AV99's custom 600g Reef Savvy on site build-Lots of pictures

Thanks, Corey! It was great hanging out with you too my friend. :thumbsup:

I've seen this tank in person, and it is amazing. I almost ordered a Reefsavvy tank before I had GEO build mine. The wait was like 6 months but I now see why. They are works of art.

Here are a few of my favorite sticks from previous reefs that are still with me today ..... some going back over a decade.:thumbsup:

Jared's Red Matrix

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RMF's Diablo Millepora

Still the Pinkest millepora in the hobby!


AV99's Raging Bull

Another extremely colorful favorite I have had in my system for many years.

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Thanks my friend! The Reef Central "Edit" feature has changed and now I can restore all the pictures previously blocked by Photobucket on my build thread. :thumbsup: The images lost on the first page of this thread are now fixed and working again!!! It will take some time to restore all the images though.

I can't wait to see it rockin and rollin!

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Waw, this build would make anyone jealous :eek2:
It makes my 63 inch tank look positively tiny! Sooo much to work with. Congratulations all the way from Belgium!

Thank you very much for the compliments, Dietger! Stay tuned and glad to share my journey with you.

Waw, this build would make anyone jealous :eek2:
It makes my 63 inch tank look positively tiny! Sooo much to work with. Congratulations all the way from Belgium!

Thanks my friend! The Reef Central "Edit" feature has changed and now I can restore all the pictures previously blocked by Photobucket on my build thread. :thumbsup: The images lost on the first page of this thread are now fixed and working again!!! It will take some time to restore all the images though.



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Cant wait to see this tank full of water and corals! I visited your old basement set up a while ago when you were having a frag sale. Sure hope to see this beast in person some day! Congrats and keep the pics coming:)
Getting real close now. Just waiting for the live rock to finally cure for the most part. It has been a long time in the making and many of the delays were beyond my control. Will update this thread soon with more pictures. Glad to see you back in the hobby too my friend. :thumbsup:

Cant wait to see this tank full of water and corals! I visited your old basement set up a while ago when you were having a frag sale. Sure hope to see this beast in person some day! Congrats and keep the pics coming:)
Updates are well overdue, huh? I will post some pictures that were lost in this update too. :thumbsup:

Felix of @Reef Savvy was working on some amazing new custom overflow weirs for my new overflow boxes, but everything has been placed on hold due to Hurricane Irma. Everyone impacted by the massive storm is in our thoughts and prayers.

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I thought I would share a few more updated photographs from my grow-out system this evening while the Pukani rock continues to cure for my display tank. Enjoy! :thumbsup:

CRT Delight

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That sump is a beauty, Tim. looks like its going to be a fun plumbing job!!

If you need a hand with anything, let me know
AV99's Freakshow

I have never seen anything like this ultra rare gem before. Extremely slow grower but absolutely stunning to see in person.

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