ASM Skimmer Club!

As requested, here are a couple of photos of my venturi mod.



I wasn't sure if it was working better than the stock one. So, I switched back to the stock one and removed the mod pipes from the outlet tube. Wow, there is a lot more flow using the mod venturi. The water just flows out the pipe with the stock venturi, but it mushrooms out with the mod venturi. Plus with the outlet at the same height, the mod venturi has the foam raising much higher. So, I guess I'm going to stick with the mod for now.

It was very easy and cheap to make. The body is a 3/4" coupling with a wrap or two of electrical tape so it fits snug into the inlet of the Sedra. The couple was drilled and tapped for a 1/4" NPT. Then a nylon 1/4" x 3/8" barb fitting was screwed in. The extra nylon inside the coupling was dremeled out to make it a smooth interior. Then a 3/4" x 1/2" reducer was inserted in the coupling. I think it cost me like $3. Of course I had a tap and a dremel.
Just did the mesh mod last night on my G1 (old style with the Sedra 2500)
What a difference!!!
with the stock impeller, I had to have the outlet tube raised almost to the top of the cup before ANYTHING would collect in the cup... Even with a new impeller assembly.
Now, I had to drop the outlet tube down quite a bit, and the amount of bubbles is HUGE! Going to give it a few days to break in with the new mod, then will fine tune it.
I used 3 layers of the F4 enkamat flatback.
I just picked up a used G2 with the 3500 pump when my last skimmer bit the dust about a week ago. I've never had a ASM and I'm having some problems with it. Its in about 10 inches of water and the level doesnt change.

At first it was working great and pulling a ton the first day, but was also putting out a lot of bubbles. Now the bubbles have stopped but it isnt skimming very well. I have the tube as high as it will go and then the foam is only coming halfway up to cup.

It should be skimming like crazy since I haven't had a skimmer for almost 10 days and I have a really stocked tank.

What should I do? Where should the filter on the outlet? Right now I have it about an inch above where the water comes out of the tube, thats made it so the foam comes up into the cup a little more.
Jamesus - They usually do have a break-in period. Maybe that' where you are. Here is a photo of the cup of mine.

I assume that you mean you have the outlet tube all the way up. I don't use the foam and that won't change the skimmer performance, maybe just filter out micro bubbles.

Mine used to dry skim really good, so I had the outlet tube up just enough to get the top of the foam around the bottom of the inner tube of the collection cup. Now, mine doesn't seam to really dry skim much. I've been told that my system could be fairly clean. So, if I want to pull much I have to raise the outlet tube up so the top of the foam is middle to upper area of the inner collection tube.

Mine is in somewhere around 8 - 9" of water, but if the level goes up so does the foam, so I doubt that's your problem. There really isn't much to adjust on these skimmers. Pretty much just find the right height on the outlet tube and you're good.

If your foam is in the middle of the cup, it sounds like it's working OK. Just may take a few days to start producing.
10" is also pretty deep and the Sedra has a hard time pulling air against the head. If you can raise the skimmer, 7" seems to be about the sweet spot for the skimmer. It will pull more air and performance will increase.
I saw a skimmer stand made out of acrylic on one of the online vendors that has several height adjustments. Can't remember where I saw it. Try asking on reef discussion forum.
My 3500 pump went out so I need to get a replacement for my G2. Should I go with another 3500 or go with something bigger and if so what? Suggestions?
My 3500 pump went out so I need to get a replacement for my G2. Should I go with another 3500 or go with something bigger and if so what? Suggestions?

look back 1 or 2 pages and you can see the output difference between my Sedra3500 and 5000 :D

I might be down grading from a 5000 to a 3500. I need a smaller pump to get my skimmer in a different sump. PM me if your interested.
I didn't read the entire thread but I did read the last years worth. It seems that is a dead link now. Is there a new web site that lists all the mods for these things.
Someone posted some pics of some scrub pads for use in the mesh mod a few pages back but I didn't see a reply as to which of these if either would work. Any suggestions.

IME experience, it really doesnt matter. the whole purpose of that valve is to maintain the flow out of the chamber at a constant speed and allow for easier adjustment and consistency of the water level inside the skimmer.

FWIW, After about 2 yrs tinkering with it I finally ditched the valve. I found that restricting the output will force the skimmer to overflow. What happens is when for whatever reason, the pump starts pumping more gph, the gate still only allows so many gph out. So that additional flow has to go somewhere, and it go's right out the top, and overflows the collection cup. Various things can cause the air/water mixture to change, from stuff you add to the water, to salt creep getting down in the air intake, bugs getting sucked in, general buildup of crud in the venturi, etc. As a matter of fact, just the other night I was doing something and I noticed the skimmer output velocity suddenly increased for about a minute, then went back to normal. No big deal, it didnt even really effect the foam head. Had I had the valve, it would have overflowed.

Since ditching the valve, I have not had 1 overflow in the last 2 or 3 yrs.