And the rebuild begins.

Has your purple guy gotten agrresive? My purple/yellow guy (they're related breeds) has become really agressive even though nothing I have read has implied they would attack shrimp.....

I:m wondering if I should separate him out . . but I can't seem to catch him.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7837498#post7837498 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sangogo
Has your purple guy gotten agrresive? My purple/yellow guy (they're related breeds) has become really agressive even though nothing I have read has implied they would attack shrimp.....

I:m wondering if I should separate him out . . but I can't seem to catch him.

HAHA funny you should mention that. I cought a couple baby peppermint shrimp today.. very very small.. and on Jeffs advise, I put one in the main tank.. purple guy swam over and in one bite ate him. :eek: So the other has a home in the fuge untill he is big enough to fend for himself in the main tank. hopefully he lives..

but other than that, the purple guy just hangs out in the corner, dosnt bother anyone. I have a big yellow one that will chase my damsil if he gets to close to him, but other than that everyone leaves everyone else alone.
Hahaha, my new shrimp are in hiding thanks to yellow/purple guy.

I went to an awesome sale today at an LFS near my friend's house. I picked up a magenta colored coral and a medium clown. (I wish I bought two, but I add fish one at a time, with at least two weeks in between each addition mostly out of paranoia.) Nothing has made me happier than this clown has. Clownfish were the reason why I owned tons of marine books as a kid. I figure I'll add a juvenile in a month as I have seen people recommend.

If you're able to come up to Tokyo during Obon, I would recommend you check out this store. They're doing massive crazy sales. In fact on one particular sale day during Obon, blue tangs are 980 yen (usually about 4000 yen in Tokyo) and you can get 5 chromis for 398 yen. (I'm not sure if they are out of their mind or what.) It's going to be so tempting to overstock my tank this month....
I don't think they ship, unfortunately. (They probably wouldn't have such crazy sales if they did.)

But their water is way clearer than many stores I have been to. And their selection is probably the best I have seen up here in Tokyo. (which is probably not saying much compared to what you have in Okinawa.) It's probably my favorite LFS so far.
FD, My bad, Every time I added small shrimp in my tank I never had a problem. Didn't think It would end up a snack.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7841047#post7841047 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
FD, My bad, Every time I added small shrimp in my tank I never had a problem. Didn't think It would end up a snack.

ahh its all good.. didnt expect them to last that long anyways. Hope the one in the fuge does ok. And I dont know why, but the 2 snails that I put in the fuge are doing good.. there trucking around making lines in the alage, but the 4 that I put in the main tank started out ok.. but after a few min, just pulled in and dont do anything. And, I cant find 3 of them now.. mmm guess I'll just have to keep an eye out for them..
yea, I was hopeing for that too.. these guys were so small though I couldnt really tell if they were peppermint or the ones with humpbacks...

I cant find the one that I put into my fuge.. but he was clear so really hard to see him anyways.. hopeing he is still alive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7848316#post7848316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Donstuprich
I have not had any aptasia... does that mean i won't get them if i put nothing new in?

You are lucky. There is always a chance of getting them. But there is always a cure too.