I've got a couple tanks that I am leaning towards the LED investment, but not sure the technology is there yet and it is still very expensive. I have a couple large tanks, one is 96x30x30 and uses 4 250 watt metal halides and 4 110 watt VHO.
The other tank is a 60x60x30 cube and uses 4 400 watt metal halides and 4 110 watt VHO. The electricity, cooling and bulb replacement costs are definitely high and electricity is going up. I would need to piecemeal the lighting fixtures together over time due to budget and I don't want to start buying lights and then 6 months later something way better comes along. Just wanting a conversation on LED and large tanks really...
The other tank is a 60x60x30 cube and uses 4 400 watt metal halides and 4 110 watt VHO. The electricity, cooling and bulb replacement costs are definitely high and electricity is going up. I would need to piecemeal the lighting fixtures together over time due to budget and I don't want to start buying lights and then 6 months later something way better comes along. Just wanting a conversation on LED and large tanks really...