Away We Go - New Reef Set Up 230-250 gal

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14779872#post14779872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rastarainy
this is gonna be a great thread. i can't wait for the finished product. got any livestock ideas yet?

Ummmm, yes, but my list is too long. I want everything..LOL. I want mostly smaller fish and I really want to try groups and/ or pairs. I know I want to try a couple of groups of anthias. We were also thinking of a M/F pair or triggers, a M/F pair of Bellus Angels, M/F pair leopard wrasses. Basically, every fish I want to try is a group or pair, with the exception of blennies, tangs and hawks. We'll see. My list is seriously crazy, but on the other hand, I've never had this much volume to work with.... Any thoughts? I would love to hear suggestions on this to help me whittle the list down. As far as corals, we will be SPS dominant, so that needs to be kept in mind. Thanks for asking!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14780594#post14780594 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by KDDG
Ummmm, yes, but my list is too long. I want everything..LOL. I want mostly smaller fish and I really want to try groups and/ or pairs. I know I want to try a couple of groups of anthias. We were also thinking of a M/F pair or triggers, a M/F pair of Bellus Angels, M/F pair leopard wrasses. Basically, every fish I want to try is a group or pair, with the exception of blennies, tangs and hawks. We'll see. My list is seriously crazy, but on the other hand, I've never had this much volume to work with.... Any thoughts? I would love to hear suggestions on this to help me whittle the list down. As far as corals, we will be SPS dominant, so that needs to be kept in mind. Thanks for asking!

As most of you can see, we ended up with a 300 gallon, but with Kelly's need for many many fish, now we going to need 1000 gallons before we even fill this one up with water LOL... Kelly has spent more time in the livestock book than anyone on the planet! She is now ready to right her own. Seriously, we need to start the "Kelly Knows" thread.
love the thread, the tank is coming along very well! what do you plan on doing for under the tank? two sumps connected? Also just my imput but i personally wouldn't put triggers in the tank. They could start to destroy your clean up crew snails, crabs, etc. But i love the rest of the list, also any of the genicanthus species of angels are reef safe. One pair from there are the wantanabei angels which are beautiful (especially the males :) haha). Anyways great thread!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14794889#post14794889 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sltloser
love the thread, the tank is coming along very well! what do you plan on doing for under the tank? two sumps connected? Also just my imput but i personally wouldn't put triggers in the tank. They could start to destroy your clean up crew snails, crabs, etc. But i love the rest of the list, also any of the genicanthus species of angels are reef safe. One pair from there are the wantanabei angels which are beautiful (especially the males :) haha). Anyways great thread!

Thanks for the input. I am certainly choosing some type of Genicanthus for my M/F angel pair. The one you suggested is pretty. As far as the triggers go, we have plenty of time to decide. If we get them, they would go in last. By that time, who knows? There will only be one sump, but connected to a refugium for a total of about 90 gallons underneath. Gieser, correct me if I'm wrong. He is setting everything up & will have to give you those details. We went as big as we could with our space requirements. I am basically working on the livestock list & aquascape plan. I am looking to go with a very open 'scape and I don't want it touching the back/ sides. I want to keep the back walls as clean looking as possible and leave plenty of room for coral growth. I am so ready to get started.....:rollface: With this long weekend, we may be able to bring it inside (that is if we can fool some saps into coming to help us move it..:lol: )
your a better man than me, id already have the tank in place, lol i dont know how to wait. nice build, cant wait to see fish in it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14801140#post14801140 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by KDDG
There will only be one sump, but connected to a refugium for a total of about 90 gallons underneath. Gieser, correct me if I'm wrong.

We have a 20 gallon refuge and about a 60 gallon sump. I wanted a bigger one (90 gallons), but just could not squeeze it under there. I will be running a Hammerhead for the return and 2 Darts for the closed loops.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14801611#post14801611 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rupes reef
your a better man than me, id already have the tank in place, lol i dont know how to wait. nice build, cant wait to see fish in it.

LOL - I can't stand it either, so I opened up part of the crate and here is what I could se so the way, James at Envison Acrylics did a GREAT job on building this crate for the tank. He needs a side company called Envision Crates haha. Here is what we saw...

There are about 150 of these holding the crate tightly together.

This foam is surrounding the tank completely on all sides, top and bottom.

This is just a peak. I know it isn't much, but we are about to unveil the whole tank tomorrow.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot... We got this Dialyseas machine from a guy locally that had it from a setup that was in a casino from a while back. We have to ship it back to Seavisions to see it the parts that need replacing can be replaced. If so, great! What were the chances of finding one of these locally.
We got the tank in the house today with the help of 5 others! I am so happy to have it in the house and to start finishing the build!!! :D

Me and the wife unveiling...



Finally in the house and on the stand/bar
Woah dude Killer find on that dialyseas! My typhoon III is great I can't even imagine being able to automate it. From what I've heard you'll love it when it's up n runnin.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14808690#post14808690 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rustylugnuts
Woah dude Killer find on that dialyseas! My typhoon III is great I can't even imagine being able to automate it. From what I've heard you'll love it when it's up n runnin.

I know! This is a piece of equipment I was dying to have, but the price tag was just too high to commit. This one we got is a damaged, older model, so we got a great deal on it. We will be sending it to Seavisions next week to see about the repairs. The computer on it fired right up and I don't think we'll have any problem getting it going.

Thanks everyone for following and helping us out!:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14809677#post14809677 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Congrats on the tank we want WATER :lol:

SO DO WE!! A little plumbing, and we shall have a wet box.
were are the pics of the tank uncovered?? hint hint;)

Where is the entrance to your fishroom...i think i must have missed this somewhere lol....also what are your coral stocking plans? and can i have a current and full equipment list if you don't mind:)

happy reefing
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14811936#post14811936 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zack33
were are the pics of the tank uncovered?? hint hint;)

Where is the entrance to your fishroom...i think i must have missed this somewhere lol....also what are your coral stocking plans? and can i have a current and full equipment list if you don't mind:)

happy reefing

I'll post some updated shots of the fish room. KDDG posted some of the stocking plans earlier in this thread.

This should cover the equipment, but I am sure I am leaving something off...if so, let me know LOL

308 Gallon L-Shape tank
65 Gallon Sump
25 Gallon Refuge
30 Gallon Quarantine

Reeflo 200 Skimmer
GEO Kalk Mixer
Reeflo Hammerhead - for return
2 Reeflo Darts - Closed Loop
2x 800w Finnex Heaters
2 x Oceans Motions 4-way

3 x 400w LumMax Elite reflectors w/ reflux bulbs
1 x 250w LumenMax Pendant w/ reflux bulb
3 x 400w SS Galaxy Ballasts
1 x 250w SS Galaxy Ballast
2 x 24" SS T5
2 x 60" SS T5
CoralLife 90w fixture (for Refuge)

Neptune Systems ACIII w/ 2x 8 way DC and a 4 way HD DC
PH, TEMP, ORP Probes
Neptune Systems Lunar LED (5)

2x 2" True Union
4x 1.5" True Union
8x 1" True Union
4x 3/4" Single Union
Tons of other fittings and piping

Mighty Mag
Panasonic Internet Camera
Airport Express (for ACIII)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14817758#post14817758 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blindside
Looks freakin awesome!! Can't wait to see the finished product!

So, just a quick update. We did have a structural engineer come to the house and it seems some work under the house is in order before filling up with water. However, I don't think this will be a long set- back. It actually sounds like the solution will be quite simple. We are just waiting on his final ideas. Other than that, we will be plumbing this weekend. So, we'll post some more pics soon. :)
The equipment list looks good:)

I love the sounds of the stocking plans as well:)

Can't wait to see more progress....good luck with the restruckering:) (spelling is wrong i know)

Happy Set-up
Sorry for the longer than usual update. We have made a lot of progress and this week we will finish the remaining wall panels on the front side and any remaining electrical/controller needs in the fish room. We are basically finished in the fish room as well. Here are some update photos. We should be getting wet for tests next weekend. We do have to poor 2 footings, double the joists, and stack 2 columns under the house (recommended by a civil engineer). Oh, and we did get our (30 gallon) quarantine tank set up for new fish.

Here is the framing and swing panel on the front. You can also see the return pipe that runs across the front.

Her is the panel closed and you can see the framing on the left side of the tank. Still needs paint.

This is the 1 of 2 Oceans Motions 4-ways connected to a Reeflo Dart Gold and the sump (65 Gallon)

This is the other Oceans Motions 4-way connected to a Reeflo Dart Gold next to the return pump which is a Reeflo Hammerhead. I covered the entire room with shower membrane.

This is the large overflow box on the large side of the tank. Both the left and right side pipes with gate valves will flow to the sump. The middle pipe is an emergency overflow pipe. That pipe is higher than the other two inside the box. I will post pictures of this when we get wet.

This is the smaller overflow box connected to the back side of the smaller side of the "L". The pipe with the gate valve closest to the camera is the overflow for that box and runs directly to the sump. The other (smaller) gate valve you see will feed the Reeflo 200 sitting next to it.

Here is just a quick shot of the quarantine tank that has some fake plants and fake rock (I must say that that fake rock does look pretty good, though). There are 3 Pajama Cardinals in there and a couple of others. They are just hanging out watching us get ready to fill up their new home.