AV99's custom 600g Reef Savvy on site build-Lots of pictures

Jason Fox Homewrecker

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AV99's Sunset Envy

I absolutely love this one! It's a true stick form of the famous Sunset montipora. :thumbsup:


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So sorry to hear about your Alk spike, Corey. Alk spikes can take a while for existing SPS corals to recover but new additions should be fine if your parameters are stable again. Glad you are staying positive too my friend! :thumbsup:

I need to make a trip back down! I had an ALK spike and huge dip in p04 and lost some frags

Can't rush perfection.....not to mention Felix runs a business and the reefsavvy wait is already 6+ mo the for a tank. He can't just spend all his time in Ohio doing this tank. The business in Miami would suffer. :lol:

Reefsavvy does amazing work and is well worth the wait in my opinion.

Can't rush perfection.....not to mention Felix runs a business and the reefsavvy wait is already 6+ mo the for a tank. He can't just spend all his time in Ohio doing this tank. The business in Miami would suffer. :lol:

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