And so it begins

I look forward to seeing what he looks like in his new home :) Thank tank shows some imagination!


Got the fish home, put it in the tank and it checked everything out. I came back and it has moved from the shell to one of the blenny tubes on the back wall at the top. It is great when things work as planned.

It hangs there now so maybe it thinks it is living in the penthouse.

My wife's only comment was why do you buy fish you cannot see?

I will probably start WC again on the tank during the holidays and continue to switch some of the rock in and out.
Friday update:

The fish is doing great. He hangs in the back wall and darts out, head bangs and then goes back. He is getting use to us so I am hoping that when we are sitting on the loveseat he begs more.

"Freeze you rebel scum!"

Only downside is I am beginning to get quiet a bit of the dreaded surface scum. I used a paper towel to lift as much as I could out but I am sure it will be back soon.

I took a juice box straw, stuck it into the PH intake and made a bubble storm again and it brought the proteins to the surface and I simply scooped them out.

This is my fault and I need to step up my husbandry again on the tank.

So this brings up a cross road for the tank.

1. Leave the tank as is, just the tank itself
2. Put another little pump in and feed an above the tank sump.

I like the idea of #1. This lets nature run its course. This is an experiment afterall.
If #2, I can add another 2 gallons of water volume, get my heater out of the tank (meets the goal of no visible equipment) and allows me to explore additonal filtration options including cheato, an ATS on a small scale or even DIY a water bottle skimmer.

I already have the lift pump and wooden airstones. It would cost nothing which would be in line of raiding my fish closet for things.
Downside of skimmer would be noise because the stand is next to the TV.

What to do what to do?
Mike, the surface scum was exactly why I went with a AIO design with my 5.5g. I partitioned off about 4" off one side with acrylic and made two chambers. Cut teeth in one side for the overflow and the other side is the return Minijet. No surface scum. :D

I really need to glue down the corals I've raided from my 30g tank and purchased at the LFS. Right now I have xenia, star polyps, clove polyps, two colors of candy cane, a red mushroom and a neon green yuma. The sole fishy is a neon goby. The CUC is rounded out with three tongan nass snails, a turbo snail, three banded trochus and two hermits.

Still wating for $$ to magically appear so I can get the T5 fixture over it. Right now it has my old 2x18w PC fixture from my 2.5g tank sitting on it.

When you get a chance, an updated pic would be great!
what a great job thats tops in rockwall fabrication

Thanks for the words Brandon.

Mike, the surface scum was exactly why I went with a AIO design with my 5.5g. I partitioned off about 4" off one side with acrylic and made two chambers. Cut teeth in one side for the overflow and the other side is the return Minijet. No surface scum. :D

I really need to glue down the corals I've raided from my 30g tank and purchased at the LFS. Right now I have xenia, star polyps, clove polyps, two colors of candy cane, a red mushroom and a neon green yuma. The sole fishy is a neon goby. The CUC is rounded out with three tongan nass snails, a turbo snail, three banded trochus and two hermits.

Still wating for $$ to magically appear so I can get the T5 fixture over it. Right now it has my old 2x18w PC fixture from my 2.5g tank sitting on it.

When you get a chance, an updated pic would be great!


Well after all my talk about flexibility I think I am pretty much stuck with things as is and not oh let me do this. I may have one quick solution though. After I topped off when I had gotten back Sunday night I filled it to the trim and I noticed my scum going over the one PH wall and getting mixed so I may take a dremel and cut a notch out.

Or I may add an AC 20 or 30 (closet) for additional flow and put a mini jet in it and feed a sump.

Sorry you have not gotten your T5s yet but don't forget you are suppose to buy me one too so I guess you will have to change your avatar.

No FTS to speak of. Just look back a page or two and take a brown and a green crayon to color the rock work.

Just make sure not to use a white one because well they are evil.
I really like your idea of a simple tank...and i've been thinking about making a small little zoa only tank for awhile...i also may use some of your rock ideas! Also, your tank looks great, and now we need some pics of the fish and the whole tank
Thanks for the comments Ryan.

If I can help on the rock just post a question or 5.

Last weekend I was out of town from Friday morning to late Sunday night and my lights got left on my purple hornet frag that was sitting in my 20.

I forgot to telling my tank sitter what to do and forgot that I forgot until then. There was a nice green algae covering the zoas so I took a tooth brush and removed it Mon - Wed. of the week. They are mad at me and have not opened up since then but if you read the PH not opening thread this seems typical.

I threw the frag into this tank so zoa stocking is done!

There are 4 polyps and 2 new babies so I guess it was good I could see the closed polyps.

Perhaps I will get some time on Saturday to play with the tank and get it looking a little better and be able to borrow my FIL new camera to shoot.

Here at work, take a pic, attach camera to computer, turn on, download, upload and done.

Now it "takes so much more".
Your build has introduced me to several ideas that I hadn't thought of before. Very creative and interesting to say the least. I look forward to your updates.
^thanks for the comment.

Several times I have thought about stopping the weekly updates but if someone sees it and helps them then it is all good I guess.

No new pics. I took some, brought the card from home to work and when I had finished downloading all pics were gone.

Last Saturday I threw an aqua clear on with some filter floss (craft floss from walmart but not the fire retardant in case there is a chemical issue) and ran it for a few hours. I was able to get a good amount of detritus out.

Also because I have been concerned about surface scum I broke out my tetra lift air pump and have it going. It took about a day but I no longer have the scum. I know 99.9% of the reefers out there hate air bubbles esp. micro bubbles in a tank but that is one thing that has never bothered me.

I think it is natural and if you are in an area where waves break then why not? There is not any salt creep build up because the bubbles burst on the left side where the ATO box sits.

I also worked on my AC that I am going to hang on the back of the tank. I don't like doing this but I want the heater out of the display. Hind sight, I guess I should have built a PVC heater holder on the back wall to hide things. I guess I still could and after the water stop cures throw it into my 20 to help adjust any pH issues and then attach it to the back wall with a little puddy.

I put a layer of water stop/sand on the parts of the AC that would be in the aquarium and they are soaking in the 20 right now. Hopefully they will blend in and not be an eye sore.

Also I moved my hornets higher up and they have started opening FINALLY. However I was talking to a reef friend earlier this week and she may give me another zoa frag and I will trade her a frag of the PH.

Yes this goes against the whole one colony plan but as in Highland there can be only one and if this new one holds it will replace the PHs. As Mel said we have a history with this morph but that is a story for another time.
Sorry I have let the weekly updates slide by. With the holidays, weather and life that has pushed things aside.

As far as the tank goes the purple hornets are now up to 11 polyps but I am having a little algae growth between polyps. I have been removing it with some tweezers. It is no where else in the tank so I am guessing it hitched a ride in. They are stilling opening and closing at will.

This has been driving me crazy trying to figure out what is the secret to them or if they are just picking polyps. I did notice my temp in this tank was around 80 and when I was holding them in my other sump it was closer to 76 to 78.

I finally got my MJ to quiet down by jamming a chopstick of all things between the wall and it. This isn't a long term solution but at least I can watch Auburn win without that hum.

I have been suprised how much detritus is already building up in the tank. Last weekend I broke out my DIY mechanical filter and ran it for several hours. The floss turned a lovely shade of coffee.

I need to do a WC this week which will be 2 gallons (50%) of the water volume.

Also I finally found a desk lamp to hold a DIY LED kit I had been thinking of doing but the base is kind of wide so I am still in debate about the whole stupid light set up. The tank is on my stand that will be used for my FOWLR tank so I am having to "think" of a place to put this tank as well as how to explain to my wife why this tank will live. "Tens of people" demand it!

And of course I was watching my tailspot during halftime of the Sugar Bowl and started thinking man I should have ......

I wish I had made some of the benny burrows 1/2 - 1 in in diameter and bent them some so they weren't perfect cylinders.

You can take a paint heat gun and some pliers, heat the PVC and then bend it and make it look like Tonga branch rock. Then sand it down and start attaching the concrete to it. Needle point mesh also helps some for the concrete to attach or even window screen mesh.

I guess reefers are never perfectly content though I am pretty close at this point. Also I don't worry about this tank at all which is one of my goals. I top off each night and feed the blenny so it is all good.
Hello again.

I am going to try and post bi-weekly updates from now unless something dramatic happens.

The good, the bad, and the ugly can pretty much sum things up.

I did a 50% WC last Saturday and once again I am very surprised at the amount of detritus and the discoloration of the waste water. This really is making me re-think about WC etc. Perhaps it is because of the size of the tank or the fact that the only filtration I have on it is my LR, a small bag of carbon and now a piece of AC foam filter pad that I cut down. I now stir things up (need to grab a plastic turkey baster again) letting the pad collect the large particles and then rinsing each night when I top off.

The good is all of my PHs are opening finally. They were closed because of a spaghetti worm that was between two pieces of LR. Its sweeper tentacles were irritating the polyps. Thanks to Paranoid's comment in his thread about when he broke his tank down and removed the worms. I knew it was there for the last few weeks but for some reason I was focusing more on lighting and water quality maintenance instead of the most obvious answer being the correct one.

The bad part was on the Sunday after the WC I found my tailspot dead in my tank. I knew that something was wrong when he was not in his usual burrow.

Sorry Tangboy if you are reading it. My daughter finally said something about she has not seen the fish for the last few days.

I added a large Mexican turbo snail to help with algae and I am seeing some baby ceriths in the tank.

The ugly part was I only found his head. For some reason during the night (lights run from 6 pm to around 3 am). He decided to swim up into the filter and must have swum into the impeller. I feel bad for the guy because he was very entertaining to watch and will be missed.

I guess that is it for now.

Today during lunch some of the office computers will be taken apart for heat sinks and fans in case I get brave enough to DIY a LED set up.
I am going back to the fish store today to see if I can find another tailspot blenny and to pick up my light. After all my debating I am going with a simple Ecotoxic strip. Long story short I don’t want a spotlight, I don’t have the desire to build a LED light at this time and this light will cost me about $16 out of my pocket due to Santa being good to me. Somehow I made his list.
I never removed the fish from the tank because I never found it. I never had an algae outbreak and if anything my rocks are pretty much clean. My snails have been reproducing and I did add a large Mexican turbo so I think it is a combination of the two. If I find my fish today it will be going back into my 20 holding tank.
I finally improved my MJ1200 flow by adding some tubing to the outlet. I removed some of the rock and stuck my hand under the outlet and felt little water movement. Now it is doing what I want. Sometimes simple solutions are the best.
For the heck of it I have been reading about ATS and thought why not. Afterall this is an experiment as much as anything and I want to see if/how well one would work.
My ATS is the foam insert pad for my ATS and a 6500K desk lamp that I had been using for my old freshwater planted tank. The light is about one inch from the pad’s surface. I will rinse it on Sunday and wait 7 days. So far evaporation has pretty much doubled from 20 oz to 40 oz per day so I am topping off twice a day now. I got the idea of this from seeing a RCer’s skimmer sponge being lit up and nice and green.
As of today I have a 10 polyp frag of PHs with no algae between polyps and I am hoping the new light brings their color back. When the frag gets to 14 polyps I will start fragging it and start that part of my build.
I am also getting more coraline algae appearing on the rocks. I have been dosing 10 ml of kalk water each night since Jan. and now I am up to 15 ml.

Overall I spend about 2 minutes per day working on it and much more just looking at it (Maybe that is why I removed the large rock on the right side last week.) With a fish again it should increase.
WC take me about 5 minutes now. Drain 1 gallon, pour 1 gallon in, dispose of WCW, rinse and store until next week.
Over in the nano section there was a rock wall thread that I posted in.

Jason posted his incredible 20L in it so you should go look for his build.

He pm'ed me and asked a few questions. He is a great guy and looks like he had as much fun with his build as I did with mine.

He asked if I would explain how I worked with the rock again. I was going to pm him back but decided to post here since I am trying to share some information with others about something that should make us happy. So here it goes:

Actually I used both methods: dry and wet.
The dry method is mixing the dry components together and pouring it where you want it such as a back wall. Then you can spray water on top or slowly pour water onto the mixture and allow it to wick through the dry mix. Once wet you can use something like the chopsticks or some rubble and sort of poke the mix while wet. This adds detail to the rock. I have a picture or two of the wall texture in the build back a few pages.

The thing with quikcrete is your working time is about 10 minutes before things start setting up and you can no longer poke or shape things. If you are working and things are setting up too quickly, I found out that you can spray it and that will give you some more time. If your mix is too wet now you can either add some more mix, wick the water away with a paper towel or leave it. Unlike working with cement where too much water weakens the bond strength with this method, the water is not washing anything away and I think in some ways it is better. If it is too wet you can just wait a few minutes and the mix will have set up again. After I made a wall or floor I would wrap the tank up in a garbage bag and leave it over night to dry slowly and then the next day open the bag up to finish drying. IF you are making something and finish, it leave it alone. Don’t move it and don’t go back to “make it perfect”. If you notice any cracks in your rock surface after it is dry, patch it like you would a driveway. You can just spray the dry rock and fill in with powder and smooth it with your finger.

The wet method is making the dry mix together and adding water to it like normal and then putting it where you want it. The disadvantages are some gets wasted ie dries in the bucket and the time factor. It is better to work with a small area, get that done and move onto another. You can spray this again and continue working.

When I made my rocks I made the eggcrate skeleton and where I had joints I used straight quikcrete first on the underneath side (so the structure is upside down at this point) and let them dry and then continued to build and add on. Those rocks are not one layer and not done in one day. If I added wet rock to dry I would spray the dry down pretty well, add my wet rock, spray again and use my finger to rub the edges in order to make a smooth blend.

After a while I skipped the bucket and I would take enough dry mix to fit in the palm of my hand, add water and squeeze it together to form something like clay. By doing this it made the rock look less manufactured like out of a mold and more like the rock has been around and has been eroding due nature if that makes sense.

Hope this is beneficial to someone else.

Have a good weekend.
No luck on the tailspot blenny search so I guess I will just continue going back to my LFS.

I have been reading about ATS a bit lately and I think my bulb has a too high K rating so I may visit HD or Lowes and look for a bulb in the 2700 - 3000 K range.

Just an experiment mostly.

Everything else same old same old.

It may be getting time to change my PC bulb. I have one more unused one. Maybe by the time that one dies I will have a solution to my lighting issue.
Still tagging along my friend with a bump for those who haven't seen this thread. What an inspiration to those who are following and learning at the same time. 2 thumbs up bro. .:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Well thank you good sir.

I am pleased that you came by for a few and more importantly started posting in the forum again. I hope you continue your efforts.

I did change my bulbs and can now see the color shift due to the old bulbs. I am still doing just a 50:50 13 watt PC bulb.

My frag is still at 10 but all polyps are healthy.

I know that things grow and stop etc. and it seems that they have here.

This leads me to the question of just part of the cycle or is it because my bulbs got old or because I don't feed the tank very much anymore since I am fishless at the moment or a combo?

I would like to hear others' thoughts on it so if anyone has ideas please post.

I will probably hit the LFS on the way home today. They usually have 5 - 10 goby and blenny species but not any tail spots.

I would take a barnacle one too.

Of course I am STILL trying to determine the lighting of my little system. Of all the equipment areas lights have always been the hardest for me.

Thanks for stopping by.
I guess my new bulb helped because I finally have new growth polyp #11.

I have a spaghetti worm that is touching it though so I will have to deal with that soon.

I also moved the frag away from the direct flow of the AC.

CA is showing up more and more so that is good. My CA is a blood red but I have one or two patches of light pink/purple.

I did a 2 gallon WC last weekend and any algae on the rocks is gone. At 7 days like clock work it starts and just like clock work it is all gone 2 days after a WC.

I don't mind it though since it is part of a healthy reef.

I am without a fish still but maybe with the weather changing I may get lucky.

I still top off with 20 oz of water per day but figure things will increase soon.

Thanks for coming by.