AV99's custom 600g Reef Savvy on site build-Lots of pictures

It is time for some more updates!

need more updates!!!!

Next up are some of the major equipment components I added for this project. Special thanks goes out to Reef Dynamics and Titan Aquatic Exhibits for these gems!




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Purchased 10 years of replacement parts and modified pumps for the skimmer and calcium reactor in advance too. While Reef Dynamics is no longer in business, my plan is to keep this heavy duty equipment in operation for decades to come.


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Lookin good Tim..........everything is top notch :thumbsup:

That skimmer is a beast, very similar to the old style Deltecs. which was by far the best skimmer I ever owned.
Thanks, Ed! Glad to have you along for my build too. I have had great success with Reef Dynamics/Euroreef skimmers in the past and I am still running my Euroreef RC 500 skimmer now on my grow out system...It's over 10 years old now and still runs like a champ.

Lookin good Tim..........everything is top notch :thumbsup:

That skimmer is a beast, very similar to the old style Deltecs. which was by far the best skimmer I ever owned.
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I've been following your build also. Very impressive! I can't wait to see it up and running and also excited to see the scape in this tank. Looking awesome so far!

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Thank you very much and glad to have you following. :thumbsup:

I've been following your build also. Very impressive! I can't wait to see it up and running and also excited to see the scape in this tank. Looking awesome so far!

Sent from my LGL16C using Tapatalk
Awesome build. How are you going to plumb your dual overflows? I ask because I am doing the same and have received some conflicting feedback regarding the challenge of setting up dual overflows as 2 BeanAnimals (one for each overflow) or splitting one beananimal between the two overflows.
Thank you for the compliment!

Incredible build, Love the detail!

Thanks and glad to have you following my build thread.

Nice setup

Not sure yet on how I am going to plumb the overflows...mine are large and drilled for three returns each with one being a fail safe....but I will be fine with just two returns on each overflow.

Awesome build. How are you going to plumb your dual overflows? I ask because I am doing the same and have received some conflicting feedback regarding the challenge of setting up dual overflows as 2 BeanAnimals (one for each overflow) or splitting one beananimal between the two overflows.