ASM Skimmer Club!

Paul what is your results so far with the mesh. I have heard it takes up to 3 days to break in. My results so far at 3 days are minimal.
I actually don't have it running on my tank yet. I had to make a new sump since this wouldn't fit in my current one. I have everything done except the recirc mod. I am putting it on a 75 gallon so I am probably going to hold off on the recirc mod for now. I am going to put the skimmer and new sump online next week. I have a spare impeller so I am going to run it with the regular one first and then the mesh one. I have to order a flow meter so I have it next week also. I'll let you know the results.
im probably getting a G2 later today, i'll be running it on a 90g with 29g sump. what mods do you think i should do? what will make it skimm the best.?
Jimbo I would get it up and running before you start mods. That way you will know whether they make a difference or not. I would do the gate mod though to fine tune water level in skimmer.
ASM G3 recirc mod

ASM G3 recirc mod

I got a used G3 with a gate valve mod on it. I did the mesh wheel mod. I am going to put it on my 75 gal. I am looking to get a 150 around the end of the year. I eventually want to do the recirc mod on it. When I do, I want to feed it from my overflow. I have an Eshopps that handles 600gph. My question is when I "T" the feed line from my skimmer off of it, what diameter of hose or pipe should I use?


hey guys.. I have a asm-m... I took it out today for a clean, then after I hooked it back up I noticed a small leak where the cone meets the main pump..? bad o-ring? I took it out and the O-ring looked fine... any suggestions? thanks
dont know what it called but the cone that has the air line that is connected to it.. you can remove it to get to the impeller? sorry dont know the parts... the intake of the pump
Sounds like you are talking about the venturi on the input on the pump. That should be submerged under water so I dont understand how it would leak.
If you are talking about the cone of the skimmer connecting to the body of the skimmer a new o-ring and a good cleaning should help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13135492#post13135492 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ryancaudill
Sounds like you are talking about the venturi on the input on the pump. That should be submerged under water so I dont understand how it would leak.
If you are talking about the cone of the skimmer connecting to the body of the skimmer a new o-ring and a good cleaning should help.

That what I am seeing too. If it leaks around the cone (unless it is pouring out) It should not hurt anything. My G3 always leaked from somewhere. LOL
it's submerge in water.. just after a cleaning I noticed a lot of micro bubbles coming out of that area ... I took it out and checked to see if the cover was on right and it was... I did notice the o ring... I'm going to take it out and replace with a new one... see what happens.
Wow, this thread is awesome! I cannot wait to get my ASM skimmer in the comming months!

What do you guys believe is better for a 150g? G2 or G3?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13138721#post13138721 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rort
Any one have the foot print measurements for the G3?

Never mind. I just saw Safedad's post