Bonsai Tree inspired Aquascape

I want to start this by thanking crazy4acros for inspiring me to revamp my entire system! As you can see from the picture I desperatly needed an upgrade.. I went from a 30 gal Oceanic (that I tryed to modify myself) to a 34 gallon Solana so a whoping 4 gallon upgrade! But as you can see by the pics the Solana looks 100x better and has inspired me to revamp my tank. Like I said crazy4acros was my inspiration, while I was drilling my rock & bending my acrylic I actually had a pic of his tank on my computer for referance! I wanted to try a diffrent method so I bent a 5/8th inch acrylic rod to my desired shape and smashed my 40lb rock into smaller rocks. I then drilled holes in my smaller rocks and put them onto my acrylic structure. I hope everyone likes it!

30 gal tank before my upgrade...ugly I know

Empty Solana w/ bent acrylic rod

Finished product



I phone pic

All I need is a few more ORA/tyree frags and time to let everything grow!
:eek1: WOW VERY NICE mattnano great job!!! I used a similar method in my previous tank but with PVC I covered the pipe with pieces of rock zip tied together although I still used a rock for a base. Love the way you used a piece of acrylic for the base looks like it works perfect for a smaller scale. Please anyone who has redone their aquascape feel free to post up and share your pics here.:D

Thanks! It feels good to get complamented by the master! Sorry if i hijcked your thread:eek: ! I was a little hesitant to use the acrylic becaue when I dry tested it sagged quite a bit but water adds buoyancy to the rock and it seems to be holding up just fine! evan when I put my Vortech on the side to make a "wave"
Thanks again crazy!
mattnano- How did you attach the acrylic rod to the Acrylic sheet? I have wanted to do something similar, but was afraid that it would fail over time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13917720#post13917720 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by crazy4acros
I used a similar method in my previous tank but with PVC I covered the pipe with pieces of rock zip tied together although I still used a rock for a base.

This is what Im thinking of doing. So how did that way turn out?
Thanks for the comments I decided to finally get a build thread up so that this gread thread can get back on track! Its over @ the nano section on reefcentral. Thanks again crazy for the inspiration! I am sure that mmannyyy people will be reaquascaping to try & match/mimic your unique design.
AJ Duran, 1/2 inch for the top plate and about a pencil size for the overhang, keep in mind the zipties and putty for added strength.

bheron, It worked out just fine however, this time around i wanted it to look more like the rock has naturally formed in that structure rather than a cluster formation.

mattnano, Thank you and once again great job! Im glad my tank has inspierd you.
WOOOOHAAA! Nice PISITH, looks like an exact replica of my tank! Great Job dude! It's like my tank has children lol looks great!
Bautyfull tanks!
It´s impressive how you guys had set them up almost exactly the same...
I´m thinking giving this idea a shot on my 120G... i´ve got lot o rock to play with, maybe it turns in something at least 10% of yours great job.
Best wishes!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13933931#post13933931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PISITH
Your tank to inspired for me to set up my tank.:D



Bigger pics of his tank:p
at the beginning

as of now

Here are some photos of one structure in progress:





just various angles, note I only used epoxy, adhesives, and zip ties for this. I plan to remove the zip ties once the epoxy cures. I have a second one I need to build once I cure this sculpture. Thanks for the inspiration crazy.