Irrigation costs vary much from one water district to the next. At my place the irrigation water is culinary water. I live in the desert and water is soooo damn high. Because we are such a relatively new and small community the city fathers never opted for a separate irrigation supply.
At my mother's house it is way different. They used to get their irrigation water in the ditch but some brain at the city offices decided to pipe it all and then meter it at every house even if they didn't use the irrigation water previously. Now people on fixed incomes are tagged with a $30/month user fee year round even if they never use it.
Ahhh, serenity now . . . .sorry I could rant but I will control myself.
BTW Servo, I am loving this thread and I refer to it often. Great inspiration and advice.
At my mother's house it is way different. They used to get their irrigation water in the ditch but some brain at the city offices decided to pipe it all and then meter it at every house even if they didn't use the irrigation water previously. Now people on fixed incomes are tagged with a $30/month user fee year round even if they never use it.
Ahhh, serenity now . . . .sorry I could rant but I will control myself.
BTW Servo, I am loving this thread and I refer to it often. Great inspiration and advice.