700g+ T5 & Sunlit Reef System

Indeed it is, that's what happens when other reefers get fish too big for their tanks. I get given them :) lol

I also picked up a rare colour morph Stichodactyla haddoni

Unfortunately where it stuck itself was directly on a nice bright green/yellow porites :(

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/t5SC8w4MLis?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/t5SC8w4MLis?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Tank looks fantastic and nice to see that the clown tang still has a nice random swim pattern. Can't wait to see the clown/sohal when they get up closer to a foot.
Wow sweet tank! Where did u get the purple plus bulbs from? You are going to be real happy with the Alpha 300, I have the 200 and love it.
How's the Clown Tang doing and how long have you had him?

Could you post a full fish list?

first, its a very beautiful tank
i`m from germany and i want to know how the vortech mp40 works? is the pump very loud?

i`m planning a 1000 liter tank and want to have two of the vortech mp40. is it enough?

greets vom germany

Tank looks fantastic and nice to see that the clown tang still has a nice random swim pattern. Can't wait to see the clown/sohal when they get up closer to a foot.

Me neither, the clown tang will be leaving soon as I have another reefer interested in him + I would rather keep Sohal alone.

Wow sweet tank! Where did u get the purple plus bulbs from? You are going to be real happy with the Alpha 300, I have the 200 and love it.

Just a local vendor here in Australia, I'm sure there are plenty of vendors locally that supply ATI you could find them there as well.

How's the Clown Tang doing and how long have you had him?

Could you post a full fish list?

Around 15 months and he is easily the healthiest and friendliest fish in the tank. No problems with him. We don't seem to have the same problem with Clown Tangs here as those in the US do.

Sure, here's the list.

Tenneti Tang
Yellow Tang
Blue Tang
Clown Tang
Sohal Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Bluethroat Trigger (Male)
Emperor Angel
Pair Lineatus Wrasse
Mystery Wrasse
Banana Wrasse
Pair B&W Clownfish
Flame Hawkfish
3 Squareblock Anthias
1 Pascalus Anthias
4 Bicolor Anthias
5 Cooperi Anthias
5 Lyretail Anthias
5 Stocky Anthias
10 Dispar Anthias

I think that's it!


first, its a very beautiful tank
i`m from germany and i want to know how the vortech mp40 works? is the pump very loud?

i`m planning a 1000 liter tank and want to have two of the vortech mp40. is it enough?

greets vom germany


Hi Ben,

It will all depend on what you want to keep ie; corals and fish

Based on your tank volume you might need one more but that's just a guess!

I wouldnt say it is very loud, I love them! The motor is on the outside so the water does not overheat. They are great!
Wow, knew there was a lot of Anthias but that is a lot (33!!). :)

I love your choice of fish - especially the Anthias and Wrasses. I've always wanted a Clown Tang and will pull the trigger on one some day.
Ahh, shame about you getting rid of the clown tang - I was really looking forward to seeing the behavior of one grown to full size in a very large footprint tank.
Wow, knew there was a lot of Anthias but that is a lot (33!!). :)

I love your choice of fish - especially the Anthias and Wrasses. I've always wanted a Clown Tang and will pull the trigger on one some day.

I've always like smaller fish heavily outweighing larger fish. Currently my anthias are on a 4:1 ratio wih my tangs, angel and trigger. It looks so much more natural this way.

I love my clown tang, I love my Sohal more though :)

Ahh, shame about you getting rid of the clown tang - I was really looking forward to seeing the behavior of one grown to full size in a very large footprint tank.

At this stage I will be keeping him as none of my local reefers are willing to take him on board. They have a bad wrap in Australia for being mean, killing machines. I have found mine to be very docile.

I am definitely getting rid of my PBT though as I am going to try an Achilles Tang.

I do not want to push my stocking limits with larger fish and I currently find that 8 big fish is plenty in this size tank (6 of them tangs).

I get frustrated when I see lots of tangs in smaller tanks and it is so bad none of them can exhibit any sort of natural behaviours.
amazing tank! love seeing a fellow aussies sps aquarium!

my eyes popped out when i saw the carpet anenome!
if you dont mind me asking, how much did you pick it up for? shes gorgeous!
also have the clowns started hosting the carpet yet?
amazing tank! love seeing a fellow aussies sps aquarium!

my eyes popped out when i saw the carpet anenome!
if you dont mind me asking, how much did you pick it up for? shes gorgeous!
also have the clowns started hosting the carpet yet?

Retailed at $1200. I actually sold it though, didn't last too long in the tank.

This is great!


Small update.

You may not appreciate this as I do living in America but here in Australia is quite an expensive fellow. ($500-$1000 AUD)

Achilles Tang

He is doing very well and is due for release into DT next week.

Also bought a profilux 3 ex + profilux dosing pumps




Only just set it up so still getting the hang of things.
Okay I'm steadily plodding along.

- Put AUS plugs on the ATI's (get rid of the hideous EURO ones).
- Skimmer has arrived
- Picked up skimmer stand - 10mm acrylic
- Achilles Tang in DT

Things to do now:
- Shutdown old skimmer, install new
- FBF's online
- Water change (Just need someone to deliver water)
- Redo electrical due to profilux addition

One or two pics and a video of Achilles in DT.




Awesome quality iPhone video (Yes that is sarcasm)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vi-wMX__J88?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vi-wMX__J88?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Thanks for looking.
Last edited:
Okay so today I had the fun task of decommissioning the old skimmer and installing the new one

The old girl has been with me for years and we have been through some good times and bad, a beast of a skimmer will miss the girl :roflmao:


New skimmer in and set up.




Video in action

Things on the agenda tomorrow (Won't get them all done but will try)
- Get ply cut, paint and enclose electrical (AGAIN!!)
- 2 vortechs online
- Hide more of the vortech electrical
- Tidy under tank electrical (skimmer cords, heater cords etc)
- FBFs online

Fingers crossed!

Here's another video, Achilles settled in now :thumbsup: At the end I have also shown the tank in situ for those wondering how it looks.
