A Splash of Color

Hey Dom, i've ordered the sump 1650x600x350 or 65"x24"x14" roughly. Dave is customizing it to suit my needs including a double sock trap just before the return pump so i can clean the sump without water changes. Has a 800x600 frag section included and i have two quad 24W T5 units coming so i will have 8 x 24W illuminating the 10" deep frag tank - i like to be thorough when it comes to lighting as you know and can always throw the 250W radium over it if the urge takes me (likely at some point).
Dave has ordered me a gyre 150 thingy as well so it's action stations around biggles reef lately lol.
All battle stations are go on the Acro-Star! lol sounds like an awesome little set of upgrades :D I know you'll have one groovy sump as Dave always has crazy awesome ideas about them lol the frag section sounds fantastic though and it'll be interesting to see if there's any change in colours or anything under pure T5 with no halide :) Testing time! lol
I'm glad to hear you're giving the gyre a go! I'll be interested to see how you find it as given the flow you've got it should fit in rather nicely :)

Sing out when it's go time though!

Quick question, and I know it is going to vary, but how soon did you begin to notice the effects of the KC, either on algea or increased color? Or, what were the first things you noticed to say "Hmmnnn, something is different here".. But only I'm a few days in with the KC and just want to be on the lookout.. For trace, I'm using the KZ trace element complex at the below link:


I'm dosing Lugols and the KC. 4 drops of Lugols and 2ml of KC on 210 gallons twv..

Thanks a ton..

Lol, I'm posting on all you guys threads to just find out as much as I possibly can..

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I like this twilight pic"¦"¦..and especially your stunning corals :uhoh3:
Did you start with WC?

Now that I have my own "Experiment" going on, just wanted to check with you on the dosing of the Koral Color. I started with 1ml per 30 gallons as you suggested which for me is 150g/30gallons *1ml = 5mls per day. Is this the rate I should keep up with? One of the followers of my thread noticed that this is a significantly higher dose that what you are currently using (maybe because you are dosing both trace hard and Koral color). Everything seems to be fine at my current dosing rate but it would be nice if I do not need to dose as much$$. Thanks.


I notice that you're dosing a lot more KC than Andrew is daily. You both have around 150g water volume and I think he said that he's currently dosing 0.7ml per day , where as you're dosing close to 5 times that at 5ml per day. Have you noticed a need to dose that much daily ? Did you ever try a lower dose and not notice anything , or have you always used this higher dose?
More questions :)

In your first splash thread I read this:
quote" I do it every three nights pretty regularly. The skimmer runs the same 24/7 and has a drain hose on the cup with a tap so i just turn the knob and point the hose at the return pump. The skimmer gets cleaned every 3-4 months, the cup once a month and just before i drain some skimmate into the tank i use an old toothbrush to wipe the scum off the OUTSIDE only of the neck. I swirl this into the skimmate so it's really gunky and then dose that mixture. I put it through the return so it gets pulverized. I don't disturb the inside of the neck EVER because i want the skimmer to be working 100% so it removes most of the stuff by lights on the next day - remember i'm trying to not leave too much in the water for algae to use when the lights come on. "quote Biggles post #748 peninsula thread

Can you elaborate on:
"don't disturb the inside of the neck EVER because i want the skimmer to be working 100%"

"The skimmer gets cleaned every 3-4 months, the cup once a month"

This is quite opposite the common way or... have I gone insane?

Cup cleaning and especially neck cleaning as often as possible I hear.

I notice sometimes that the skimmer skims more when I let things go and the neck is really really dirty. So ....:p
Hello Andrew, I need to review all your topic. the colors are absurdly beautiful, besides of course his flat layout which I love. Are you using triton method? a big hug
Are you just dosing kc and lugols now? I was looking at trying it with mine but I was looking at replenish too for trace. Thoughts?
Sorry guys been busy as a rat in a cheese factory lately. Have the weekend off so i'll catch up with everyone i promise......

Got the piece on the left last Sat - it was in the $10- poopy acro section but all i saw was a stunner waiting to be woken up :)


Speaking of waking up, it's taken six months but acros can only resist BJ for so long.............. ;)


It's called flaming dragon from the tropic thunder movie - Tom Cruise was epic in that, didn't click who it was for about 5 seconds lol.
And i have aiptasia popping up all over the place so big livestock changes are going to happen once i get the fish trap off Dave tomorrow. They're trying to get to the spath that has also woken up in regards to colors.

Friday night here so acro porn pics........ :)

I de-pastelled one of your pieces Christian. The acro lower left in the pic is the frag Ken gave me - it is bloody nice Ken :beer:

Yellow tang nipping acro polyps - he is history. Grabbed the iphone to catch him in the act but the LEDs were on at the back so the pic is a bit weird.

My new fish is named BJ and he is an algae eating machine. If you have algae problems you should go to your LFS and get a BJ :thumbsup:

Looking great matey. But it looks the rebellion have infiltrated Darth Acros command centre and placed Aiptasia sabotage bots all over the reef. :facepalm:

I miss Stormtrooper Potatohead...if he were around the rebellion wouldnt have been able to carry out this feeble attempt at discoloration of the Acros.

Andrew, colors are spot on as usual, I love how alike we are in picking up pieces that are often overlooked, seeing the potential in what most consider "poopy" corals. Your system will color even the crappiest and dullest coral, so cool to watch it happen. Diamonds in the rough I suppose :) The spath is insane, I recently scored one too, and am looking for an orange color predominate, anything close to yours and I will be stoked. Glad things are well for you, great set of photos, that red dragon is simply the most deep and saturated red I have seen, and reds do quite well for me. Cheers Biggles!!! :)