Abyzz A200 pump and Royal Exclusiv Red Dragon 3 230W side by side

Both pumps are running great without issues. I really can not say anything bad about either. The Abyzz did have an issue in the beginning but they seemed to have fixed it and hopefully, any new ones will have the issue. You can not beat the 10-year warranty of the Abyzz.
Last week during the July 4th sales I did get another pump to replace my return. I had been wanting to replace my return for a while and I was just waiting to see how these pumps did over time to make my choice on a new return. My return is now an Abyzz A200, reasons for picking it are: its a smaller pump which works better for the location I had to put it, the warranty is too good to pass up, I do like the controller a little better than the Red Dragon's controller, and lastly it was in stock during the sale it;s still out of stock at most places). The sale let me save over $400 on the pump. I had to enlarge the hole on my sump to get a bigger bulkhead in it to allow for the 2" input on the Abyzz. I did make the plumbing so I can easily swap out the Abyzz for the old pump is something ever does happen.
I am using an Abyzz 100 as a return from my basement on my 300G display tank, and another Abyzz400 in the cabinet under the tank as a closed loop pump. the tank is in my living room right next to my couch, and the pump is absolutely dead silent!I am really impressed with the Abyzz pumps. My only negative thing, is at the price they cost, and the fancy controller and settings
, they should have implemented a feed mode. My return pump is in the basement, along with the controller. I don't like food going over the filter overflow, so I turn off the return pump at each feeding. Yes, I could place the controller upstairs in the cabinet, but in my mind regardless of where the controller is, I shouldn't ave to push the button to restart. it should use a feed mode to restart automatically!

I have the abyzz a100 in the basement and also wish it had a feed mode. I have forgotten for 30 minutes and overflowed my skimmer which has a feed mode. For the money it's a great silent pump but come on now for that price a feed mode wouldn't be to hard for them to implement!
I thought I would update this thread.
All 3 pumps have been running great without issues. I am very happy with them and highly recommend both pumps, I do not think you could go wrong with either brand.
Regarding packaging- Just received my Red Dragon DC pump 3 230W and it looks amazing, packaging was over the top good. Can't wait to hook it up. Have a older Red Dragon Ac pump running for maybe ten years, rarely cleaned and keeps on going.
I am trying to decide between these two pumps for my setup = 14 foot head pressure basement sump, 150 gallon display. Red dragon 230 watt- $1350 with 2 yr warranty, Abyzz A200 - $1900 with 10 year warranty. updates and new info wanted. either controller do a feed mode yet?