A few of my SPS

some old - some new

some old - some new

Still a long way to go in getting the color back but I am seeing progress which is good That said the Red Planet seems to just take stress on the chin and not skip a beat. Here is some pix of some corals that are coming along - some old & some new with potential.







Love love love those big colonies, especially the smooth skinned acros. The smooth skin with the tan base and light blue branch ends is my favorite. Will it continue to be two toned like that?
Great pics buddy:beer:
I love the second one with the powders back:)
Things surely look like they are bouncing back,happy to see these photos!
You still have the magic touch with pigments Greg, i can see the damage on a few of those pieces but they're still stunning.
Mike is right, that acro is just breathtakingly beautiful mate :eek1:

Love the yellow goby playing peek a boo lol.
Love love love those big colonies, especially the smooth skinned acros. The smooth skin with the tan base and light blue branch ends is my favorite. Will it continue to be two toned like that?
Thanks yes in theory it should stay two toned but I am hoping for nicer colors as it settles in.

You still have the magic touch with pigments Greg, i can see the damage on a few of those pieces but they're still stunning.
Mike is right, that acro is just breathtakingly beautiful mate :eek1:

Love the yellow goby playing peek a boo lol.
Not sure about any magic here Andrew. Yes there is quite a bit of damage but they look to be on the mend.

Great pics buddy:beer:
I love the second one with the powders back:)
Things surely look like they are bouncing back,happy to see these photos!
Thanks Mike.
Fantastic to see some new pics, do you know what this first one is?


Thanks much, it's a new wild piece from Fiji that I believe it to be A.divaricata - there are a few spots that have turned pink since I got it so I am hoping it carries through the rest of the coral.
Nice to see the pics back, Greg! These ones are liking pretty good!!
http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h210/Trainer02/tank journal/tank journal 2/DW 1_zpsxqc3d7o5.jpg
Looooooooving this one..
So big as well..
What is it?
Oops.. That didn't work... The second down in the firs post of new pics.. It's awesome. White bodied with purple tips..
Thanks Matt - I believe that piece to be A.caroliniana. I have high hopes for that one to be a show piece and it is front and center in the tank.

Loving the new update! Some nice pieces in there
Thanks very much - I appreciate the support, thanks for looking.
Thanks much, it's a new wild piece from Fiji that I believe it to be A.divaricata - there are a few spots that have turned pink since I got it so I am hoping it carries through the rest of the coral.

Thanks Greg, I believe I have one as well but not sure I can get a good color from it. It's mostly brown and green but has a pink glow under blue lights. Polyps look identical so I was all excited when I saw the picture. :)
Thanks Greg, I believe I have one as well but not sure I can get a good color from it. It's mostly brown and green but has a pink glow under blue lights. Polyps look identical so I was all excited when I saw the picture. :)

Mine was completely brown when I got it a few weeks back - It seems to be reacting nicely to the tank and coloring up pretty fast. I hope it keeps getting more pink - time will tell. I will post photo updates of that acro as it progresses. I am starting to think it's a weird variety of A.loripes rather than A.divaricata but time will tell. The growth form kind of reminds of this piece I had years ago.
Glad to see your updates and that things are recovering, I had an issue myself a couple of months back, felt like a step backwards at first, but now I have made changes that have me more stoked than before the problems began. After 2, well really 3 TOTM, really great to see you as devoted and passionate as ever :)
Thanks much, it's a new wild piece from Fiji that I believe it to be A.divaricata - there are a few spots that have turned pink since I got it so I am hoping it carries through the rest of the coral.

That one is a stunner- very unusual growth form and color!
Glad to see your updates and that things are recovering, I had an issue myself a couple of months back, felt like a step backwards at first, but now I have made changes that have me more stoked than before the problems began. After 2, well really 3 TOTM, really great to see you as devoted and passionate as ever :)
Thanks Perry. It was another tough ride for me and I honestly thought about packing it in but I came to my senses and am feeling good about the tank & hobby again.

Things are looking excellent, great update! Really glad you didn't throw in the towel.
Thanks Josh, I am glad I didn`t as well.

That one is a stunner- very unusual growth form and color!
It was a very difficult acro to keep colored up and browned out at the drop of a hat. Hopefully this one will be less fussy. ;)
A few through the glass straight on shots because I didn`t feel like using the top down box.

Here is a fairly recent addition that seems to coloring up slowly but surely.

A.plana - my nemesis. Let`s hope I can keep this one alive long term.

A little blurry but this m.confusa colony is making a good come back

I have been nursing this frag of red cyphastrea decadia along for a couple of years and it is finally taking off.

A.caroliniana profile shot :D