At what point do you knot feel bad about buying imported goods?

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I was thinking about this today whilst perusing around looking at different equipment. I got to thinking about Bubble Magus skimmers on eBay specifically.

I am "pro-US economy" but it looks to me like the US manufacturers need to get up to speed or get out of the game in the specific instance.

These skimmers they are offering are on-par with skimmers produced in the US with a price tag upwards of three-times that of the Bubble Magus.

Now, I do understand that the pumps are "probably" very, very sub-par, but the skimmer body is not. But lets assume a good pump costs twice as much, these skimmers would still be less than half the price of comprable American made skimmers.

My question is, at what point is the price difference too much to ignore?
I don't feel bad when: There are no domestic (or Canadian) options, or the available domestic (or Canadian) options are of inferior quality.

I do feel bad (but sometimes my pocket book wins anyway) when: There is a domestic (or Canadian) option that is good, but costs a lot more.
It is hard to justify paying accessive amounts for USA made equipment. But it is also hard justifying my money going to Red China. For me, it depends on the price difference. I always buy USA made if the price is 25% higher or less.
I never feel bad simply because that is what competition, and free trade allows for. Ever wonder why so many people will buy imported cars over the domestic ones here? They're cheaper.

It's always funny to see people who are protectionist and always look for "made in the USA". Trust me, I love my country, but I will not pay 2-3x as much, for often times an inferior product just to "feel good". I myself have a Bubble Magus Curve 9 and for the price, can't beat it..

To those who want to pay more because it makes them feel good, go nuts.
I only buy American, if there is an American company that makes it. I don't care if it costs 50 times more, I will buy American, price has nothing to do with it.
Of course my TV and cell phone is not American as none of them are made here but if they stop making American cars, I will build my own.
My sneakers and most of my clothes are also American as is all of the food we eat.
I think the Veteran in me has something to do with it.
I never feel bad simply because that is what competition, and free trade allows for.
Free trade and competition may allow it, sure. Just as long as you don't think it's "free market", which is a myth.

It's always funny to see people who are protectionist and always look for "made in the USA". Trust me, I love my country, but I will not pay 2-3x as much, for often times an inferior product just to "feel good".
Why not? I see it as supporting my own community.

When I started this hobby, I was in college. The cheaper the better, which usually meant imports from low wage countries. Now, things are different and if I can buy American, I do. At the very least I try to buy imports from countries that are most likely to pay livable wages, like Europe, Japan, and our frozen friends to the North.

But, at the same time, I get it. There are two economies now, one for the rich and one for the poor. Many imports are made by poor people, for poor people, and I can't condemn a family for trying to survive, no matter what side of the border they're from.
Free trade and competition may allow it, sure. Just as long as you don't think it's "free market", which is a myth.

Why not? I see it as supporting my own community.

When I started this hobby, I was in college. The cheaper the better, which usually meant imports from low wage countries. Now, things are different and if I can buy American, I do. At the very least I try to buy imports from countries that are most likely to pay livable wages, like Europe, Japan, and our frozen friends to the North.

But, at the same time, I get it. There are two economies now, one for the rich and one for the poor. Many imports are made by poor people, for poor people, and I can't condemn a family for trying to survive, no matter what side of the border they're from.

Good for you. Whatever makes you feel better about your choices, so be it. I agree with your assertion in the fact that I'm a hockey player, and the goal pads I buy are custom hand made in Canada. You can tell the craftsmanship of something made in the US (crap) to Canada (Best) to off-shore (Thailand, China). Myself I don't settle for it and even if i didn't have the cash I would hold off until I could get something that fits my needs. Now I understand there are plenty of people who do NOT want to spend that much nor demand that quality. So those low income workers in Taiwan have a job to help pay their bills and survive because there is a market for it. I see a reason for both, and the market allows for that because there is no one size fits all that we typically hear from people these days. While trying to help people in this country on the high horse of people only buy American, you may very well be hurting someone in another low wage country because they now have less to do, and might be out of a job.

It amazes me you think there are two economies "now" ? Where have you been since, oh i don't know the dawn of man. There has always been poor, and will always will be poor people. There will always be rich people to employ the rest of us, they are needed and a valuable part of our society. The ironic and comical thing to me is people who loves socialism these days it's coming back in style. Fairness! Right, in socialism you make the rich people poorer, but guess what you drag down the poor as well and make them poorer.
While trying to help people in this country on the high horse of people only buy American, you may very well be hurting someone in another low wage country because they now have less to do, and might be out of a job.
For some reason, I don't get the impression that your purchasing choices are based on helping those in other countries, but I could be wrong. What about workers in America? Don't they lose their jobs if there's no demand?

There has always been poor, and will always will be poor people. There will always be rich people to employ the rest of us, they are needed and a valuable part of our society.
Rich people don't employ anybody, demand does, of which there is more of with a healthy middle class. The same middle class that is vanishing, creating two economies.

Capital investment is important, but no investor will invest if there isn't demand.

The ironic and comical thing to me is people who loves socialism these days it's coming back in style. Fairness! Right, in socialism you make the rich people poorer, but guess what you drag down the poor as well and make them poorer.
Do you even know what socialism is?
For some reason, I don't get the impression that your purchasing choices are based on helping those in other countries, but I could be wrong. What about workers in America? Don't they lose their jobs if there's no demand?

You're right I do not purchase my goods based on thinking I am helping someone here or abroad. Call me crazy but I purchase my goods based quality, price, availability, and a whole lot of other factors. Not everyone does this though.

Rich people don't employ anybody, demand does, of which there is more of with a healthy middle class. The same middle class that is vanishing, creating two economies.

Capital investment is important, but no investor will invest if there isn't demand.

Do you even know what socialism is?

I don't agree with your assumption that the American worker will suffer. You don't think we export anything? Wouldn't you rather want Americans producing things here such as the plans, designs (Apple type stuff) and having someone else do the low skilled labour or would you rather our people do the unskilled labour forever? Our country is evolving and the workforce has to with it.

You really don't think the wealthy employ people? You must either work for the state or for a university and never spend any time in the real world. You ever get a job from a homeless person? Honestly, just listen to yourself it's ridiculous.

To top it off, yes I do know what socialism is, my parents came to this country after living in a Soviet satellite state. Big government is big government no matter what portrait you paint over it. Either way you will lose your freedom.

You like being told what size soda you can or cannot buy? You like the mountains of regulations when wanting to start a business or really do ANYTHING to your own property?

End of the day we're not going to win each other over I can tell from your avatar, although I'm surprised the occupy camps offer internet. Wonder what big evil corporation is paying for that. Cheers and good luck.
I don't agree with your assumption that the American worker will suffer. You don't think we export anything? Wouldn't you rather want Americans producing things here such as the plans, designs (Apple type stuff) and having someone else do the low skilled labour or would you rather our people do the unskilled labour forever? Our country is evolving and the workforce has to with it.
I don't have time to respond to this.

You really don't think the wealthy employ people? You must either work for the state or for a university and never spend any time in the real world. You ever get a job from a homeless person? Honestly, just listen to yourself it's ridiculous.
No, I don't think the rich employ people to any meaningful degree. If there isn't demand, it isn't sustainable. The personal attacks are just stupid.

To top it off, yes I do know what socialism is, my parents came to this country after living in a Soviet satellite state. Big government is big government no matter what portrait you paint over it. Either way you will lose your freedom.
Communism and socialism are not the same thing. USSR was communist, regardless of the name.

You like being told what size soda you can or cannot buy? You like the mountains of regulations when wanting to start a business or really do ANYTHING to your own property?

End of the day we're not going to win each other over I can tell from your avatar, although I'm surprised the occupy camps offer internet. Wonder what big evil corporation is paying for that. Cheers and good luck.
What's with the tangent rant?

You're right I do not purchase my goods based on thinking I am helping someone here or abroad. Call me crazy but I purchase my goods based quality, price, availability, and a whole lot of other factors. Not everyone does this though.
Why did you edit this out? Afraid it made you look callous? I think it's funny that you accidentally left this statement in a quote of what I said, yet it's the most relevant thing you've said regarding the OP's question. Do you feel bad about buying imported goods? Apparently not.
I don't have time to respond to this.

No, I don't think the rich employ people to any meaningful degree. If there isn't demand, it isn't sustainable. The personal attacks are just stupid.

Communism and socialism are not the same thing. USSR was communist, regardless of the name.

What's with the tangent rant?

Why did you edit this out? Afraid it made you look callous? I think it's funny that you accidentally left this statement in a quote of what I said, yet it's the most relevant thing you've said regarding the OP's question. Do you feel bad about buying imported goods? Apparently not.

Where did you get that I edited anything? Did you notice in my post on the bottom there is no mention of an edit? Nice try, and good luck to you.
Where did you get that I edited anything? Did you notice in my post on the bottom there is no mention of an edit? Nice try, and good luck to you.
Lol, who else would've written it? You're busted and embarrassed.

What I don't understand is how a question about buying imports turns into a rant about socialism. How does one get so brainwashed into thinking that if a person doesn't blindly buy what is offered to them and questions the impact the purchase of that product has, that they're automatically socialist/communist/anti-capitalist/anti-American?
I never feel bad simply because that is what competition, and free trade allows for. Ever wonder why so many people will buy imported cars over the domestic ones here? They're cheaper.

It's always funny to see people who are protectionist and always look for "made in the USA". Trust me, I love my country, but I will not pay 2-3x as much, for often times an inferior product just to "feel good". I myself have a Bubble Magus Curve 9 and for the price, can't beat it..

To those who want to pay more because it makes them feel good, go nuts.

that's ashame ... that you get on a soap box to say that
youll feel bad one day and there is nothing free about free trade... china and other countries have no competition ... most companies that make these products do not have the insurance requirements, employee requirements environmental restrictions that are opposed on american companies .... which makes the price escolate ....
sorry for the rant and derail.
BTW... I buy foreign products to.... but i think they should come with a high tariff to make it easier for American companies manufacturer here ....and i believe products in America made in other countries should have to be made under the same constraints ... ie. labor laws and environmental issues .....
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