Getting ready to consolidate tanks here in a bit and I think this may help with my current 40 breeder. Before the merge

It has an outbreak of something for which I have no idea what it is. It is on the surface, side of tank/glass walls but not on any of the rocks. I don't plan on moving water but I do plan on moving live stock, rock, and corals.
I've re-read the thread but since having mostly a soft coral system I wanted to just make sure I understood what the general consensus is when using this product.
1. Seems most are keeping their skimmers running, correct?
2. Coral friendly? Xenia, hammers, Kenya tree, small green button polyps, golden leather.
3. How about bubble tip anemones? I have 6 rose.
4. Fish and snails - I don't recall reading about any impact.
Everything I've read so far it would appear no negative impact to livestock or coral. I've placed an order for 10 tablets so we'll give it an honest go.