AV99's custom 600g Reef Savvy on site build-Lots of pictures

Part 4- Reef Savvy 600g tank built on site in my basement.










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Congrats on your dream tank too, Gary. It will be worth the wait.

I have a Reef Savvy on order. It's been a year now and hope to have mine soon. Only a 125 though. I have smaller dreams - and house. :-) You certainly have the A Team on your project! Can't miss with this one.
Wow, can't wait to see this build continue. Beautiful Tank, Reef Savvy tanks are top quality.

What other equipment will you be using? Lighting & Filtration. Thanks.
Glad you are tagging along for my journey. Equipment pictures to follow ... lots of them.

Wow, can't wait to see this build continue. Beautiful Tank, Reef Savvy tanks are top quality.

What other equipment will you be using? Lighting & Filtration. Thanks.
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I will be sure to follow your build thread too...Reef Savvy masterpieces come in all shapes and sizes and your footprint is going to be very impressive too!

Thanks! I am getting anxious now. I do want to keep an eye on this one though. You have a great bunch of people working on it, I know that. So, can't wait to see what comes next!
It's already shaping up to be a very impressive build. What are going to do for the equipment? Dedicated filtration room?
Wow, what a fantastic build. I cannot wait to see this progress. I dream of a Reef Savvy tank some day.

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Thanks for the nice words and I promise to post pictures of all the equipment soon....oversized external skimmer and monster sump included. Not sure about the dedicated fish room just yet...right now it is the entire basement fish room unless the wife makes me finish the basement. :thumbsup:

It's already shaping up to be a very impressive build. What are going to do for the equipment? Dedicated filtration room?