600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14290520#post14290520 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
I paid a visit to Lucas at Oceans Alive to pick up another Fowlers tang. Fortunately for me he had a few in stock. Here is his website. The tank in the background looks familiar to me. Its my old 600 gallon plywood tank in it's prime. So sad.

When I got home I added him to the new tank. I decided to also add my Dussumieris tang to teach the Fowlers how to eat the flake food and nori. They look very similar in colour patters. The dussumieris is a great teacher, the Fowlers ate almost immediately. I also added my cortex stingray.
I'm glad that you were able to get a replacement for the Fowlers so quickly and looks to be doing fine. Mine never made it out of the QT and I am trying to find a replacement. They are such a great looking fish.
whats that really cool tang the largest one, i aint seen one before, what is it?

not the sail fin or the vlamingi, the one with the sort of stripy, maze pattern on its face
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14302064#post14302064 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klasiksb
Are you going to be adding any more rock? If not, do you think there will be problems with so little hiding spaces and so many fish? By the way, I love your tangs :)

I may add some more rock in the end, but it wil depend on how crowded the tank looks. There are still a few places to hide for the small guys. The big guys rarely hide anyway.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14302101#post14302101 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
I'm glad that you were able to get a replacement for the Fowlers so quickly and looks to be doing fine. Mine never made it out of the QT and I am trying to find a replacement. They are such a great looking fish.

Shoot. That's too bad. I find they are so fragile, and so hard to replace. Lucas is the only guy in this area that can get them. Mine's doing very well so far. I won't add any of the other small acanthurus until atleast this weekend, or maybe longer. I'm hoping to keep any fin nipping to a minimum. Once The Fowleri is strong and fat, I'll introduce my other small tangs. The big guys don't even bother with him. I'm feeding him alot too, just in case he gets a case of ich, which they usually do at 1st. The good thing is he's already gone through a case of ich while Lucas had him. He's actually already been in captivity for over a month. I think this really increases my chances of success.
I agree they are one of the best looking fish. Actually when he's next to the dussumieris tang, thier colouring is very similar. The facial patterns are different though.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14302172#post14302172 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by espocrespo
whats that really cool tang the largest one, i aint seen one before, what is it?

not the sail fin or the vlamingi, the one with the sort of stripy, maze pattern on its face

I think the one you're talking about is the Dussumieris tang. My favourite. Probably the most friendly fish I have. He doesn't even hide from the net.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14313048#post14313048 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FishyMel
How's the ray doing?

The rays fine. He's bullet proof. With all the open sand, he's livin it up.
Last night I added a few more guys. Naso brevirostris, Naso brachycentron, Naso Tonganus, Acanthurus leucocheilus, Black Tang, harlequin tusk fish and mandarin Goby. The Nasos look huge in this small tank and I still have a large Naso literatus and desjardines tang to add. Things are getting crowded. I may need another tank!!!







I also moved the small guys (A. nigricaudus, A. auranticavus, A. maculicepps, lieutenant tang, A. pyroferus) to the 130 gallon. This will allow me to start the reorganization of my sump and refugium system this weekend.
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Your tank is simply gorgeous! Some of those tangs look cramped in there though. What is left still to add? Are you putting everything that was in the 600g in a tank half the size?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14317122#post14317122 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
Your tank is simply gorgeous! Some of those tangs look cramped in there though. What is left still to add? Are you putting everything that was in the 600g in a tank half the size?

Thank You. I've got most of the big fish in. Theres a few more small tangs 3-4 inches (A. auranticavus, A. maculiceps, A. tenneti, A. nigricauda) that I'm definately going to add, also the clown trigger (last) and maybe a small angel. Their small size shouldn't may it appear any more crowded than it already is. The others which include a Naso tang, desjardins tang, Blue regal, rabbit fish, foxface, bird wrasse, coris wrasse, convict tang, yellow tang, mimic tang will most likely stay in the smaller tanks. I'm not sure where I'm going to put the moray eel. I also have a couple garden eels in my sand bed, which, when I catch them, I'll add them to the display. Once I redo the sump refugium area, I'll make my final decisions.

I'm still not happy with the tank turnover rate. I'm going to try a couple modifications this weekend to try to increase the flow. One of the keys to my 600 gallon and its success I believe was my ability to turn over the entire tank volume several times/hour. I think this is a major fault with this marineland tank. Although most hobbyists won't keep this many fish in one tank.
I strategically placed this colony of Blue zoos near the tomato clown and his anenome. In my last tank I noticed these blue zoos growing out of one rock. My moorish idol is a zoo eater, but by chance they were situated close to the Tomato clown and his anenome. The clown always chased the idol away from his area and in doing so protected the zoos. I made sure to place them near him again.


These duncans have opened up nicely.


Just a couple other photos.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14317969#post14317969 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klasiksb
I think it just looks over crowded in the picture because you can't see the depth. How deep is that?

I agree. It's 3 feet front to back.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14318322#post14318322 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Looking Great! Those fish look so much bigger in tht tank!

I agree. They make the tank look small. Everything got big in my last tank. Even the yellow chromis are 2-3 inches. The tomato clown is as big as some of the small tangs. The clams and acros are huge too. I was used to their size in the old tank, now they look even bigger. The annulatus unicorn is still growing. I'm not sure how big he will get. I've never seen another adult in captivity.
Sweet thread and a lot of work for you! Couple of things. What kind of eel was or is that ? Also your worm....just so you know they are also called a Bobbit worm. Named for the infamous Lorraina. It seems they are fond of male genital parts to feed their young. Just some info worth passing on. :)