Away We Go - New Reef Set Up 230-250 gal

i was afraid i would have to ask lol....what is the few others in the QT? ;)

The tank is looking great.
Can't wait to see it filled and scaped.
Are you going to be using cured liverock?
How much of a cycle are u expecting for the system once you get it going?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14902671#post14902671 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zack33
i was afraid i would have to ask lol....what is the few others in the QT? ;)

The tank is looking great.
Can't wait to see it filled and scaped.
Are you going to be using cured liverock?
How much of a cycle are u expecting for the system once you get it going?


Long nose hawk and an Algae Blenny (Salarias Fasciatus)

We will order our live rock and sand from Richard at Tampa Bay Saltwater. The cycle time with that rock and sand will probably 2-3 weeks. We expect to have fish in the tank within the next 6 weeks or so. Patience is truly a virtue...and we struggle with it every day LOL!
lol i hear yeah on that one:)

I wish cycling had a fast forward button:) lol

Good luck, keep us posted
How tall is your tank? 31"?

Do you plan on accessing your tank from the front?

Might want to reconsider your return plumbing. It spans the entire front of your tank correct? I'd hate to have to reach over a pipe every time I wanted to access the front of a tank. Especially one that tall.

I think you could easily get by with a Dart instead of a hammerhead as a return. I think a Dart connected to two 1" sea swirls or wavy seas would be a nicer option. Just a thought.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14903639#post14903639 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
How tall is your tank? 31"?

Do you plan on accessing your tank from the front?

Might want to reconsider your return plumbing. It spans the entire front of your tank correct? I'd hate to have to reach over a pipe every time I wanted to access the front of a tank. Especially one that tall.

We will have access to the front, but mainly for feeding. The pipe makes it tough, but we have a ledge to stand on in the back of the tank, and since it is only 28" deep, the whole tank is easily accessible from the rear.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14903639#post14903639 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21

I think you could easily get by with a Dart instead of a hammerhead as a return.

I considered using a Dart, but my return piping ended up being over 19', and I was looking for about 2500 - 3200 gph for the return. With that much return, the hammerhead was needed to get over 2500 gph flow.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14903639#post14903639 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21

I think a Dart connected to two 1" sea swirls or wavy seas would be a nicer option. Just a thought.

I was considering this as well, but I decided to use the OM 4-ways to create a constant barrel effect in the whole tank. The OMs are connected to 4 outlets at the bottom rear that will push water toward the front of the tank, then 4 more outlets at the front bottom of the tank that will push water at a 45 degree angle up toward the rear, then the drains are set up to pull water down the rear of the tank, thus creating a consistent barrel role moving water through all all areas of the tank. The returns needed to be focused across the front in order to push all of the top water toward the overflows directly. The Sea Swirls are great, as I have used them before, but this application called for a need to consistently direct top water to the rear overflow areas as "stuff" rolls to the top. Once I get the water in, I will post what the returns look like. Paul at OM really helped me to engineer this consistent water movement that leaves no place for food or waste to ever settle. If you have never spoken to Paul or seen his videos on how he moves water in a tank, look him up. He is a water current engineer...thanks again Paul!!!:beer:
I've spoken to Paul many times. Didn't realize your returns were there to assist a barrel. Makes sense now.


You realize 2500 gph is 10x turnover to your sump right? You really only need to move enough water to your sump to feed your skimmer. The rest just causes micro bubbles and noise. Trust me, I've been down this road. I bought a Barracuda for my 225. It was WAY too much. Went down to a Dart, still too much. I now run an Eheim 1262 as my return.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14905504#post14905504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
I've spoken to Paul many times. Didn't realize your returns were there to assist a barrel. Makes sense now.


You realize 2500 gph is 10x turnover to your sump right? You really only need to move enough water to your sump to feed your skimmer. The rest just causes micro bubbles and noise. Trust me, I've been down this road. I bought a Barracuda for my 225. It was WAY too much. Went down to a Dart, still too much. I now run an Eheim 1262 as my return.

The tank is 310 gallons, and I know the hammerhead is a lot. My skimmer will be fed directly from an overflow, and will feed directly into a refuge which will feed back into the sump. I really appreciate your input on my return pump. If it is too much, which with what you are saying it will be, I will downgrade it. According to the manufacturer, the dart would produce merely a trickle at 20 feet. They recommended it, as did others, but if it's too much, it's too much.

Thanks for looking out for us!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14917735#post14917735 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blindside
Looks like you guys are almost finished! Good luck with the water test!

Yeah. I think we are about through. The only important thing we are not done with now is the work under the house. I can't wait for the water & I'll be so glad to get the house reorganized. It seems every surface for 3 rooms has been covered with stuff. We had enough pipe and pieces around to open a plumbing supply store...:lol:
Quick Update:

Finally finished the "Under the House" project this week. We had to build 2 30" square 12" deep footings and build new columns. We sistered the original joists, and added cross members to the joists that were sistered. I will get pictures of that up soon. Thanks to Mike for doing that work for us.

Today we tested the plumbing...found a few leaks. I only filled it up about 6" to test. I still have the protective paper on the front, but we will take it off most likely tomorrow. Bar and front of tank almost finished. Tank room is complete exept for the ACIII programming of which I am sure we will need help.

Will post pics tomorrow.

Expecting to have it full of salt water within 14 days!!!
We started adding water this weekend. Here are a few pictures. More to come. You may notice in one picture that the drain has a plug in it...found a small leak this morning, so I had to plug the drain to fix it. RO is making about 120 gallons/day, so we are still waiting on it. I will post better pics of the lights and water movement soon.





This is a picture of how the flow will move water. Water pushes from the rear bottom to the front, then from the front up 45 degrees towards the rear, then the drains are set up to pull water back down the rear wall in order to create a barrel roll effect. I am using 2 OM 4ways and 2 Gold Dart Pumps.

Just a quick shot of the lights in the fish room. 3x400w, 1 250w, 4x24w T5, 4x90W T5
looking good:)

Forgot to ask, when do you think that you will be aquascaping, i can't wait to see what you go with this tank.

kepp us posted:)

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We are about to order our sand and rock from TampaBaysaltwater. I need to ask for your advice on clean up crews. We have read that you should have 1 hermit crab for 10 gallons, and the same for snails. Most of the online stores sell them as 1 per gallon. I have read many threads and opinions about this. It will be a few weeks before they go in, but what are your thoughts on the number of snails and hermits for a 300 + gallon SPS tank?
You gotta love this hobby.....we get the pleasure of sharing and seeing people's dreams come true. Looking good ........
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15026428#post15026428 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zack33
looking good:)

Forgot to ask, when do you think that you will be aquascaping, i can't wait to see what you go with this tank.

kepp us posted:)


Zack, We are hoping to get the rock and sand in during this long weekend if possible. I'm ready to get this cycle started.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15043137#post15043137 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mtome
You gotta love this hobby.....we get the pleasure of sharing and seeing people's dreams come true. Looking good ........

Thanks. I think it is coming together nicely and pretty close to what was actually planned! I was sort of shocked actually. I'll keep my fingers crossed that this continues to be smooth sailing, but now the water is in, so let the games begin.....:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15042614#post15042614 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gieser
We are about to order our sand and rock from TampaBaysaltwater. I need to ask for your advice on clean up crews. We have read that you should have 1 hermit crab for 10 gallons, and the same for snails. Most of the online stores sell them as 1 per gallon. I have read many threads and opinions about this. It will be a few weeks before they go in, but what are your thoughts on the number of snails and hermits for a 300 + gallon SPS tank?

I personnaly do not like hermits therefore i would go with, 1 per 30 gallons:)

I would go with 1 snail per 5 gallons or so, after time, you might find the need to add more:)


There is a thread on CUC's going on another forum. I'm surprised how many people just don't add crabs anymore period. I was thinking of adding very few. When we had our old tanks, people were adding hermits like crazy. It's funny how things change over the years. I hope more of you chime in with opinions on this to help us make up our minds. We need to get stuff ordered:)