Big congrats Kevin
Love the reef man cave and the whole setup mate. Some good times are coming :thumbsup:
I have a tutorial in my journal on the fix for ALL dosers Kevin. It's got nothing to do with the stupid screen - without even seeing the insides of that machine i will tell you right now that it will be missing the hoses that are supposed to be in there.
This will save you chasing your tail barking up the wrong tree down a dead end lane.........
biggles doser fix
Haha, I remember that all too well. I didnt even have to click the link to know it was the doser tossed in water! Thanks for checking in bro. Good times are coming

See you on the dark side :fun2:
Beautiful tank. What's the dimensions of this new tank?
Thanks!!! Its 154g 54.5in X 30.5in X 22.5in starfire
Kevin, the new set up looks amazing! Good to hear all is well, including with the junior reefers...
Thanks Jordan. Though, I wouldnt say its amazing... maybe its ok lol. Your tank is the one thats looking spankin' sweet! you just had another kid recently too no?
You just saved me loads of money!!! I have a GHL Profilux PII EX sitting in my cupboard due to the screen issues...also have a GHL Triple Doser sitting in the cupboard...
I replaced the screens a couple of times by finding used parts...still paid way too much!
Thanks so much for providing the link and the info...this is why I love RC. :thumbsup: :beer:
The build looks really cool. What is your idea on filtration and reason for using biopellets and the sand filter?
Ya no problem man! Glad I could help. I am liking the way filtration is going lately with the siporax ect. But I cant believe people pay that much money for ceramic!!! :eek1:
Im looking around for some cheap alternatives for the media. Currently browsing the metal forging filter realms. Also some insulating bricks that look interesting but sourcing viable info about density and fabrication processes is proving difficult.
Take the marine pure block for instance. I am fairly convinced that this is a brick that can be bout for $3 retail but they charge $60!!! wholleh molleh
I run biopellets just because I have a bag of them kicking around. I don't run GFO often if ever and i roll my carbon in a mesh bag and stick it in a 2in pipe Tee of the drain line. So, I had this spare reactor and a spare outlet on my manifold... Figured what the hay, I'll run a fluidized sand filter just to be cool and different.
After all, the tank is gonna be..... wait for it..... waiiiit for it...... BareBottom!!!!!! *Gasp*whisper*chuckle* haha
At least for now it is. I want to see if its all that and make my decision on adding sand then. Easier this way than the other IMO.
Kevin, that is one serious acro lab..
I am very jealous!!!
I had a room like that back before we had kids..
Is that going to be all one system?
If so, did you run the pipes from the dt through the wall?
Also, I'm loving that scape.. really slick
forgot.. dimensions of dt?
MUHUhahahaaa. Thanks, you are my toughest critic. The pipes just run along the wall. I thought about going through the wall but it wasn't worth the trouble. Im shooting for the meth lab / hack city look.
dims 54.5 x 30.5 x 22.5
I noticed u have a lot of colonies on rounded diy plugs.... Is that just epoxy built up around a frag plug or certain type of carbonate pieces? Seems like a lot of times my frags just encrust forever. Yours don't seem to do this..... Any advice?
Well those are mariculture pieces so I bought them like that. Small frags tend to encrust until they feel secure enough to shoot up. My guess is you have a lot of flow?
Ill let you guys in on a secret. maybe you know it, maybe you dont but the mariculture plugs are common portland cement mixtures aragocrete whatever you wanna call it.
Now that is no surprise itself but when they make them, they stick their thumb in the mold to make a hole in the middle. When they put a coral cutting in it, they use BONDO. So for anyone paying mega bucks for epoxy... this is an alternative. I dont know if there are cure times for our tanks or not or if its even possible in a closed tank. Remember these are cultured in the ocean. maybe ill mess around with some for yall