Bubble King Skimmer Club

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I am (still) trying to join but my membership keeps being delayed. To that end I have a few questions....

300 External Question:

* I understand that the output tube adjusts from about 15" - 20" (measured from the bottom of the T-coupling. Is this height adjustment the primary control for the level of water in the skimmer?

* I notice that the skimmer also has the tube adjustment (the one where you turn the tube to restrict water flow); I am guessing that this is for fine tuning the output flow??

* Can this skimmer be mounted internal also? It appears from images I have seen that the base is PVC or something similarly water proof?

* How 'external' are they? Most important I am interested in small leaks, salt creep, etc.

I ask because the top of my sump sits 22" up from the floor, so if I change to an external skimmer I would need to have the output "higher". I guess I would also need to build an enclosure since this all sits in my living room.

* I understand that the output tube adjusts from about 15" - 20" (measured from the bottom of the T-coupling. Is this height adjustment the primary control for the level of water in the skimmer?

Not for me. You set this water level and use the tube adjustment for day to day adjustments.

* Can this skimmer be mounted internal also? It appears from images I have seen that the base is PVC or something similarly water proof?

I believe you could. It is pvc/plastic. Very sturdy. I'm partial to external mounts, a bit cleaner in my mind anyway.

* How 'external' are they? Most important I am interested in small leaks, salt creep, etc.

Very water proof. I've never had an issue.

I ask because the top of my sump sits 22" up from the floor, so if I change to an external skimmer I would need to have the output "higher". I guess I would also need to build an enclosure since this all sits in my living room.

I'd have to see this to completely understand but in general having an external above the sump in regards to drains is ideal. I built a small platform in my stand so the BK drain would be above my sump water level and free flow out the drain.
Dwyer Meters

Dwyer Meters

I'd like to buy a Dwyer meter for my SM250.
What do I need to buy besides the meter itself? Any connectors?
Not for me. You set this water level and use the tube adjustment for day to day adjustments

Not having a manual I am not sure I understand this. How do you adjust the water level in the skimmer?
I'd like to buy a Dwyer meter for my SM250.

Yea you'll have to do some adapting, how much depends on the model of Dwyer you get.

Not having a manual I am not sure I understand this. How do you adjust the water level in the skimmer?

Not sure how to completely explain it. They are both adjustments to the water leaving the skimmer. Thro the drain pipe. As you telescope the drain pipe you are moving the water level in the skimmer body up and down.

Down "telescope" More flow leaves hence lower liquid level inside the skimmer body. [Dryer skimming]
Up "telescope" Less flow leaves the skimmer body...more bubbles come out the riser. [Wetter skimming]

The tube adjustment restricts flow as well, only in smaller amounts due to it's wedge shape.

A good analogy is the "telescope" is a ball valve and the tube is a gate.
Great explanation; what you explain is pretty much what I expected. Thanks for the clarification?
I received my 180 mini this afternoon. I was so excited to get home and get it set up.

This thing is truely amazing. I had it dialed in within 2 minutes.

Here are some pics...


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12339660#post12339660 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
Welcome to the club, dobbs! Looking good. Keep us posted :)

Will do. This is my first purchase for my Teck 120 build.


Hello everyone,

I thought I'd start a thread on my Oceanic Tech 120 build.

Please follow along, share ideas, offer opinions and/or suggestions...as I still have a lot of planning, researching, and shopping to do yet.

The tank, and the stand, will be ordered this week. I have a quote of $1198 for both...from the LFS. I visited Peggy at All-Reef yesterday. If she can match that price - I will order it from her...a supporting vendor.

The tank will have black trim.

The stand will be natural oak.

Lighting -
I will be using my current lighting. It is a 48" Outer Orbit fixture. I'm running 2 - Ushio 150W 10K HQI MH's, with anther 260 watts of dual actinics. I have been using this for nearly 2 years now. I have great growth and color. I see no need for a change.

Skimmer -
This is where I did not want to skimp. After much research - I decided to order a Bubble King 180 Mini. I found one at *removed*s. It was used for 3 months. $749 shipped.

Sump -
I am currently seeking quotes, suggestions, and opinions on my custom sump design. I'm thinking of doing a DSB in the fuge. To clean up the area under, and along side the stand - I decided to build my two-part, and my top-off storage into my sump.

Sump - Lighting -
TBD with your help...

Sump - Return Pump -
TBD with your help...I'm looking for power savings, internal, and something that will handle 900 - 1200 gallons/hour

Additional Flow -
I'll be using the 2 Tunze 6055's that I currently use in my 75. I'll probably add 2 more. The 4 will be controlled by my Tunze 7095 Multi-controller.


Dosing & Top-off -
I'll be using my Aqua Medic Quad doser.

Heating & Cooling -
TBD with your help...

Thanks for lookin...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12339290#post12339290 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
This was recommended to me:


I'm looking at model #23

I've never used a Dwyer meter before, don't know how to set it up, etc. Can you tell me what I need to buy, how to set up?

I would STRONGLY advise AGAINST an RMA series meter...they will restrict A LOT of the air flow. Get at minimum an RMB...but, you just ponied up for a BK, so you can probably afford the RMC meter :D(which will have the LEAST restriction from the meter.). The stainless valve on the meter is a really nice addition, especially if you'll be leaving it hooked to the skimmer all of the time...it will allow you to use the meter to dial the airflow back if you need to.

You'll need to buy 1 fittings to connect your airline to the meter...but, if you want to continue using the silencer and have the meter hooked up full time you'll need 2 fittings, a fitting for the top of the meter and another for the bottom of the meter. Personally, I like to size the fitting one barb size larger to avoid any restriction from the fitting itself....ie. if you have 1/4"ID airline, get a 5/16" barb fitting for your meter. You'll have to work a little to get the smaller ID airline on....I like to heat the airline yup with a lighter, and force it over the oversized barb...once cooled, it will hold its shape.
Jeff, I know absolutely NOTHING about these Dwyer meters. If you think the RMB or RMC is a better choice and worth the money, then I'll go that route.

My plans are not to have it connected fulltime to my skimmer. I just want to use it every so often to see what I'm pulling

With that said, what would you recommend for me?

Do you have pics of how you set yours up? I'm still confused as to how to set one up! :eek:
I don't have any pics right now...and the batteries are dead in the camera :D

THey are really easy to set up though!!

Either way, if you can afford the RMC, get that one, if you can only afford the RMB, get that one, and if you can only afford the RMA....save up and buy an RMB ;)
LOL, RMA is out of the picture then! Point taken!
I hope they're easy to setup. Sounds complicated from your previous post :p
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