Brightwell Aquatics NeoZeo method.

It should be around 10 drops per day not 10 ML a day. I am more than 2 and a 1/2 times your water volume however and only do about that amount. It's really going to depend on the amount of corals you have, their size, and their uptake.
You Brightwell Aquatics product users might want to take a look at this thread.

Lets remember, this is the SPS forum for one second and read this.
I think that many people like zeovit, and it is fine for them. It certainly cannot be argued that it doesn't give color to certain corals.

I don't care that much for some of the colors it seems to give, and I'm not sure I like the premise of driving zoox levels down so low, possibly to unnaturally low levels by starving them and/or poisoning them.

I'd also argue that it is an SPS coral centric system, and that's not my focus or interest in reef keeping. At the moment I do not have any SPS, and I don't have any plans to get any.

I also tend to not like products that do not say what they are. It is also pretty expensive.

And no disrespect to RHF, but I'll take my chances using a product developed by someone who is in the business over someone who uses ice melt and fried baking soda any day of the week.;)

Pretty obvious there is a hidden agenda or at the very least a whole lot of jealousy here.

Opinions are like, well you know that one....

Lets see some hard facts as in your testing instead of that can't work cuz all the books say bla bla bla.

My testing and results say otherwise, and I am at about 98% SPS.
Pretty obvious there is a hidden agenda or at the very least a whole lot of jealousy here.


Now that is just plain funny :D

Randy's only agenda is sound science, and considering he's a Phd chemist with numerous drug patents to his name, I highly doubt there is any jealousy involved ;)
Lets remember, this is the SPS forum for one second and read this.

And no disrespect to RHF, but I'll take my chances using a product developed by someone who is in the business over someone who uses ice melt and fried baking soda any day of the week.;)

No disrespect , but overpaying for products created for people that want to pay more money for extras is what business is all about.

Now that is just plain funny :D

Randy's only agenda is sound science, and considering he's a Phd chemist with numerous drug patents to his name, I highly doubt there is any jealousy involved ;)

C'mon now...You and I both know Randy sits around and tries to worry about his interent ratings and message board acceptance just as much as you and I do :twitch:
, but I'll take my chances using a product developed by someone who is in the business over someone who uses ice melt and fried baking soda any day of the week.

You are right, Chris is in the business to sell you products. Without you (and others) buying them he and many others like him would not be in business at all. Right?

So are you saying Brightwells products are superior to "ice melt" and "fried baking soda" ?
And no disrespect to RHF, but I'll take my chances using a product developed by someone who is in the business over someone who uses ice melt and fried baking soda any day of the week.;)QUOTE]

if you use any brand of 2 part you use ice melt and baking soda.

im pretty sure some one on the forum here found where the major 2 part makers get their ingrediants from and it was from the same people the ice melt came from.

no disrespect to you but i would rather take the advise about chemistry from a phd who doesnt have his hands in my pocket than some one who, although is a nice guy, is still trying to sell me something.
I'm going to have to side with Randy. Without Randy's input here on RC, we would be running from one snake-oil remedy to the next. Keeping these companies accountable to their claims is in everyone best interest. (just my 2 cents)
just admit it, we're all looking for the snake oil that actually works. Even us that have sworn not to buy anymore, still get the urge once in a while. There are some amazing tanks with owners who swear by all these products, but if you read their thread they all have the best skimmers and are obsessed with the hobby. This hobby is like anything else you get out of it what you put into it. Its still fun to try new products once in a while. Its like playing the lottery. Maybe we need to have a reefers hotline like they do for gambling.
I do use the MB7 and BioFuel. I also use a few zeovite additives and Randy's 2-part solution too. Maybe I do need Reef Keepers Anonymous .. LOL At least my wife thinks so !
I think everything helps a little. From water changes to $400 water pumps ! My tank was bare live rock until I started the NeoZeo system. Just pick your snake-oil wisely.


I'm not qualified to argue with a scientist, but I do find it odd that someone would bash a product without having some kind of hands on experience with it. I could really get on board with his views if RHF were to actually keep SPS and experiment with the products in question and post results that were negative or proved they were detrimental to the health of the corals.

Instead, all I've been seeing is people who are using these products and having excellent results. You can spout out all kinds of chemical equations and such but it's hard to argue with real life results and the pics to prove them.

Just because someone is unnaturally smart and has impressive credentials doesn't mean they're never wrong. Draw your own conclusions and realize there is more than one way to keep a successful reef. My LFS keeps an amazing SPS tank with a SSB, and a sump chock full of ceramic cylinders and it's been running for 5 1/2 years. The products and methods that really work will stick around and the ones that don't will fall by the wayside because the layman majority will share their results.
my wife just thinks I'm nuts.........." you bought that bottle of vodka for what ! The fish tank? are you crazy ???? "

I also use MB7 and a few other BW products
That's one of the problem I have with zeovit additives ... I'm not sure whats in the bottles.
At least BW tries to label the ingredients.

OK here's my before and after photo again .... The after is always changing since the coral is still alive and growing.

Before NeoZeo

After NeoZeo
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I'm not qualified to argue with a scientist, but I do find it odd that someone would bash a product without having some kind of hands on experience with it.
Couldn't agree more.

I could really get on board with his views if RHF were to actually keep SPS and experiment with the products in question and post results that were negative or proved they were detrimental to the health of the corals.
Can I get an Amen up in here?

Instead, all I've been seeing is people who are using these products and having excellent results. You can spout out all kinds of chemical equations and such but it's hard to argue with real life results and the pics to prove them.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Just because someone is unnaturally smart and has impressive credentials doesn't mean they're never wrong. Draw your own conclusions and realize there is more than one way to keep a successful reef.
Nuff said
Now, lets get back on topic, and stop talking about what works well for softies. This is the SPS forum after all, and a thread dedicated to the Neozeo system.
I'm not qualified to argue with a scientist.

Instead, all I've been seeing is people who are using these products and having excellent results. You can spout out all kinds of chemical equations and such but it's hard to argue with real life results and the pics to prove them.
exactly, you arent qualified.

the paragraph i just linked made me laugh. what hes trying to say is that you would get these results with good husbandry alone. wich is why they get good results, not from some sbnake oil product
I'm not qualified to argue with a scientist, but I do find it odd that someone would bash a product without having some kind of hands on experience with it. I could really get on board with his views if RHF were to actually keep SPS

No one (including Randy) is "bashing" anyones products. You can believe what you want but I believe what Randy and others are trying to point out is that some of the claims printed on the bottles and containers are impossible in chemistry. One does not need to have first hand experience with a product to know that you can not match all major ions in synthetic salt to natural seawater like NeoMarine claims, down to the .001ppm in every bucket. One does not need first hand experience to know Brightwells solid magnesium product can not be 43% magnesium by weight, which it claims to be on the label. These are just 2 examples of misleading product representation and there are many more. For these reasons I choose personally not to use any of his product because I feel I cant trust any of the product claims or ingredients. So therefore I dont know what is in the box, bag, package, packet, container, or bucket. This is why I will stick with ice melt (a product a real chemist has done extensive tests on the impurities so we know exactly what is in it) and fried baking soda!