I am basically following this method (except I am using a dip which more readily kills the corals):
Hopefully I will have the same success. It is going to be hard, but if I can keep up with hardwork and dip for 3 months and beat them, then that victory will be sweet.